At this time, Yogg-Saron can be seen.

Name: Yogg-Saron (Weak)

Faction: Void

Race: Ancient God

Rank: Complete Ancient God (Supreme God)


Mind control: Targets located in the black mist of Yogg-Saron, their sanity will continue to decline, and when their sanity is lower than 30%, they will be transformed into faceless men and controlled by Yogg-Saron

Psychic Shock: Causes a lot of shadow damage and reduces the sanity value of the attacked target by 9%.

Mind Link: Link the consciousness of two targets, as long as the distance between them exceeds 20 yards, the two players will suffer continuous shadow damage and lose sanity.

Mind Twisting: Causes less shadow damage, puts the target in a state of fear, and reduces Sanity. After the effect ends, if there is another enemy target within 10 yards, it will cause teleportation, which will increase the damage and reduce the sanity value of -.

Crazy Gaze: Staring at Yogg-Saron will disturb your will, and will reduce your sanity while taking damage. Face Yogg-Saron when Yogg-Saron is guiding Crazy Gaze․ The impact will be doubled.

Description: Yogg-Saron is an ancient god born from the void, possessing terrifying power.

In fact, when facing Yogg-Saron, most creatures will be affected. To prevent its influence on the spirit, you can only use lifeless metal and machinery

So Titan Guardians are pretty much all of that stuff.

After that, the ancient gods invented the ability of the opposing Titan Guardian, the so-called flesh and blood curse, which can transform mechanical life forms into flesh and blood creatures, and finally successfully solved this problem.

The person in charge of guarding Yogg-Saron is not this kind of guardian. He is a statue made of loess, conscious but difficult to be controlled by Yogg-Saron.

At this moment, Yogg-Saron looked at Lin Tai in front of him and said, "Help me out, and I can spare you for the sake of our being the same kind!"

"You are daydreaming!"

Lin Tai said: "I came here this time to prevent your resurrection!"

"Stupid bug, I'll bring you your worst nightmare!"

Yogg-Saron let out a roar, and all eyes turned to Lin Tai at the same time.

Lin Tai subconsciously summoned his ancient god body, Guillotine, and instantly a spiritual force formed a barrier around it, blocking its gaze.

Of course, this is just Lin Tai's subconscious approach. In fact, as an ancient god, he is completely immune to the effect of this skill of Yogg-Saron.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai began to unleash his own troops. The red, blue and green dragons and their heroes appeared around Lin Tai at the same time, and then suddenly attacked the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

Seeing a large number of dragons attacking him, Yogg-Saron was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Damn traitor, you actually joined the dragons!"

As he said that, Yogg-Saron suddenly opened his mouth wide, and then sprayed a large black mist forward.

There are countless eyeballs floating in the black mist, and there are countless small tentacles on each eyeball.

These are the arms of Yogg-Saron, the beholders.

Beholders are a kind of unit that is not particularly powerful, and their individual strength is weak, but when there are many of them and they are connected together, they will become quite terrifying.

...asking for flowers o...

Even the real titans have suffered from beholders before, and were embarrassed by them.

At this moment, the beholders summoned by Yogg-Saron combined together and turned into huge, cow-like creatures.

At this time, they rushed towards the dragons suddenly.

Naturally, the giant dragon looked down on these small things united together, and went up to meet them on the spot, ready to have a decisive battle with this group of beholders.

Lin Tai didn't think at this time that these little eyeballs could shake his dragon army.

But Lin Tai miscalculated.

If the giant dragon army could really deal with the ancient gods, then it would be impossible for the five dragon kings to be beaten so miserably in the battle with the ancient gods.

At this time, the Red Dragon Army rushed to the front, colliding with the beholder first.

But at the moment when the red dragons exhaled their dragon breath, the body structure of this group of beholders suddenly changed.

Their bodies suddenly turned light gray, and at the same time, the eyeballs on the surface of their bodies also disappeared at the speed of light.

Then, these beholder aggregates rushed up against the dragon breath of the Red Dragon Army.

In the next second, the beholders returned to their original appearance, and countless rays of light shot out from their bodies towards the surroundings.

The power of these rays is not very high, but the surface of the body of the dragon that was hit suddenly began to turn gray.

These grays spread rapidly on their bodies, and soon the first red dragon completely covered in grays appeared.


It let out a roar suddenly, and then with one paw, it sent a similar creature beside it flying out, and fell to the ground fiercely. .

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