"Hahaha, I, I finally came out!"

Lin Tai saw countless black tentacles intertwined on the coffin, finally forming a huge monster.

And the appearance of this monster is really familiar to Lin Tai, the dog-headed human body, isn't it the Anubis that Lin Tai has seen before?

And now, Anubis looks completely different from before.

The previous state of the stone statue looked cute and cute, but now, Anubis looks quite ferocious and terrifying, the sharp fangs even tore its own lips, and blood flowed down- .

"Ha, it looks like you are the mastermind behind all this, huh?"

Lin Tai didn't say anything dead, after all, the other party was still the guardian of the titans, and Lin Tai didn't think that this guy was strong enough to create the influence of the ancient gods.

"It seems that your strength is relatively good, but it is much stronger than when I was tested before."

At this time, Lin Tai said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, I just pretended to lose to you before, do you really think I will lose to you?"

As he said that, an ax suddenly appeared in Anubis's hand, and he slashed straight at Lin Tai's position.

At this time, Lin Tai also took out the Shura Purgatory Halberd, which collided with the ax in Anubis's hand.

Both sides took a step back at the same time.

At this time, the damage effect of Shura's purgatory halberd was activated, and Anubis' ax made a soft sound when it was hit, and its durability was reduced a little.

Because the ax in Anubis' hands is a pseudo-supreme artifact, the level difference between the weapons of the two sides is not big, so the durability is rarely reduced.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai flicked the Shura Purgatory Halberd, hitting Anubis' left arm.

Anubis also flicked his right hand, and the ax slashed towards the front of Lin Tai's body.

The shield on Lin Tai's body was shattered by Anubis' blow, and Lin Tai's Shura Purgatory Halberd hit Anubis' body, triggering four special effects immediately.

Although the Asura Purgatory Halberd is strong, life restraint and flesh curse have no effect on it. After all, it is the guardian of the titan, so its resistance must be relatively high.

The first is to suck blood.

The blood-sucking special effect converts part of the damage into a shield, which can resist one damage.

Immediately afterwards, the effect of power restraint was triggered, and Anubis' power value was gradually absorbed by Lin Tai on the spot.

Followed by dream bound and time bound.

The dream bondage is triggered first, allowing Anubis's soul to temporarily enter the dream world, and his body cannot move for a second.

In this second, Lin Tai hit Anubis' body with three consecutive halberds, triggering the effect three times repeatedly.

When Anubis came to his senses, he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to attack Lin Tai, but his body was inexplicably unable to move.

And when he moved, it was already two seconds later, Lin Tai made up several attacks in these two seconds, making Anubis' body almost unable to move.

In fact, Anubis, as the guardian of the Titans, relied too much on the abilities of the two supreme artifacts, and he didn't have any professional supernatural powers, otherwise he wouldn't be so suppressed by the Asura Purgatory Halberd.

At this time, Anubis was almost completely immobilized. Although he was powerful in combat, he was constantly suppressed by Lin Tai's Shura Purgatory Halberd, which was extremely uncomfortable.

……ask for flowers……

"Damn it, don't think I'm afraid of you!"

Just when Lin Tai wanted to continue to attack, suddenly the balance of good and evil appeared in front of Lin Tai, blocking Lin Tai's attack.

The scale of good and evil, as the supreme artifact, naturally cannot really weaken the enemy with a 50% probability, and enhance the enemy's ability with a 50% probability.

In fact, as long as the scale of good and evil is not used, it will definitely trigger the judgment of weakening the enemy.

But this time Anubis used the scale of good and evil to block Lin Tai's attack, which caused his judgment to become good this time, which increased Lin Tai's overall attributes by a small amount.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, Anubis began to retreat, avoiding Lin Tai's attack range.

At this time, it was beaten badly, and Anubis no longer considered fighting Lin Tai one-on-one. At this time, it chose to summon its own troops without hesitation.

At the same time, the Fate Coin triggered the effect, reducing Lin Tai's health by 99%, but because Lin Tai has a shield on his body, all the shields are consumed, offsetting the damage

Immediately afterwards, the Shura Purgatory Halberd in Lin Tai's hand stabbed forward, creating a crack in mid-air on the spot, knocking Anubis back several steps.

But at this moment, Anubis did not fight Lin Tai immediately, but retreated while summoning his troops to charge forward.

This time, the troop summoned by Anubis is the mummy. This troop has the ability to ignore abnormal effects, and quickly rushed towards Lin Tai in front of him.

"Boss has entered the second stage so soon, Guang."

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