At this moment, Lin Tai's body suddenly began to swell, and then exploded suddenly.

Then, a black monster emerged from what was originally Lin Tai's body.

It looks like a set of living armor, with spikes all over its body, and it looks black and shiny as a whole. On its face is a set of movable masks, revealing three pairs of blue slender eyes inside, and the matching eyes. It looks like a mask.

The mask can block wind, sand and poisonous gas, and also has a certain perspective effect. Of course, it is legal, and it cannot see through the player's clothing.

The current form of Lin Tai is actually the armor transformed from the body left by R'lyeh as the main body. After storing Lin Tai's brain and soul, it mutated, and absorbed the power of Yogg-Saron and the touch of darkness. It became like this.

In other words, the current Lin Tai has completely turned into an ancient god, and the original layer of human remnants outside has been completely abolished.

However, due to the complete fusion of soul and body, the current Lin Tai cannot release the soul and body to act separately.

Afterwards, Lin Tai also walked near Yogg-Saron's body, and picked up his spoils from above.

Although he is the Supreme God, but because of the special BOSS, Yogg-Saron only dropped two equipments, namely the Supreme Magic Eye and the Black and White God Eye.

Name: Supreme Magic Eye

Type: Jewelry-Necklace

Tier: Supreme Artifact

Attack power: low


Spy on everything: After equipping the supreme magic eye, you can check the status of any area at any time, and watch it in front of you.

Surveillance mark: record a mark on the target, you can check the location of the other party at any time, and you can send it to the other side. The mark can record up to five targets, and the teleportation effect can be used five times a day [this effect will not be affected by space obstruction (cedb) type effects.

Magic Eye Punishment: Consume a teleportation opportunity to cause a damage to the target. The damage is calculated according to the distance between the two parties. The farther the distance between the two parties, the higher the damage.

Set effect: 1/2.

Description: The Supreme Magic Eye is a prop used by Yogg-Saron to spy on the world, and it ignores any time and space restrictions.

These pieces of equipment are still very useful for Lin Tai. There is no limit to the power and distance of his attacks. It is equivalent to five super sniper guns with no distance limit.

The effect of teleportation is even more useful, ignoring space and time constraints, which means that Lin Tai can even make a mark on his body, and then teleport to his former self after ten periods of time.

Of course, after using this effect, it is easy to be targeted by the Bronze Dragon King, which will break the rules of the universe, so it is better to use it as little as possible.

Then Lin Tai looked at the black and white eyes again.

Name: Black and White Eyes

Type: Jewelry-Ring

Tier: Supreme Artifact

Attack Power: Weak


Black God's Eye: Clear all buffs on the target and lock them, no buffs can be obtained within 24 hours.

White God Eye: Empty all negative effects on yourself and lock them, you will not receive negative effects within 24 hours.

Set effect: 2/2, triggered.

Splitting the air: Carry out an attack judgment on the target, causing 1 point of damage, the more self-boosting effects, the more negative effects of the opponent, the higher the probability of instant killing the opponent.

Description: Once a fruit was born on a giant tree, half black and half white, each gave birth to a powerful creature. After Yogg-Saron found out, he beheaded the guardian who guarded the giant tree, took away the black and white fruit, and made it into an artifact, the black and white god eye.

If you choose to destroy the black and white eyes, you can trigger a special task, and you can get three new heroes after completing the task.

"This thing is fun. During the battle, the opponent can't get buffs, and I won't suffer negative effects. It can be said to be a very powerful advantage, enough for me to easily kill the existence of the same level.

"If you choose to destroy it, you can still get three new heroes, which should be the life conceived in the black and white fruit mentioned in the description, and the guardian."

I thought so in my heart, but Lin Tai still equipped it. The strength of the three heroes is not very clear, but this equipment is really powerful and easy to use.

At least among the supreme artifacts, this equipment is definitely very powerful, even if these three heroes are high gods, they are not as useful as this thing.

"Anyway, the task is completed, and I have also become a false Supreme God, and now I can leave."

As he said that, Lin Tai sent his troops to search the pyramid again, and left after finding that he couldn't get anything in the end.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have completed the mission of the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza, find her to receive the reward. 】

At this time, Lin Tai left the sub-plane where Yogg-Saron was imprisoned. At this time, the guardian Anubis died, Yogg-Saron died, and the seal was destroyed. .

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