Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2063: Aggregation Of Hell Curse

What appeared in front of Lin Tai was a red hell like a sea of ​​blood.

This is the projection of the body of hell, and it is also the final boss of this copy.

Name: Hell Cursed Aggregate (Projection)

Type: Monster

Rank: Pseudo-Supreme God

Attribute: unknown

Skills: slightly

Description: The cursed hell aggregate is a special space composed of depraved sins. The cursed hell aggregate uses its own power to corrupt a large number of angels and become their own puppets.

"Well, this is the final boss this time."

Lin Tai looked forward. At this time, the enemy had summoned seven billion demon troops waiting for him. At the same time, the cursed aggregate formed a huge figure above his body, which seemed to be waiting for him. Waiting for the arrival of Lin Tai.

The moment they walked over, they saw the hell-cursed aggregate suddenly startled, and at the same time, all the demon arms around him let out bursts of strange low groans.

And this kind of voice, which Lin Tai and Thor have never heard before, seems to be pure abyssal language.

Because the abyss is an absolute enemy, players cannot seek refuge in the abyss, and it is difficult for the two sides to communicate, so the language cannot be communicated directly.

At this time, the opponent directly attacked Lin Tai, and the weapon in Lin Tai's hand swung out in an instant, hitting the long sword in the opponent's hand head-on.

Both sides took a big step back at the same time, and Lin Tai, who was holding the supreme artifact, suffered a dark loss.

This is no wonder, after all, the other party is a projection of the world, and he has the power of the Supreme God, so there is no doubt that Lin Tai will suffer from the limitation.

But now in the dungeon, the strength of the hell-cursed aggregate has been infinitely weakened, and it is the weakest of the pseudo-supreme gods, and Lin Tai is holding the supreme artifact, so he still has a chance to kill it.

"Thunder God, you summoned your blue flying dragon this time to cooperate with me to resist the arms of these monsters."

Saying that, Lin Tai waved the Shura Purgatory Halberd again, and fired a blood-red energy blade towards the hell-cursed aggregate in front of him.


The hell-cursed aggregate also raised its hand to block, and an explosion suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, the intelligence of the projection of the hell-cursed aggregate is relatively low. At this time, the smoke covered its sight, so there was no reaction at all, and it just made a defensive action on the spot.

In the next second, Lin Tai's figure appeared in front of it.

The weapons of the two sides collided again.

But this time, Lin Tai's blood volume dropped a bit, and it recovered in the next second, and he was not repelled, but the body of the cursed aggregate body leaned back slightly.

"Sure enough, just as I thought, the intelligence of the projections in the copy is generally low. I have a chance!"

Lin Tai let out an excited laugh, and at the same time he swung the Shura Purgatory Halberd again, this time his attack was at least 30% faster than before.

The hell-cursed aggregate immediately noticed this problem, and also accelerated forward and swung the magic sword in his hand.

But at the moment when the weapons of the two sides were about to intersect, Lin Tai's figure suddenly turned like a ghost, and turned straight away from the hell-cursed aggregate.

In the next second, the Shura Purgatory Halberd in Lin Tai's hand swung forward again, hitting the cursed aggregate's waist, directly knocking him back one after another.

And when the smoke dissipated, the hell-cursed aggregate saw countless dragon units appear directly among its units, and their positions directly blocked the position where he launched the army formation.

Yes, this is Lin Tai's real intention.

Although his arms are inferior to the enemy's demon army in quantity, but in terms of quality, the strength of the giant dragon is definitely far superior to that of the demon dust.

Now he summons his giant dragon unit to the demon lineup, which is itself a restriction on the demons. Currently, the demons can't move normally at all, and can only watch themselves being slaughtered by the giant dragon.

Except for a small number of demons, their attacks really tickled the dragon scales, and they failed to pose a big enough threat to Shenlong at all.

Soon, the giant dragon directly resisted the siege of countless (good Zhao's) demons, and wiped out these little guys, and Lin Tai also suddenly drew a halberd forward, which was blocked by the cursed aggregate backhand.

But just after he blocked Lin Tai's blow, he saw a large group of dragons directly pounce on the body of the cursed aggregate.

Giant dragons are not easy to mess with. Although they are only god-level units and their strength is only equivalent to that of a demigod, they will still cause terrifying damage to the hell-cursed aggregate in an instant with a terrifying amount.

Seeing that the life value of the cursed aggregate began to drop rapidly, and when it dropped to 20%, the body of the cursed aggregate suddenly expanded.

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