Lin Tai looked at what he had obtained, and after killing the young patriarch of the lizardmen, the divine power he snatched from the other party was basically equivalent to 30% of his own.

In addition to the stolen divine power, Lin Tai also obtained some special equipment from this false Supreme God.

Of course, most of them are meaningless to Lin Tai.

There is only one real Lin Tai available, what appears to be a brilliant gold gear-shaped pendant.

Name: Golden Wheel

Rank: Pseudo Supreme Artifact

Type: Jewelry

Attack power: higher

Effect 1: Damage superposition: Every time you attack, your own damage will be permanently increased by 35%, which can be triggered once every three seconds.

Effect 2: Damage Explosion: When you trigger the damage superposition, you can choose to give up the damage increase and cause an additional 95% of the current output fixed damage to the target.

Effect 3: Damage resistance: When you trigger the damage superposition, you can choose to give up 497 to increase the damage, so that you can get a layer of shield. The value of the shield is 75% of the damage you caused this time.

Description: After use, it can greatly improve your output ability.

"Well, although the effect of this thing is not particularly heaven-defying, it is indeed simple and unpretentious, and it can be used by most professions. It is a universal equipment."

As he said that, Lin Tai also equipped the golden wheel on his body on the spot, and the technical value was improved by a part immediately. This thing is a pseudo-highest artifact, and naturally it has a relatively high value, compared to what Lin Tai is using now. much higher.

Then, Lin Tai suddenly heard the voice of the Red Dragon Warrior: "We have found the location of the real totem poles, and the lizardmen in the r-07 galaxy control them, but we haven't been found yet. "

"Okay, just leave it to me."

And although this is what the Red Dragon Warrior discovered, the Red Dragon Warrior can't casually talk to the Red Dragon Queen, so now he has to contact Lin Tai, and ask Lin Tai to contact the Red Dragon Queen, Laike Straza, and tell her this thing.

After finishing speaking, Lin Tai also took out the scales of the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza, and then used his divine power to communicate with the other party.

"What's wrong?"

And the spiritual phantom of Ah Laike Straza soon appeared in front of Lin Tai.

Lin Tai looked at the Red Dragon Queen who had appeared in front of him several times, so he said: "I have found the real totem pole, and it is in the r-07 galaxy."

"Okay, I will let everyone in other positions go over immediately."

As he said that, Laike Straza, the Queen of the Red Dragon let out a roar, and immediately a large number of players and NPCs received the call from the Queen of the Red Dragon, Laike Straza, and immediately gave up the original battlefield, and then headed towards r -07 galaxy rushed out.

Soon, a large group of NPCs and players came to the r-07 galaxy with a terrifying number of troops, and the lizardmen who appeared here also had an ugly expression.

They don't know (ceee) how these creatures on the main plane sensed it, but they all became nervous, staring at the group of guys from the main universe that appeared in front of them.

It's just that the two sides haven't communicated, they are very clear that the other party is their life and death enemy, and there is no need to communicate with the other party at all.

Immediately afterwards, the powerhouses of the main universe rushed directly towards the enemy in front of them, while Lin Tai quietly found another place to approach.

Here, a figure appeared beside Lin Tai, this is a high god, the lizardman Stukavic, whom Lin Tai controlled with a disaster before.

At this time, Stukavic came to the camp of the lizardman and found a strong man of the high god in this galaxy, the lizardman high god named Grutel.

"Stukavitch, why are you here?"

At this moment, Grutel looked at the lizard man in front of him and asked a little strangely.

Then the lizardman Stukavic also said: "This time, a large number of people from the main universe came here, and it seems that they are preparing to start a battle against our totem pole, so now I also rushed over to help you. "

"That's great."

Grutel also nodded happily, and then said: "I still want you, you really deserve to be my best friend."

"Let's go, let's go to another place." Stukavic said: "I found a special beast in one place. As long as we can capture it, my combat effectiveness can also be greatly improved."


"It's around here."

As they said that, the two lizardmen also walked towards the direction that Stukavic was pointing, but what the other party didn't know was that at this time, his good friend Stukavic had been captured by Lin Tai, the main universe. The human beings are under control, and they are also preparing to plot against themselves.

"Is it right here?" Grutter asked as he walked, not seeing the beast. .

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