Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2101 The Scary Beholder

This is the skill of the beholder, and it can be absorbed rationally.

Sanity Absorption: Absorb 0.1% of the sanity of the attacked target, and the effect will be doubled continuously for 0.5 seconds. If hit within the duration, the effect will be superimposed directly regardless of the time. If it is killed within the duration, the absorbed sanity will be returned to the opponent.

And this skill, when countless beholders shot it, naturally became a reminder.

A large amount of sanity absorption hit a target at the same time, and its sanity was emptied in an instant, and its body was also controlled by Yogg-Saron in front of him.

This is the case now.

The sanity of the red dragon that Lin Tai summoned from "880" was lower than 10%, so he was directly controlled by the opponent and became a monster of Yogg-Saron.

And after the sanity is lower than 10%, the arms are controlled by Yogg-Saron, and the attributes have been strengthened, which is much stronger than the original red dragon.

"Damn, this skill is too rogue!"

As Lin Tai said, he quickly summoned back all his troops, and then retreated quickly.

You must know that these beholders are now connected together as a whole, and they can also use various skills to keep themselves immortal, so Lin Tai cannot easily kill them.

If it really comes down like this, Lin Tai's giant dragon army will be wiped out.

Even in Lin Tai's Qiankun world, more than 10,000 red dragons mutated on the spot and were wiped out by other red dragons.

After all, there is still strength in numbers.

"You are not my opponent!" Yogg-Saron saw Lin Tai recalling his troops, and took the opportunity to say: "Surrender to me, and I can give you greater power!"

With that said, a large number of faceless men appeared behind Yogg-Saron again, and together with them, a group of mutated beasts appeared.

"If you can't use the words of the dragon, then I have only one choice."

Saying that, three trillion black magic warriors appeared in front of Lin Tai. They are part of Lin Tai's will, and the hero is Lin Tai, so they will not be affected by each other at all.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, the Dark Demon Warrior is still inferior to the giant dragon.


As Lin Tai said, the black magic warriors in front of him rushed towards the beholder.

The beholder released sanity absorption again, but when these pale white light beams hit the black magic warrior, they got the feedback that the other party opened their eyes for this attack.

"Heh, a unit created with the power of the ancient god itself." Yogg-Saron also smiled, and then his beholder unit began to retreat, and then a large number of faceless men rushed towards Lin Tai .

"Faceless, Demon Maw..."

The Demon Maw opened all the throats on his body in an instant, and then saw countless tongue-like objects shooting out of the throat, attacking the surrounding Dark Demon Warriors.

"Puff puff..."

The Dark Demon Warrior's body was instantly pierced by the Demon Maw's attack.

However, the Dark Demon Warriors themselves can also transform between gaseous, liquid, and solid states. They had already transformed into gaseous states according to Lin Tai's order one second before being attacked.

While dodging the attack, the black magic warriors exerted their strength suddenly and rushed towards the enemy at high speed.

At this time, the Demon Throat wanted to pull out his tongue, but was tightly entangled by the Black Demon Warrior...

In the next second, the gaseous black magic warrior rushed to the front of the Demon Maw Legion, his gaseous body condensed into a pair of sharp blades, and then used his atomized body to attack the enemy.


Yogg-Saron let out an astonishing scream, and then the bodies of the group of Demon Maws split apart suddenly, only a small part was trapped or attacked.

In the next second, more Demon Maws gathered together, turning into a huge monster, and it threw its fists down towards the Dark Demon Warriors below.


Lin Tai let out a roar, but it was too late, the Demon Maw had already knocked out a large group of black magic warriors.

And among them, some of the black magic fighters who were closer to the middle were beaten to death easily.

Fortunately, most of the Dark Demon Warriors were still not killed, and they were already preparing to retreat.

"These guys are really strong..."

Whether it is Yogg-Saron or his troops, they are the strongest enemies Lin Tai has encountered so far. Not only is the Supreme God, but also possesses very terrifying power and knowledge in 1.6. All kinds of methods make Lin Tai Tai is hard to deal with.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to consume the power of protection on my body now?"

Lin Tai thought about it for a while, and finally rejected the idea.

Although Yogg-Saron is very strong for him, he is not completely invincible. As long as he can use his own ability to kill the opponent, then the power of protection will all belong to Lin Tai.

Under such a greedy desire, Lin Tai does not want to use the power of protection for the time being. .

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