Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2110 Plotting The Yuxing Alliance

After completing the task, soon the phantom of the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza appeared beside Lin Tai.

It's not because Laike Straza is friendly, but because Wyrmrest Temple generally doesn't allow outsiders to enter, so it can only take the initiative to find Lin Tai.

"It seems that your strength has increased a lot."

Looking at Lin Tai in front of her, the Red Dragon Queen was not only happy, even though Lin Tai had completed her task, but an ancient god who was a fake Supreme God still made the Red Dragon Queen feel the pressure.

This creature is simply too difficult to kill.

Although Lin Tai is still on the same line as the Dragon Clan now, who knows how Lin Tai will choose in the future?

Lin Tai thought for a while, and then said: "Even so, my human body has disappeared."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the Red Dragon Queen again, and said, "You have mastered the power of life protection, can you help me reshape a human body?"

The meaning of what Lin Tai said is very simple. He understands the worry in the heart of Laike Straza, the Queen of the Red Dragon. At the same time, he also said to her: "Although my body has changed, I am still human.~"

"Well, indeed, you have paid a lot to eliminate the ancient gods, I can still help you with this small matter-."

The vigilance in the eyes of Laike Straza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, also became less vigilant, and with a wave of her hand, Lin Tai's body began to grow blood again and turned into the original model.

It's just that the current body is fake, it's just a life energy, and the black armor monster covered by the flesh body is Lin Tai's body.

"Thank you Dragon King." Lin Tai said with a smile.

"Well, then I will give you the reward for this mission."

As he spoke, the Red Dragon Queen A Laikes waved her hand, and suddenly a green ball of light landed in front of Lin Tai.

Then the Red Dragon Queen disappeared.

Power of Life: After use, permanently increase your upper limit of life by 30%. This effect will increase synchronously when your strength increases.

"Well, this is really a good thing! Permanently increased upper limit of health, and it is still changing and floating."

Lin Tai smiled, and then directly used this thing, and Lin Tai's body became more moist and vivid in an instant, at least in general, it is not obvious that this is a manufactured substitute.

"Well, let's go back to Earth and have a look."

Said, Tai also flew back towards the earth.

However, when he came near the earth, he saw a large group of star trail pirates attacking the earth and the galaxies near the earth.

But the other people on the earth are also different from the past. They all became high gods and gained powerful power. Now they are not afraid of the attacks of these enemies.

It's just that there is a pseudo Supreme God-level existence in the center of the fleet. Seeing that his fleet's attack is ineffective, he raised his hand and summoned a terrifying number of troops, and the blackness directly pressed towards the earth.

At the same time, the pseudo Supreme God also swung out a punch, hitting the defensive cover fiercely.

"The divine beast Qinglong is seriously injured! The defense of the formation is reduced by 45%!"

Dracula, who was in charge of guarding beside the Azure Dragon Formation, shouted loudly: "Everyone, get ready to fight to the death!"

"We must not allow the enemy to invade our homeland!"

...asking for flowers...0

Woshinovsky let out a loud roar, his body was enveloped by a layer of white light on the spot, and then rushed out of the defense range of the White Tiger Formation.

At this time, Lin Tai also saw a group of humanoid warriors in white armor appearing beside him from a distance [and the policies on their bodies seemed to have the pattern and appearance of a tiger.

"This is Woshinovsky's new unit, the White Tiger Warrior."

Looking at the abilities of these guys, Lin Tai was really amazed.

The White Tiger Warlord was created by Woshinovsky using his own abilities and the power of the mythical white tiger.

Their hard power is very strong, with super high attack and defense and the effect of ignoring control, and each of them is a martial arts master with a terrifying single-handed ability.

But the disadvantage is that the IQ is too high, and the materials consumed are too terrifying. Summoning this trillion white tiger warriors actually consumes enough resources for Lin Tai to train three trillion dragons.

At this moment, the group of white tiger warriors united together to form an army formation.

They formed a very simple summoning phantom army formation. A white titan appeared above the one trillion white tiger generals. He had a human body, but his head was a ferocious tiger head, and his hands and feet had sharp blades. You can tell it's powerful just by looking at it.

Its name is White Tiger God of War.

"The power of killing, the limit!"

Woshinovsky let out a roar, and the two powers of the God of War and the White Tiger erupted from his body at the same time, and then his men and the army of the White Tiger Warrior attacked at the same time.

Woshinovsky swept across with the spear in his hand, while the White Tiger God of War threw out both fists, causing a large area of ​​destruction on the spot!.

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