And at this time, Lin Tai finally got a system prompt, reminding him that he had killed the boss, Yogg-Saron.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you killed Yogg-Saron, you gained 12 million reputation points, one trillion units of energy crystals, and 3% of divine power. 】

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Tai was stunned for a moment. After all, although he killed the enemy, it still felt too easy and relaxed. It didn't seem like he killed the big boss of a dungeon. Instead, it seemed like he killed a boss in the middle The feeling of a small boss.

Moreover, the task that Lin Tai had triggered to devour the ancient gods was not triggered. Although Shura Purgatory Halberd and Sin Hell have already eaten Yogg-Saron's body, it seems that the improvement is not much, but Lin Tai's physical strength is increased. Only five percent.

This is obviously problematic.

At this time, the figure of Anubis appeared beside Lin Tai again, and he said in surprise, "You actually killed Yogg-Saron?"


Lin Tai said casually: "It's just killing this body. The ancient god 690 will not be really killed. It is very likely that some part of him is still hiding in this pyramid. When I leave, I will restore his body again." ability."

Lin Tai came to this conclusion because his mission was to help the guardian continue to control the ancient god Yogg-Saron, not to kill him.

The task of killing and devouring Yogg-Saron is Lin Tai's own advanced task. The two sides are not together, so Lin Tai thinks that the other party is probably hiding.

"That's quite possible."

Anubis nodded, and then said: "This is really troublesome, then please patrol here for a few more days, and try to destroy the remaining body of Yogg-Saron as much as possible, so as to reduce the possibility of his resurrection."

After speaking, Anubis' body disappeared in place.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have accepted the mission issued by Anubis to destroy the wreckage of Yogg-Saron. 】

[Task Name: Destroy the Wreckage of Yogg-Saron]

【Task level: ss】

[Mission Objective: Destroy the remaining body of Yogg-Saron as much as possible]

【Mission progress: 0/16】

[Task Rewards: Depends on the completion of the task]

[Task description: Anubis entrusts you to kill other body parts of Yogg-Saron. The more body parts of Yogg-Saron you kill, the more rewards you can get. 】

"Well, it seems that if I want to advance, I need to kill all 16 body parts."

Lin Tai thought in this way, and then began to look around in the pyramid.

After leaving here, he first came to the tomb on the second floor.

The tomb on the second floor was much larger than the upper tomb on the first floor, which was originally the third floor. As soon as he entered, he saw a very huge space, and there were a huge number of institutions inside.

After avoiding the traps, Lin Tai found a few more treasure chests on this floor. Although nothing was opened, it was not a loss.

When coming to the final destination, Lin Tai finally found a body part of Yogg-Saron again. (ceee)

As a distorted space was released by Lin Tai, the body of Yogg-Saron hiding in it got out, and countless tentacles with eyeballs attacked Lin Tai in an instant.

At this moment, the Shura Purgatory Halberd appeared in Lin Tai's hand, and he swung it forward suddenly. Accompanied by a group fight of a large number of arms, this time it was even easier to kill than the last time.

After the kill, Lin Tai's task display becomes 5/16, it seems that it does not need to destroy all the body parts.

Then he killed a body of Yogg-Saron on the third floor, increasing his quest progress to 8/16.

"And where is the last piece?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Tai searched again on the second and third floors, but he still couldn't find Yogg-Saron's remnant, and finally returned to the first floor.

The first floor is the smallest and most dangerous place. At this time, he came here again, returning to the position where he once killed Yogg-Saron's body.

At this time, the wall of this place has collapsed, but at the position where Yogg-Saron's body exploded, there is a tiny crack in the wall, and a faint light emerges from it.

"What is this? A room hidden in the map?"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over. Looking inside from this gap, he could see that the inside was also a place for storing coffins.

There are also three coffins, but they are larger and more exquisite than those broken by Lin Yu before. Compared with them, the place where Lin Tai released Yogg-Saron is a bit poor.

He walked up, swiped the Asura Purgatory Halberd again, and hit the gap on the spot, instantly punching a big hole in the wall.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai stepped in, looking at this gorgeous and exquisite pyramid tomb with some curiosity.

Just when he was about to open the coffin, he saw a large amount of black air suddenly appearing from the coffin, and he opened it by himself. .

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