Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2094: Entering The Subplane

However, the four dragon kings are still very capable.

Although Lin Tai said so, the way to take the least loss overall is to let Lin Tai go to the sub-plane to seal the ancient god.

So after thinking for a while, the Blue Dragon Dragon King said: "How about this, the four of us will give you a small part of the power of protection on your body, so that you can use your power of protection to fight against the opponent at critical moments, even if you can't fight, The ability to protect oneself should still be there.”

"There is also the scale I gave you. After activation, you can reincarnate once without damage. This is also a relatively good life-saving ability." The Red Dragon Queen said.

At this time, the Green Dragon Queen also brought a rather special prop and said, "This is the dream sand I made, which can allow you to forcibly leave the battle and enter the dreamland during the battle."

"It's... well."

Lin Tai was finally convinced, and he said to the four dragon kings in front of him: "Then I'm going to enter this sub-plane now, 390, you guys help me tear a small crack in the dimensional wall."

"no problem."

This kind of thing is naturally very easy for the dragon king. After the four dragon kings endowed Lin Tai with the power of protection, the blue dragon dragon king directly tore a small hole in the dimension wall on the side with one claw.

"Then I'll go ahead, bye!"

He waved his hand at the four dragon kings, and then Lin Tai also got in, and the whole person entered this sub-plane.

At this moment, Lin Tai happened to see a strange thing, which was a group of fish creatures that had been sucked dry.

The size of these fish is very huge, and it seems that they should have existed at the level of a party's overlord before they were alive.

But now, these guys are all dead, and they are all dead ugly.

"Sure enough, it was the ancient gods who made a move. They sacrificed their disciples as their own blood and devoured them to restore their strength. Such a bad guy is really rare.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Tai also shook his body slightly, avoiding the corpses of these dead fish, and continued to walk forward.

Exploring the ocean world is very difficult, and Lin Tai himself is not good at water warfare, so he is also preparing to occupy the base a little bit, and then push it smoothly.

So after entering the ocean, Lin Tai quickly found a location with the fewest creatures, and then released his electronic dragon V.

The number of these five electronic dragons is a full one hundred trillion, and then they start to entangle each other and become a huge electronic chimeric fortress dragon.

This electronic chimeric fortress dragon is the fortress that Lin Tai wants to plant in this ocean, as his starting point to spread his influence towards the surroundings little by little.

It's just that he thought very well, but the ancient god who hid didn't give him this chance at all.

"My countrymen, you are here at last!"

Suddenly, a thunder-like sound sounded outside the Electronic Chimera Fortress Dragon.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw a very (cebe) terrifying black mist coming from a distance.

And in the black mist, there are still a large number of aquatic creatures that seem to be mummies, but are still alive.

In addition, Lin Tai just saw a huge tentacles with eyes protruding from the black mist, waving constantly in the ocean in front of Lin Tai.

At this moment, Lin Tai seemed to hear a voice saying to himself: "Come here, offer your tiny life..."

This voice is very tempting, obviously it is to send people to die, but it makes people can't help but want to do what the other party said, it is simply terrifying.

So at this moment, Lin Tai's soul prison suddenly appeared, and the surrounding air suddenly became crazy, Lin Tai could even feel his soul trembling

"what are you?"

Unexpectedly, after seeing the sin prison, the ancient god in front of him actually raised a question.

That's right, after seeing Lin Tai before, although both parties knew that the other party was an ancient god and of the same kind, neither of them knew who the other party was.

And now Lin Tai probably understands that the ancient god in front of him is Yogg-Saron, but Yogg-Saron doesn't know Lin Tai's prison at all.

He even wondered if Lin Tai was an ancient god. After all, he had never seen such an existence, whether in the Void or in the main universe.

"Forget it, no matter what you are, you have the power in your body that I need!" Yogg-Saron suddenly said in a frenzy: "Dedicate everything about you to me!"

Said, "A tentacle protruded by Ge Salong suddenly hit Lin Tai's body.

In Yogg-Saron's view, as long as he devours the creature in front of him with certain solitary characteristics, he will surely be able to accumulate enough power to break through the seal, and return to that beautiful world that can be polluted by himself at will, instead of Now this never-ending cage!

However, Yogg Saron never expected that although Lin Tai was weak, he was definitely not a guy to handle. .

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