Facing the mummy summoned by Anubis, Lin Tai didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the mummy is not weak, but it is not strong.

Lin Tai thought for a while, and then summoned the blue dragon to fight with the opponent, while Lin Tai confronted Anubis from a distance.

At this time Lin Tai said: "As a guardian, have you betrayed the Titan?"


As Lin Tai said, the moment he opened his mouth, Anubis became angry and immediately retorted: "Obviously the Titans betrayed us!"

"Although we are the guardians created by the Titans, we have been guarded by "Zero Three Zero" for hundreds of thousands of years. "Tai Kun's kindness to create us is also exhausted!"

As he spoke, Lin Tai saw Anubis's body trembling and said, "Now I should go out and enjoy the bustling world outside!"

As he said that, Anubis' body accelerated suddenly, and the big ax in his hand chopped off Lin Tai's head on the spot.

It seems that Anubis originally planned to fight Lin Tai only by arms, but Lin Tai's words completely angered Anubis.

So Anubis directly launched a melee attack on the spot, and at the same time he flicked his left hand, and the fate coin flew out instantly.

Like the balance of good and evil, the fate coin can be used as a weapon, but after using it, its original positive effect on oneself will be transformed into a gain on the enemy, so Qingyuan cannot be used.

At this time, the coin drew a blue light and shadow in the air, and was sent flying by Lin Tai.

But what Lin Tai didn't expect was that the fate coin was not an attack tool, but turned around in mid-air when it was knocked into the air, and then fell down.

In fact, the active triggering effect of the fate coin is to make a probability skill absolutely under his control, no matter how small the probability is, it will definitely be triggered.

So at this time, Anubis activated its effect, manipulating a skill of his own can definitely trigger the effect he wants.

Inspire the power of the Titan: 50% probability of all attributes increased by 100%, 30% probability of all attributes increased by 20%, 10% probability of all attributes increased by 400%, 5% probability of all attributes increased by 800%, 3% probability of all attributes increased by 1600%, 1.5 % probability of all attributes increased by 3200% 0.5% probability of all attributes increased by 10000%

At this time, Anubis controlled his destiny, increased his total attributes by 10,000%, and immediately covered his whole body with a layer of golden flames.

Immediately afterwards, his body swelled hundreds of times, and once the huge ax in his hand was swung out, the surrounding space would collapse on the spot.

Even Lin Tai's divine power will be greatly affected.

"Heh, this is the energy of the Titan Guardian."

Lin Tai smiled, then withdrew his arms on the spot, then stretched out his hands, and used his body to meet Anubis' blow head-on.

The ax in Anubis's hand slashed straight across Lin Tai's body without causing any damage, because now Lin Tai's real body is facing the dream world, and the one receiving the attack is just a phantom.

"You, how do you know the weakness of this move?" Anubis asked very dullly: "Obviously there are no other titan guardians left!"

"Ha, do you still need to know?"

Lin Tai said with a smile: "How can a skill that at least doubles all attributes and at most increases all attributes by 100 times last for a long time? Even if you are a Titan Guardian, you probably won't last for twenty seconds!"


At this time, the power of Anubis has begun to recede slowly...

At this moment, he finally felt the feeling of despair, Lin Tai was not in front of him, and his own strength was fading little by little, he had no way to do anything against him.

"Don't think you've won!"

Anubis suddenly let out a roar, and then said: "I have been waiting in this pyramid for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have endured enough loneliness! I want to leave this ghost place!"

As he said that, the mummies of Anubis' troops rushed straight towards Lin Tai, while Anubis turned around and rushed out in the opposite direction on the spot.

In fact, Yogg-Saron has been trying to infiltrate this pyramid and all the organs for so many years, so as to facilitate his escape.

So now that Lin Tai has killed several bodies of Yogg-Saron, only 0.3 has caused the pyramid seal to be crumbling, and it may be broken at any time.

At this time, Anubis fled, and it was very likely that he would break the seal and escape.

Although this was not the best situation for Anubis, it was acceptable, so he gave up on the spot to continue fighting Lin Tai, and rushed straight to the vulnerable part of the pyramid.

"Although it's a good idea, you still think of ten existences in a simple way after all."

At this time, Lin Tai's body had reappeared in place, and Anubis looked at the park and shook his head. .

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