Lin Tai is naturally not here to enjoy himself.

In fact, the purpose of Lin Tai staying is to serve as a bait, and then set up a trap with Kunlun Tiandao.

And Lin Tai is the most important part of this trap, which is to attract the attention of those people.

As for these people, they are naturally the ones who are not in harmony with Kunlun. Let them focus on Lin Tai and think that Lin Tai will pose a threat to them, so that these people can really ambush Lin Tai.

Kunlun Tiandao, on the other hand, will prepare for an ambush in a position most suitable for an ambush.

The premise is that Lin Tai can support several false supreme gods of the opponent, and even block the enemy's attack when there may be supreme gods, and wait until Kunlun Tiandao launches a magic circle to eliminate these people.

It just so happens that this is also part of the test of the strength of the two sides.

After thoroughly formulating the plan, Lin Tai bid farewell to Kunlun Tiandao, and then flew in one direction from one route.

However, when Kunlun Tiandao returned to his home, he suddenly launched a teleportation, and the whole person disappeared immediately and came to another place.

Because the location of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao is very special, and the teleportation is actually carried out in the holy cave, it has not been discovered by others.

At this moment, after realizing that Lin Tai had left a certain distance, two people suddenly appeared and walked out of the gate, and then they also looked at each other to confirm each other.

In the next second, the two chased after Lin Tai in the direction that Lin Tai had left before.

In fact, none of them was faster than Lin Tai, but at this moment, both of them took out a note and stuck it on their bodies.

Magical Talisman: Make your speed 100 times faster, and in the process of advancing, it will reduce the probability of wild monsters finding you. Duration: 3000 seconds, will be consumed after use.

At this time, the speed of the two people suddenly accelerated, and then quickly surpassed Lin Tai, and set up an ambush on his only way.

But what they didn't know was that just before they came here, another person had already launched a teleportation in advance, and was ready to ambush them here, but their ambush was more suitable for direct use, and the Kunlun Tiandao ambushed The magic circle needs to be activated at a relatively special time.

At this time, Lin Tai also just came here, and in an instant, he saw a special magic circle pattern suddenly appear on the surface of the three surrounding planets.

In the next second, these three planets were suddenly connected together, and at the same time a terrifying explosion appeared on Lin Tai's body instantly.


Lin Tai summoned a divine defense in an instant, but he couldn't block it completely, but was sent flying.

However, the attack that penetrated the shield didn't have much impact on Lin Tai, it only caused 15% of his maximum health damage, which is really great compared to the materials consumed by the formation. Nothing counts.

And at that moment, those two people who were in ambush suddenly appeared beside Lin Tai.

The long sword in the hand of one of them suddenly stabbed towards Lin Tai's chest, while the other suddenly swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed at Lin Tai's back in an instant.

And at this moment, a layer of knotted knots like flesh and blood tentacles appeared behind Lin Tai, directly clamping the opponent's blade.

...asking for flowers...

At the same time, Lin Tai's other hand moved forward and easily blocked the opponent's attack.


These two people are both fake supreme gods. They thought their strength was enough to deal with Lin Tai, but they didn't expect him to be stronger.

"Heh, if that's the case, let's call the troops!"

Seeing that Lin Tai's melee combat strength seemed to be stronger than theirs, the two of them abandoned their weapons and quickly retreated.


And Lin Tai didn't catch up hastily, but flew to the left suddenly to prevent being attacked from front and back.

But at this time, he did not expect that his strength would be so severely restricted at this time.

"Summon, Yellow Turban Warrior!"

"Summon, Floating Cloud Demon!"

The two pseudo-supreme gods of the cultivating type also threw a handful of beans from their hands as they spoke.

And when these things stopped moving, they suddenly began to expand, and then all the beans thrown by the two sides turned into special arms, the Yellow Turban Warrior and the Floating Cloud Demon.

These two types of arms are quite special types of arms, but they are specially made by immortal cultivators. They have very strange energy themselves, and they are things created by immortal cultivators using their souls and spells.

Although these arms have no entity, the souls constructed by magic can touch the entity and possess very powerful power.

When fighting against them, their attacks can hit the enemy, but it is difficult for the enemy's physical attack to hit them, so they have a great advantage in melee combat. .

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