Suddenly, Stukavic hugged Grutel from behind.

"Hey, Stukavitch, what are you doing?"

Gretel said with some surprise.

But before he could react, Lin Tai suddenly appeared in front of it, and then suddenly punched Grütter in the abdomen.

Grutel spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, then its body flew out suddenly, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Damn it, Stukavic, you actually betrayed our race and attacked me with outsiders!" Grutel immediately said loudly: "Did you really betray? Hurry up and kill this guy with me, I I can let the past go, and I will not continue to talk about this matter."

"Hahaha, you stupid bastard!"

At this time, Stukavic's head also split open suddenly, and then many tentacles directly drilled out of his head.

"You, you are not Stukavic!" Grutter finally realized his problem, and said, "Then don't be a monster!"

As he said that, Grutter's body burst out with a burst of terrifying energy in an instant, as if he wanted to attack Stukavic and Lin Tai behind him on the spot.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a strange black seed with small tentacles that went straight into Grutel's ear.


Immediately, Grutel let out a wail, and then both sides started to retreat a certain distance at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of gray luster appeared on Lin Tai's body, and the seeds that got into Grutel's ear immediately began to take root and sprout, and soon penetrated into Grutel's brain , began to control it.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also looked at the back and said: "Go back first, and I will give you information in a while, and then you will immediately start violently launching indiscriminate attacks on the people around you, and beat the lizard people's actions. chaos.


The two highgod-level lizardmen nodded, then turned their heads and rushed back to the original camp, as if they were not controlled by Lin Tai.

And Lin Tai looked at the battle in the distance, and said: "Now I can check the opponent's situation, and I can cause serious damage to the Lizardmen at any time.

Thinking in this way, Lin Tai canceled the transformation card of Mo Wusheng on his body, and then brought his own troops to the frontal battlefield.

At this time, a large number of NPCs and players are already in place, and at the same time, Laikestraza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, also appeared in this place.

Because the Red Dragon Queen Laikestraza is very powerful and she is the supreme god with the laws of the universe, all other NPCs present regard the Red Dragon Queen Laikestraza as the leader of this operation.

And the Red Dragon Queen responded without hesitation, and then began to arrange the battle ideas and routines this time, preparing to cause a devastating blow to the lizardman in front of her.

"This time, the task of our strong players is to block the enemy's high-level combat power, and the task of the weaker players is to use the advantage of numbers to attack the enemy's totem poles and crystal chains, and use this method to prevent the lizardmen from attacking their main city. Teleported from the sub-plane to our main universe."

……ask for flowers…

The idea of ​​the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza is very correct, because the main city of the lizardmen can come to the main universe only by using teleportation, and once the totem pole is destroyed, the lizardmen cannot come here. It can be to let the player come over and rebuild a little bit.

But how much manpower, material and financial resources are needed to rebuild a main city! Once this happens, the potential of the lizard people will basically be exhausted, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for a long time. A strong man is born.

So from the standpoint of the lizard people, they must protect their totem poles no matter what, and then allow their main city to safely come to the main universe to settle down.

At this time, Laike Straza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, looked at Lin Tai at the side, and also said: "Lin Tai, this time the task of commanding the players is left to you, I hope you can fulfill my expectations.

"Please rest assured and leave it to me." Lin Tai nodded.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have accepted the mission issued by the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza, commanding the player to break the totem pole and the crystal chain. 】

Mission Name: Command Players

Task level: SSSS

Mission objective: Lead the players to break the totem poles and crystal chains of the Lizardmen

Mission Reward: Unknown

Mission description: The plan to prevent the Lizardmen from descending into the main universe.

"Well, I'm quite satisfied with that." Lin Tai smiled, and then said: "If that's the case, let the players get ready to attack immediately!"

And the players have been waiting impatiently for the pill. .

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