Immediately afterwards, a layer of black mist appeared on Lin Tai's body, and then he swung the long sword with his right hand, blocking the blow of the lizardman patriarch.

At the same time, his left hand stabbed forward, and a short knife appeared in his hand, attacking the abdomen of the young patriarch of the lizardmen.


The patriarch of the young lizardman was startled, and quickly stepped back.

But after all, its speed still didn't have time to dodge, and when Lin Tai rubbed it lightly, a layer of scars appeared on the armor immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the young patriarch of the lizard people was once again wrapped in a thick layer of rock crystals, and Lin Tai's short knife was bounced off instead.

At this moment, on another arena, Lin Tai's unit, the Black Demon Warrior, surged with demon energy, spreading uncontrollably towards the surroundings.

The Lizardman Young Priest also wanted to let his own unit, the spiritual man, use spiritual power to suppress the opponent's spread, but it didn't work at all. Instead, he was constantly invaded by the demonic energy of the black magic warrior, and directly followed the spiritual power Invaded the brains of these spiritual beings.

"What, what's going on here? What the hell are these things?"

Seeing that his spiritual man is turning black crazily, the Lizardman Young Priest wanted to expel these energies, but found that this was simply ineffective. The powerful spiritual power of his own arms seemed to have no effect on the opponent at all, and the more If it is used, the faster the opponent invades.

Lizardman young priests never imagined that Lin Tai is an ancient god, and the power of the ancient god is the most terrifying invader in the world. Even stone and metal can be turned into flesh and blood by them, which is simply synonymous with horror.

At this time, the spiritual man of the young priest of the lizard people was gradually turning red, and the color of his body was getting darker and darker, approaching black.

I admit defeat, you..."

But at the moment when the young priest of the lizardman said this, suddenly the group of spiritual people controlled by Lin Tai all turned dark red.

They suddenly turned their heads to look at the Lizardman Young Priest not far away,

And just when the young priest of the lizard man let out a mournful wail, suddenly a large amount of mental power accumulated on its head.


There was a crisp sound, and then the head of the young lizard man exploded in front of everyone's eyes.

"Damn bastard!"

The patriarch of the young lizard people saw that his right arm and right arm were killed by Lin Tai, his eyes turned red with anger, and the armor on his body instantly turned red.


With a roar, a blood-red giant dragon phantom appeared behind the young patriarch of the lizard people, making his aura reach its peak in an instant.

"It's right here waiting for you!"

Lin Tai also laughed, and at the same time a huge black dragon shadow appeared behind him, and the blood-red dragon behind the young patriarch of the lizard people let out a tragic wail for a moment, and then disappeared.

"Lend me the holy artifact!"

Lin Tai let out a loud cry, and immediately the black dragon shadow behind him let out a roar, and in an instant, a large area of ​​land around him turned into lava, and many people under him began to retreat quickly

After all, these people are all players, and it didn't take long for them to become gods. After retreating for a while, they realized that they were no longer afraid of magma.

Lin Tai stepped forward, and directly raised his hand to block the giant hammer that fell from the sky by the patriarch of the lizard people!

In fact, this blow directly beat Lin Tai into a drop of blood, but the ancient god is not easy to kill, his ancient god passively resists death directly, and at the same time his rebound damage skill activates, instantly knocking out the opponent flew out.

In the next second, a black hole appeared beside Lin Tai.

As soon as he stretched his hand in, he grabbed the Asura Purgatory Halberd and came out in the next second.

This is his exclusive weapon, but the people around don't know about it, they thought it was temporarily lent to him by the supreme god-level dragon behind Lin Tai, so no one dared to snatch it

After all, this is the property of the Supreme God, and it is still a dragon. Don’t you want to die by stealing other people’s property? At that time, you will be rejected by the rules of the universe, do you still want to hang around?

The Shura purgatory halberd in Lin 337 Tai's hand suddenly swung down, the patriarch of the lizard man wanted to escape, but felt that his breath was tightly locked.

"This, this is real..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Shura Purgatory Halberd directly struck its body, cutting off its flesh and blood on the spot.


Seeing this scene, all the players around, including the four pseudo-superior Shendu, were drenched in cold sweat.

They are not the opponents of the young patriarch of the lizard people in one-on-one, and even Yu Xing Tian Punishment was taught a bit badly.

But they never expected that the person who could defeat them would be easily killed by this weapon, and even his soul would be swallowed.

And after seeing the black skull behind Lin Tai and the tentacles on his body snatching the soul with the weapon, and only got three copies, they became even more convinced that this thing must not belong to Lin Tai, it is really arrogant!.

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