Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2122: To Kunlun Wonderland

At least Lin Tai can be sure that in many places there are more powerful star domains and forces than the Virgo star domain, and they are still not easy to mess with.

Lin Tai can be said to be a strange existence that has sprung up suddenly. In fact, it is really rare to reach Lin Tai's level-up speed, at least in the Virgo star field, it is certain that it does not exist.

And among those very huge forces, there are still many new generations who were supported by their ancestors from birth, and gave them many special resources to help them grow rapidly.

Unlike these people, Lin Tai can be said to explore and strengthen himself completely independently, so he is quite commendable.

At this time Lin Tai frowned.

Although Lin Tai thinks that if the opponent immediately launches an attack on the Yuxing Alliance currently occupied by Lin Tai, it will be difficult for him to block the attack of the enemy's 24 people, but it is impossible to just give up like this!

Lin Tai thought for a while, and then said in his heart: "It seems that I must find a way to attract a few allies. At least I can have more confidence when there are more people."

Thinking this way in my heart, Lin Tai is also preparing to leave to find some people in other places, such as Kunlun Wonderland!

That's right, the Kunlun Wonderland used to be something created by some gods who left the earth. Of course, it's not all the places where these gods are now.

And completely different from ordinary players like Lin Tai, the people in Kunlun Fairyland are gods from birth, and they are at least demigod-level existences from the beginning.

So when they entered the game, they adapted quite quickly. Various spells and Taoism were used in the game, which instantly made them stronger. They even completed the main task in the first month of entering the game. , and then entered the server fusion.

And these people also became the Supreme God quite quickly, and even many of them have already entered the game and are the Supreme God.

So now Lin Tai is going to see if he can pull Kunlun Wonderland into his lineup, maybe it can block the enemy's attack, and the opponent is coming from another galaxy, the journey is far away, it must be very troublesome.

Thinking of this, Lin Tai also contacted Kunlun Tiandao a little bit, and then obtained the location of Kunlun Wonderland.

Kunlun Wonderland is not in the main universe, but in a sub-plane, and the entrance of the entrance is also changing at any time, which can prevent someone from attacking Kunlun Wonderland.

At this time, Lin Tai was holding the token given to him by the Kunlun Heavenly Dao in his hand, and then flew towards the message that the Kunlun Heavenly Dao had given him.

Holding Lin Tai's information and tokens, you can always feel the location and changing trajectory of the other party, and it is the only situation where you can find the entrance.

Soon, Lin Tai found the gate of Kunlun Wonderland, and did not leave here at this time, because he felt the token in Lin Tai's hand.

Lin Tai walked over, and the moment he entered the Kunlun Wonderland, he saw the token in his hand disappear.

And what appeared in front of Lin Tai were two people guarding the gate.

"who are you?"

They immediately realized that Lin Tai was not a fairy, but to be able to come in must have a token given by an insider, and the level of this insider must be very high.

Lin Tai said: "I was invited by Kunlun Tiandao to come here."

"Kunlun Heavenly Way?"

The two of them were taken aback for a moment, and then their tone immediately became respectful, and they said, "So you are the guest of Mr. Tiandao, where are you from? We will prepare entertainment for you according to the situation in your area."

"I'm from Earth."

Lin Tai said.

But when Lin Tai finished saying this sentence, he saw that the faces of the two guards suddenly became a little ugly, but it was just a flash.

In the next second, the faces of these two people became very respectful.

Immediately afterwards, the two people said: "It turns out that they are people from Zu Xing, please come in, please come in. The holy cave of Master Tiandao is at the end of the third 230th road on the left."

"Okay, thank you for positioning."

With that said, Lin Tai walked towards the sacred cave of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao.

After seeing Lin Tai leaving and walking away, the two guards suddenly said: "Haha, I didn't expect that a country bumpkin from that poor place on the earth is really rare! Why did Master Tiandao accept such an incompetent person?" pig?"

The other guard said: "Who knows, maybe something was left behind in that poor place on the earth, so I have a little contact with the people on earth and plan to call it back?"

"However, it is said that the earth has also joined the server fusion of the lord age, and maybe some more powerful guys have appeared in it."

"Hahaha, no matter how strong it is, so what? That kind of place has completely lost its aura. Even if the server integration can be completed, it is impossible to use the magnitude of us who have not advanced!"

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