As Lin Tai said, he also glanced at his system prompt bar, and sure enough, the task was triggered again.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have triggered the quest Soul of Ancient China]

Mission Name: Soul of Ancient China

Task level: SSSS

Mission Difficulty: Lore

Mission objective: Find the ancient Chinese artifact lost in the universe, activate the special combat system

Mission description: Gu Huaxia was the first batch of creatures to enter the universe, but now they are nowhere to be seen. Please find the artifacts they left behind, and finally solve the secret of these people's disappearance.

At this time, because the leader of the Yaozu, Donghuang Taiyi, died, the newly revived Yaozu fell into chaos again in an instant.

This task is very important even for Lin Tai, and the difficulty is not low, it is a very challenging task.

Lei Zhen came to Lin Tai's side from the rear, looked at the corpse of Donghuang Taiyi in front of him, and said, "I, do I really want to transform into a 24 living alone in this plane?"

But Lei Zhen only hesitated for a moment, and then he understood his mission, he wanted to protect the whole earth, for which the power of the high god was necessary.

And what he has to do now is to become a high god, the second high god since Lin Tai, so that he can have the opportunity to protect the safety of people on the earth.

"Lord Shura, I'm ready."

At this time, Lei Zhen walked in front of Lin Tai and said.

"Well, you click on the task to complete it, and I will help you."

"it is good."

Lei Zhen nodded solemnly, and then confirmed that the task was completed. Immediately, the body of Donghuang Taiyi in front of him began to shake, and soon turned into a ball of black light again.

Immediately afterwards, the power in the ball of light struck towards Lei Zhen in front of him.

Lei Zhen's body froze, and he was enveloped by this black power on the spot.

"Damn it, you dare to destroy my body, but now I can use this body to resurrect, you miscalculated!"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice suddenly came from Lei Zhen's mouth, and Lei Zhen's current situation is also quite bad.

It seems that the lower god Lei Zhen forcibly absorbed the godhead and divine power of the upper god Donghuang Taiyi, so there was a serious backlash, and there was even a risk of seizing the house.

"Dragon Queen, control him!"

Lin Tai also issued an order.


The black dragon and dragon queen also let out a roar in cooperation, and Lei Zhen's struggle was relieved a lot.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon queen walked up to Lei Zhen's side, and said to the black energy on the surface of his body: "If you are alive, I can't do anything to you for the time being, but you are already dead, so it's better to admit this little soul energy." it is good!"

As he said that, the Black Dragon Dragon Empress directly raised his hand and held Lei Zhen's heart in the void. Suddenly, Lei Zhen stopped struggling completely, and his body also began to continue to absorb the black energy around him.

"Damn, damn!"

Donghuang Taiyi said angrily: "I have no grievances or enmities with you, why did you come to harm me like this?"

Donghuang Taiyi immediately said: "As long as I occupy this body, I don't have to be your enemy, and I can also be your subordinate just like him [I'm better than him]



Lin Tai nodded to Donghuang Taiyi's soul, then suddenly changed his painting style 180 degrees, and said: "But you are not worthy of my trust.

As he said that, Lin Tai waved his hand directly, and slapped Lei Zhen's chest heavily, causing him to spit out a mouthful of black blood in an instant.

But when the dirty blood was spit out of his hand, Lei Zhen was shocked all over, and at the same time his body suddenly turned into a big fireball, flying straight into the air.

"It looks like a success."

Without feeling the existence of Donghuang Taiyi's soul, Lin Tai nodded in satisfaction, and then said: 'In this case, let's discuss who I want to take back.

"Take them away.

Lei Zhen suddenly said 667: "Lord Shura, the four elephant gods you gave me can summon the four elephant spirit beasts, all of which are fake high gods. And the heavenly dragons they are responsible for sealing are real high gods. If you bring them back, you can definitely protect our earth.

"Well, then you have to sacrifice your interests."

Lin Tai shook his head, and then said to him: "Although it will be difficult for you to leave this plane in the future, you can chat with us at any time, if you encounter difficult troubles

You can also tell us that someone will come to help you with an army at any time. "

"Well, I see."

Lei Zhen nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye, then."

Lin Tai waved his hand towards Lei Zhen who had become a high god but was permanently fixed in this plane.

"Goodbye, Lord Shura. No, goodbye, doctor."

Lin Tai also smiled, and then his body gradually became transparent in front of Lei Zhen until it disappeared completely. .

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