Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2081 Against The Twin Gods

At this moment, a layer of black air emerged from the surface of Lin Tai's body, and at the same time, he also activated his special skill as a magic martial artist, dark transformation.

Dark Transformation: For three minutes, your all stats are increased by 150%, and all your resistances are raised to 85%. And when you are attacked by elements, you can convert them into dark elements to supplement your consumption and physical energy.

This skill is Mo Wusheng's big move, the effect is average, but it is very useful when fighting against enemies with elemental attributes. It can absorb an attack from the opponent to restore your own consumption.

But it is precisely because the ultimate move is aimed at the "seven-five-seven" anti-skill, so the creature Mo Wusheng is really not very good. After all, the ultimate ultimate move is only for elemental special attack.

However, there is something very peculiar in that the offset of Mo Wusheng can cross the level limit.

Ordinary invincible skills, such as the holy shield of the paladin and the frost shield of the mage, are theoretically invincible at the same level | the damage caused by the attack is higher than the defense power.


But Mo Wusheng's dark transformation is a very special existence, even if a twelfth-order minion uses dark transformation, it can block an elemental attack of the Supreme God.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent is using elemental attacks, otherwise it can only offset the part of its elements, and the remaining attacks will still fall on Mo Wusheng.

In the next second, the skill of the patriarch of the lizard people was triggered, and Lin Tai saw a huge stone hand coming out of the ground, and it grabbed Lin Tai directly.

And the black energy around Lin Tai's body absorbed the elemental part of the stone hand in an instant, and the remaining energy is naturally nothing to fear, Lin Tai directly raised his hand to disperse it, and at the same time, he flipped back suddenly , dodged the next attack of the patriarch of the young lizardman.


The patriarch of the young lizard people was also taken aback, he could tell that Lin Tai in front of him was a high god, but it never expected that a mere high god could block his blow.

You must know that the young patriarch of the lizard people, as a false supreme god, can already use some power that can only be mastered by the supreme god.

And the skill it used just now is the skill that the Earth Guardian Knight can only use when he reaches the Supreme God. The Hand of Earth Control can control the target for 300 seconds, and he can't attack the enemy in between, and can only bear the enemy's attack abruptly.

But the current situation has lost the control of the young patriarch of the lizard people, because Lin Tai actually counteracted its power of the supreme god, and even avoided his next attack.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of special brilliance erupted from Lin Tai's body, and at the same time he took a few steps forward suddenly, and Fengzhong's sharp blade stabbed towards the young patriarch of the lizard people in front of him.

The young patriarch of the lizard people who came back to his senses also raised the stone sword in his hand. While blocking the attack, he flipped his wrist, knocked away Lin Tai's weapon, and then hit Lin Tai's left half of his body with the force of the shock just now. .


A strange piercing sound sounded, and Lin Tai's body immediately turned into an afterimage and dodged the attack.

And when Lin Tai was fighting with the Lizardman Young Patriarch, Lin Tai was also controlling his own unit and was fighting against the Lizardman Young Priest's unit in another ring...

The arms used by Lin Tai are black magic warriors, while the arms used by the little priests of the lizardmen are spiritual men.

The spiritual man was a creature that competed with the lizard man for hegemony before, but in the end the lizard man was immune to spiritual attacks and control with the help of the "Dragon God", and finally allowed his own people to end the spiritual man.

The race of spiritual people is far stronger than most races in terms of low-end combat power. Their own spiritual power is very terrifying. A newborn baby has a mental power close to that of Einstein. Once an adult, everyone The brains of people are comparable to the supercomputers made by people on earth.

It's just that the concept of "god" does not exist in their race, and the strongest is the "saint", and any lizardman is no match for her, but in the end the dragon god made a move, and the god-level combat power instantly destroyed it, and then The spiritual people were enslaved by the lizard people and became their arms.

The original idea of ​​the Lizardman Young Priest was that the troops summoned by Lin Tai must not be stronger than the Spiritual Men, and Lin Tai must be distracted to fight the Lizardman Young Patriarch. In this way, 1.4 Spirit Man can certainly have the upper hand.

But there is something wrong with the Lizardman's less priest.

That is the army summoned by Lin Tai, which itself is part of his power. It does not have life or wisdom in itself, so it is naturally impossible to be controlled by spiritual people.

"Use mental oppression and control them!"

The young priest of the Lizardmen issued an order, and immediately the spiritual men of his unit began to release their spiritual power, gathered together and pressed towards Lin Tai's black magic warrior.

"Heh, do you want to use mental power to control my troops?"

Lin Tai laughed. .

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