The little monsters are still very easy.

Lin Tai immediately released his own blue dragon without any action, and then ran over it without any hesitation at all.

Even though the stats of the angel-type units are high, they are still far behind the dragons, and their ability to confuse life is useless to the dragons, so it can be said that they are completely restrained.

You know, it would take millions of years for even the ancient gods to confuse the dragon race, and any perfect ancient Shendu is at the same level as God, what can these fallen angels do? Are you kidding me?

Countless fallen angels were directly torn apart by the blue dragon, and then Lin Tai and Thor moved on.

Soon, the blue dragon army stopped, and a strange figure appeared in front of Lin Tai.

These turned out to be three upper gods!

That's right, all three are highgods, and this is the first wave of tests!

In fact, the projections in this dungeon are all low god level, only the 24 bosses in the last level are middle gods.

But because of the addition of Lin Tai, the high god, the difficulty of the entire dungeon has been greatly increased, and it has even been promoted to a state where Thor is completely useless.

"Ha, never mind, let's go and have a look"

As he said that, a layer of special energy also appeared around Lin Tai, and then he directly walked towards the three enemies in front of him.

And these three enemies are three of the fallen angels, namely the Charming Angel, the Fallen Angel, and the Killing Angel.

In fact, the so-called Fallen Angel is Lucifer.

That's right, Lucifer is not the final boss of this dungeon.

Maybe many people mistakenly think that Lucifer is Satan, and then lead hell against heaven and God, but this is actually a serious mistake.

Because Satan is not a person, but a general term. Fallen angels with sufficient strength, such as enchanting angels, killing angels, and even Medivh, are all Satan, and they are also called "Satan" level fallen angels.

This is the true face of "Satan" as the leader.

So even if Lucifer comes in person, he is only a high god if he dies. Only the union of the entire hell is qualified to become the supreme god, fighting against God and heaven

To put it bluntly, these so-called fallen angels were only bewitched by hell after all and became his weapon against heaven.

"Three little high gods, easy."

As he said that, Lin Tai also summoned his own red dragon and green dragon to fight against the three trillion soldiers summoned by the three fallen angels in front of him.

And Lin Tai himself waved the Shura Purgatory Halberd in his hand, and rushed towards the opponent suddenly.

"Little human beings, they still..."

Before they had a chance to finish speaking, the Shura Purgatory Halberd in Lin Tai's hand drew an arc, and all three fallen angels were cut off immediately.

And there are certain souls in their projections, and they want to run away the moment they are killed.

But before they ran away, behind Lin Tai appeared the black skull of Sin Prison, and a large number of black tentacles stretched out directly, rolling towards the souls of the three high gods.

But the Shura purgatory halberd in Lin Tai's hand didn't stop.

It was also wrapped in a layer of dark power, which turned into three tentacles, quickly sweeping towards the enemy's soul.

"Damn it, are you an ancient god?"

The three highgod fallen angels roared, knowing that highgod-level projections are also very precious to them, and if they are absorbed by Lin Tai at this time, it will be a serious blow to them. [084412124 Feilu 03321

However, before they escaped, their souls were directly entangled.

Then Lin Tai began to fight with his own weapon.

In the end, the Supreme Artifact was even better, taking away part of the souls of Lucifer and the Charming Angel, but leaving part of the soul of the Killing Angel to Lin Tai's body.

"Really, this guy will still steal things from me..."

Lin Tai smiled speechlessly.

And Lei Shen was stunned. He never expected that the three powerful beings in front of him, who had terrified him and even made him unable to move, were killed by Lin Tai so easily.

These are all highgods!

Before he could react, the 3 trillion enemy units in front of him fell into a state of plummeting all attributes because they lost their masters, and were quickly wiped out by Lin Tai's 3 trillion dragons up.

A large number of giant dragons flew in the air, roaring excitedly, as if these enemies were not enough for their teeth.

"Come on, let's go ahead and have a look."


Lei Shen was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and immediately chased Lin Tai and rushed forward.

For the current Lin Tai, the enemies in front of him are indeed a bit too weak, and they are easy to kill, and every demon he kills will have their total attributes permanently reduced by 75% until their souls are restored. until the trauma.

And the one who finally appeared in front of Lin Tai was a false Supreme God.

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