Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2055: Destroying The Enemy

Lin Tai felt a little interesting about Suo Fia's transformation in front of him, and it seemed to be a behavior pattern that he didn't understand at all, which was simply too interesting.

Saying this, Lin Tai continued to walk up, and then saw these strange huge "rats" just kept attacking with their claws and teeth when they were fighting the Dark Demon Warrior, and it seemed that even the metal tail no use.

Moreover, the fighting methods of these huge "rats" are too mechanical, not like living things at all.

"Well, after being transformed and controlled, the original biological instincts also disappeared, right? This is always an insult to biological engineering~!"

Seeing this situation, Lin Tai suddenly lost a lot of interest in this kind of strengthening. In Lin Tai's opinion, the best mutation control is actually carried out without the opponent's knowledge, and cannot deprive the opponent of their biological rights. memory and - instinct.

Because once the memory and instinct have changed, then this is not the original existence, "it's not even as good as a replica with false memories implanted.

The monsters that appeared in front of Lin Tai were like this. These Sofia stored some animals in their bodies, and attached to these animals at critical moments, forcing these creatures to mutate and then become special existences.

It's just that Lin Tai also discovered that during this process, Sofia will also completely control the consciousness of these creatures, turning them into a mutated body that contains no creatures, but does not have biological instincts, and at the same time has considerable combat intelligence. low being.

"It's really boring."

Lin Tai shook his head, and then ordered to his dark warriors: "Kill them all!"

The black magic warriors nodded one after another, then their bodies trembled, and they all rushed up one by one.

Among them, the largest black magic warrior also rushed to the front. His body flashed and turned into a huge black mist in an instant, and surrounded him suddenly, enveloping more than a dozen mutated monsters.

Immediately afterwards, countless blades appeared in the black mist of this black magic warrior incarnation, directly piercing into the bodies of these mutated monsters, and began to tear their bodies.

Other black demon warriors also followed one after another. They gave full play to their ability to ignore most physical attacks, turned their bodies into black mist, enveloped the enemy, and then began to slaughter.

Although their efficiency is very slow, the success rate is very remarkable. It seems that it is very easy to kill these mutated monsters.

"Well, I just want to grab a few ropes to study."

Lin Tai said something nonchalantly, and then went straight to find a place to drink soda and popcorn and watch a movie.

But when Lin Tai was fishing, the other three positions were very fierce.

First of all, on the side of the Azure Dragon Circle, Woshinovsky is using the Green Dragon to fight against the enemy.

The enemy Woshinovsky faced was the cosmic worm, each of which was a small black hole, which could swallow everything into its own stomach crazily.

At this time, the thunder-attribute green dragon is constantly firing ripple-like thunder and lightning towards the surroundings, controlling the bodies of these cosmic worms, and then shooting them to death with lightning points one by one.

It's just that the green dragon's movements are really too slow, and now the job of killing the enemy is mainly on Woshinovsky's unit, the green flying dragon.

……ask for flowers……

It is impossible for flying dragons to inherit the powerful skills of the dragon clan. What they can rely on is their powerful physique, which is slightly inferior to that of giant dragons, and some special passive skills.

And the passive skill of the Green Flying Dragon is: True and False Twins: When attacking, there is a certain chance to pull out the power of dreams, causing additional damage equal to 75% of the current damage to the enemy.

The other skills, except for the flying dragon's breath, are basically weak normal attacks such as biting, flying, and claw strikes.

Of course, when facing this group of cosmic worms in front of him, physical attacks are still enough.

At this time, a large group of green flying dragons surrounded the cosmic worms in front of them, and sprayed out mouthfuls of flames, causing serious damage to the cosmic worms immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the group of flying dragons spread out, ready to use the fastest speed to kill this group of humble bugs who dared to provoke themselves.

But what they didn't expect was that the teeth and stomachs of this group of cosmic worms were really terrifying.

The moment the flying dragon rushed up, the group of cosmic worms directly sprayed out a large amount of corrosive gastric juice.

Although it is difficult for these gastric juices to cause immediate damage to the flying dragons, their fangs pierced into their flesh just as the scales of the flying dragons were softened.

The bodies of many cosmic worms have been cut off, but the heads are still on the bodies of these flying dragons, constantly tearing at each other's flesh and scales.

And when the body was destroyed, gastric juice also began to seep into the flesh and blood of the flying dragon.

"It's a little troublesome." Looking at the situation in front of him, Woshinovsky couldn't help but frowned. .

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