"Idiot! Do you think my power is so easy to use?"

Suddenly, a thunderous sound rang in Anubis' ears.

All of a sudden, Anubis went limp and fell straight to the ground.

And Lin Tai also immediately saw that countless small black tentacles were emerging from the black air on Anubis' body.

"Stupid guy, I have seen through your plan a long time ago, and now I am just using you to help me break the seal!"

As he said that, Yogg-Saron's body gradually revealed his own body, and with the continuous expansion of this behemoth, the entire pyramid gradually began to be unable to bear its volume and strength, and began to collapse towards the surroundings.

At this time, Lin Tai also retreated a certain distance at super high speed, and his body successfully escaped from the pyramid, and he also changed into his own Shura Purgatory Halberd again, and slammed towards the surroundings with a fierce blow.

A group of sea monsters originally controlled by Yogg-Saron were directly emptied by Lin Tai, creating an open space suitable for his own activities.

Next up is Yogg-Saron himself.

Now Yogg-Saron is completely detached from Anubis's body with one blow, and the bloody Anubis is also decomposed and absorbed by him unconsciously, becoming Yogg-Saron's nutrient

It seems that this is Lin Tai's ultimate enemy.

Yogg-Saron looked similar to before, still a huge frog, a monster with a huge mouth, but it was infinitely larger in size.

However, Yogg-Saron took advantage of his previous experience with Anubis, instead of directly fighting Lin Tai, he summoned his own troops.

At this time, the unit summoned by Eyogg Saron is the Wraith of Unjust Death, which is a supernatural unit of the ghost system, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Name: Unjust Dead Ghost

Rank: God-level arms

Level: Level 15

Race: ghost group


Absorption: Continuously absorb the opponent's life value, if the target is weakly killed, it will take the opponent's body and become its own boarder.

Physical immunity lv.8: Ignores all earth attribute damage.

Projection xyz: When sacrifices are needed, ghosts of the unjustly dead can each be used as five sacrifice units.

Soul collapse: All attacks of Unjust Death Ghost will cause extra soul damage to the target, and soul damage cannot be met.

Description: A special type of army, which seems to be composed of intelligent life that died unjustly, with strange strength.

"Well, the troops that rely on mental strength to feed themselves, I really have a way to deal with you!"

As he spoke, Lin Tai immediately summoned his own Green Dragon Army.

Compared with several other dragons, the green dragon who lives in the Emerald Dream all the year round has stronger magical ability. Although the body is weaker than other dragons, the overall strength is not bad at all.

And studying magic has also led to the green dragon race's mental power and application of mental power are very strong, not belonging to the unjustly dead ghosts in front of them, and even stronger.

In an instant, the green dragons sprayed light green flames towards the unjustly dead ghost in front of them.

Although this kind of flame is light green, it contains a terrifying amount of dream power, which has a hypnotic effect on ordinary creatures, but it is all lethal to the salvation of souls and bodies.

Immediately, the group of unjustly killed ghosts summoned by Yogg-Saron began to let out horrible wailing sounds, and at the same time they covered their eyes and ran away in place.

"It looks like it's a good solution."

Lin Tai sneered at Yogg-Saron in front of him.

Although Lin Tai didn't know if cynicism was useful to the ancient gods, but anyway, he had nothing to do, so he was going to play tricks on the other party.

When Lin Tai and Yogg-Saron were fighting, Lin Tai's Green Dragon Army had already released a large amount of spiritual protective film, and began to organize the invasion of monsters.

In terms of fighting, the green dragon's suppression of the unjustly dead ghosts was too strong, so in less than ten minutes, all the dead ghosts began to slump.

"Damn it, isn't it the power of the ancient gods? I have it too!"

As he said that, Yogg-Saron let out a 017 roar, and suddenly the number of faceless men with a number of about fifteen trillion—Maw Maw was summoned by him, and they entered the battlefield head-on.

Because of the addition of these Demon Throats, Lin Tai's battle became difficult in an instant.

"No, we can't let the Dragon Legion face the Faceless, their strength and level are too low now, and they will be controlled in an instant when they look at the opponent.

Thinking so in his heart, Lin Tai still opened a communication channel.

In a blink of an eye, all the mummy corpses around stood up, and all of them were filled with anger and madness.

Immediately afterwards, the mummies exploded.

That's right, an explosion!

The bodies of these mummies were destroyed on the spot, and then countless Lin Tai's summoned beasts crawled out of their corpses, and then faced the Demon Maw sent by Yogg-Saron.

The battle between the two sides was fierce in an instant, and the direct subordinates of the two demon gods were naturally smarter than the others!.

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