Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2054 Fighting The Beast Tide

The beast hordes from all directions began to continuously attack the galaxy where the earth is located.

At this time, Lin Tai was very calm, but Lin Tai's three teammates were a little worried, because the number of these enemies was too large. Even if Lin Tai could deal with them, the number of troops under their hands was still not enough.

Among them, only the Valkyrie Fire Phoenix is ​​relatively calm, because her own strength is at the level of a high god, so even if the arms are severely damaged, she can still kill a large number of enemies.

As for Woshinovsky and Thunder God, both of them are inferior gods with relatively average strength, and their current strength is far from enough to fight against such a huge herd of beasts.

"Don't worry, if you can't hold on, I will immediately send troops to support you."

As he said that, Lin Tai also went directly to the Xuanwu Formation in the north.

The Fire Phoenix, Thor, and Woshinowski went to the Vermilion Bird formation in the south, the White Tiger formation in the west, and the Azure Dragon formation in the east.

When Lin Tai came to the north, 110 saw that the beast tide in front of him had already started to attack the Xuanwu phantom released by the Xuanwu seal.

Xuanwu is a poisonous spirit beast. At this time, a layer of green quagmire-like liquid appeared around it, causing continuous damage to all surrounding enemies.

At this time, the monsters who came to attack were relatively low in level, so the damage they received in an instant was not low, and they began to be dissolved quickly within the duration.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw the Xuanwu Spirit Beast picked up a monster in its mouth, and directly bit it off.

"Well, after all, it is a pseudo-high god, and its strength is still very strong."

Lin Tai nodded, and then he stepped forward, a sharp blade appeared in his hand, and he swung forward suddenly.

Lin Tai's blow immediately created an open space in front of him.

The beast hordes that appeared in front of Lin Tai looked like flying saucers, but with a network of black stripes on the surface, they looked like light clusters.

This kind of flying saucer sneaked in the air, continuously shooting light green lines and hitting the Xuanwu in front of it.

Although the attacks caused by these arms are very weak, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands. The phantom of Xuanwu is still disappearing very quickly, and it seems that it will not last long.

Name: So Fia

Rank: God-level arms

Type: spaceship

Skills: slightly

Description: Sofia is a high-level life form from afar. It is said that it has the ability to make creatures mutate and be controlled by itself.

Seeing the enemy's ability, now Lin Tai also started to summon his own troops.

Facing Suo Fia in front of him, it seems that he can possess the ability to kill creatures and mutate them into monsters, which Lin Tai does not want to see very much.

If the dragon becomes very troublesome after being killed and possessed, it will also be a headache for Lin Tai.

Of course, it is still very easy to deal with the situation at hand.

That means you can get it without living things?

So the black magic warrior (ceed) summoned by Lin Tai.

The Dark Demon Warrior does not have a biological body, so naturally he will not be possessed by these monsters from the other side of the universe.

At this time, the black magic warriors rushed forward suddenly, and at the same time, the black sharp blades in their hands stabbed out continuously, quickly piercing Fia's body one by one.

And these guys are not as fragile as they seem on the surface, after being pierced, they are still constantly launching ray attacks on the black magic warrior in front of them.

"What the hell are these things?"

Lin Tai really doesn't know anything about them, but now he can only fight like this.

At the northern time, the black magic warrior was just beginning to fight with the opponent. His body made of demonic energy almost ignored the opponent's attack, and rushed forward to exchange blood with these flying saucer-shaped Suo Fia

Soon, Suo Fia died in front of Lin Tai one by one.

But at this moment, Lin Tai suddenly heard a very strange voice ringing in his ear.

[An overly powerful enemy is detected, threat level: 1933, immediately start the strengthening mode. 】

As he said that, Lin Tai saw that the one hundred trillion Sofia in front of him began to expand directly.

Although Lin Tai can immediately destroy them, but in order to obtain further information on Sofia, Lin Tai still resists the idea of ​​attacking immediately.

Soon, Lin Tai saw very clear shadows appearing in the bodies of these Sofia, which turned out to be mice.

Soon, the form of Sofia began to melt, and what Lin Tai could see was that these Sofia seemed to be directly attached to the surface of the mouse inside [and then its body suddenly began to mutate.

Sofia's body began to wither and shrivel up gradually, while the "mouse" inside it began to grow rapidly, and soon became covered with strange bumps and scales on its body surface, making a sound in the direction of Lin Tai. roar.

"You can even bring your own creatures in your body..."

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