But what these two people don't know is that although Lin Tai has traveled a long way, he has heard all the situation in front of him in his ears.

"Heh, the two lower gods are so arrogant. It seems that although this place is very hidden, it is not good news in the end. It is probably separated from the outside world by a sad thick barrier.

"The two guys at the door, one is an idiot, and the other is also an idiot."

And just as Lin Tai was thinking in his heart, another voice suddenly rang in Lin Tai's ear.

Lin Tai looked towards the voice, unexpectedly saw Kunlun Tiandao approaching.

At this time, Kunlun Tiandao said: "Go, I will take you to the holy cave on our earth."

"The Holy Cave of the Earth?" Lin Tai asked, hearing the tone of his voice as if he didn't understand it.

"Oh, this is your first time here, so it's quite normal not to know the situation here."

At this time, Kunlun Tiandao said: "Although the Kunlun Wonderland was created by the gods who left the earth, some gods from other planets were added later, and now it is not all the influence of the earth people.

Then, Kunlun Tiandao took out a special map from his backpack and said to Lin Tai: "Look, there are 108 holy caves in the entire Kunlun fairyland, and each holy cave is a small sub-level. On the other hand, among these holy caves, there are seventy-two ordinary holy caves, twenty-seven Yuantian holy caves, and nine fairyland holy caves. The so-called Kunlun fairyland actually refers to these nine special fairyland The holy cave, and the rest are all made by us in imitation of it."

"I see."

Lin Tai nodded.

And Kunlun Tiandao on the side said: "But you have to be careful this time, the immortals on the earth probably won't have any thoughts about you, but the immortals from other planets may try to trick you, which is still very dangerous .”

"Immortals from other planets, it seems that this is not a good situation for immortals."

"That's right, although this place was created by human beings, there are still supreme gods from other planets here. The three forces divide the three fairyland caves equally, so once they find out that there is a powerful false supreme god like you on the earth, Maybe it will sneak attack while you are away, to prevent the further growth of our human power."

"I will be careful."

Lin Tai also became vigilant in his heart. After all, there is the Supreme God here. It would be very troublesome to meet the Supreme God himself. Supreme God is still a certain degree of difficulty.

At this time, the two of them were talking, and they were about to go to a holy cave. At this time, Lin Tai looked at the three fairyland holy caves around them, namely the chaos holy cave, the nine heaven holy cave, and the blissful holy cave. Those who are Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Tathagata Buddha.


Lin Tai froze in place for a moment, his whole mind was in a daze, and he didn't know what was going on at all.

"Is there no Jade Emperor?" he asked suddenly.

"What is the Jade Emperor?" Kunlun Tiandao asked with a confused face.


Lin Tai didn't know what to say, he was down for a while, and then he seemed to accept this setting, and walked in directly following Kunlun Tiandao.

And the Holy Cave where the Kunlun Heavenly Dao is located is the Nine Heavens Holy Cave, which itself is the youngest disciple of the Taishang Laojun and the most talented disciple.

And after walking in, Lin Tai's body was instantly wrapped by a layer of strange colored mucus and air pressure, and he couldn't see anything around him, even Wushen seemed to be

stripped away.

But this situation comes and goes quickly.

About three seconds later, Lin Tai landed on the ground like a fish that suddenly jumped out of the water, and the temperature and air pressure around him returned to a comfortable level again, making Lin Tai slightly relieved.

Then, Lin Tai saw an extremely vast space directly in front of him, with mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and blue and white clouds, as if Lin Tai had returned to the earth from the oppressive and gloomy universe.

No, the scenery here is even more beautiful than Earth!

It seems to be exquisitely constructed by countless people, and at the same time, it has the majesty of the (great) nature, which makes people linger and forget to return!

*~ This is the holy cave, how about it, is it beautiful?" Kunlun Tiandao said with a smile;.

"Yeah, it makes me want to linger!" Lin Tai said bluntly.

"Haha, it's better to stay here for a few more days."

As he said that, Kunlun Tiandao also led Lin Tai towards a very magnificent and beautiful location. This is the mansion of Kunlun Tiandao himself. If it is inside, you can definitely see some special things.

Lin Tai also searched ahead of time, and found nothing dangerous, so he followed up with confidence.

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