At this time, Lin Tai also suddenly received a new system prompt.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have triggered the advanced task, Devour. 】

[Task Name: Devour]

[Task level: ssp]

[Mission Objective: Kill Yogg-Saron and absorb his power, strengthen and perfect your body of the ancient god]

[Task Rewards: Changes in race, rank, and job-industry]

[Description: This task will not disappear after completion, every time you kill an ancient god, you can get an extra reward. 】

"Well, this is how I evolve now."

While Lin Tai was talking to himself, Yogg-Saron's attack had landed on Lin Tai.

But at this moment, Lin Tai's life protection force played a role, forming a counterattack force on the spot and hitting Yogg-Saron.

"This is, the life guardian calendar?"

Yogg-Saron was even more surprised immediately, because he subconsciously believed that even if Lin Tai was not an ancient god, he must be a subordinate of his own kind, but what he never expected was that Lin Tai actually had the power to protect life force.

And Lin Tai rushed up when Yogg-Saron was in a daze, and at the same time, the power of the blue dragon appeared in his hand to protect him.

"Unshakable power!"

Suddenly, a blue dragon phantom appeared behind Lin Tai.

At this moment, Lin Tai grabbed Yogg-Saron's tentacles, then flipped his body in the water, and instantly dropped Yogg-Saron's tentacles from the trap.

Immediately afterwards, the Shura Purgatory Halberd appeared again in Lin Tai's hand, and the sin prison also bit Yogg-Saron's limbs.


In an instant, Lin Tai's attack landed on Yogg-Saron.

"Damn it, this is the supreme artifact!"

Yogg-Saron let out a miserable howl, now he only came out with this tentacle, his combat power was too weak, at this moment, he was possessed by the Supreme Artifact, and he still possessed the five kinds of guardian powers and the power of the ancient gods at the same time. The Supreme Artifact of Power, when its life value began to drop crazily.

At the same time, the sin prison bit Yogg-Saron's limbs, and then began to absorb the energy in its body frantically.

Almost at the same time, the Shura Purgatory Halberd seemed to be alive, stretching out countless small limbs and inserting them into Yogg-Saron's body, and together with the sin prison, they began to try to devour Yogg-Saron's body.

And the touch of darkness on Lin Tai's body also seemed to pounce on the opponent's tentacles as if facing a big enemy, and began to absorb and devour them continuously, but compared with the other two, the touch of darkness absorbs much more violently.

At this time, Lin Tai remembered the origin of the touch of darkness. It is said that an ancient god was killed by several other ancient gods when he just came, and was eventually eaten up, and some weaker parts were killed. They stayed and gave some of their subordinates to use.

Later, due to the continuous war, some of these touches of darkness were scattered out and obtained by others.


At this moment, Lin Tai raised the Shura Purgatory Halberd high, its terrifying energy erupted instantly, the active effects of the five guardian powers were triggered, and then it hit Yogg-Saron's tentacles fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai activated his skill again, covered in darkness, and controlled Yogg-Saron's tentacles on the spot.

In the darkness, Yogg-Saron's body began to smile quickly, and now it can't even have this idea, because it can't think in the darkness.

Soon, Yogg-Saron's body was completely absorbed by Lin Tai, and Lin Tai also noticed that his overall attributes had improved a lot, but he was still a little short of breaking through to become a false Supreme God.

So Lin Tai also looked around.

This time his task is to completely absorb Yogg-Saron, so the tentacle absorbed now is definitely not enough.

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai stretched out his hand and grabbed a middle god-level shark from the side, releasing the ancient god's breath directly.


This sea area is the place where the ancient god is sealed. Naturally, most of the creatures have lived near the ancient god for generations, and they are very afraid of the ancient god.

Seeing that he was caught by an ancient god with a very powerful aura at this time, this mid-god-level shark had no intention of resisting at all.

"Tell me, where is Yogg-Saron's seal?" Lin Tai asked immediately.

"I, I don't know...."

The shark directly communicated with Lin Tai with his own consciousness.

Then Lin Tai also said: "Then tell me, is there any place here that cannot be passed or is not allowed to approach,"


The shark thought for a while again, and then said suddenly: "By the way, in the middle of the ocean, there is a huge thing that looks like a pyramid. It contains terrifying energy. If the other party is there, it is likely to be there."

Lin Tai didn't fully trust this guy, but directly stuffed him into the Qiankun world.

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