Subconsciously, Lin Tai wanted to summon the dragon to fight the opponent.

But what it didn't expect was that the icons of its own dragons all turned black at this time!

"Damn, what's going on here?"

Just when Lin Tai was stunned, a large number of Yellow Turban Wrestlers and Floating Cloud Demons rushed towards Lin Tai, and all released a large number of long-range attacks, attacking Lin Tai in front of him.

"Damn, if you can't use the arms, wait..."

Lin Tai's mind suddenly flashed, and then his body retreated a distance suddenly, avoiding the attacks of these units.

And almost at the same time, the two immortal cultivators "703" appeared behind Lin Tai, as if they were preparing to form a two-sided attack with the troops, and the simultaneous attack gave Lin Tai no chance to dodge.

However, Lin Tai's strength is also very strong. At this time, he flashed the Shura Purgatory Halberd in his hand without hesitation, instantly knocking out all the enemies within a certain distance.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai took another look at his troop panel. Sure enough, although all the giant dragons had gray heads, the Dark Warriors had colorful ones.

It's just because their heads were originally black, so Lin Tai didn't realize what was going on for a while.

The Dark Warrior is a monster that Lin Terry forcibly summoned with his own body and black mist, so in fact it is similar to the Yellow Turban Warrior and Floating Cloud Demon in front of him

can be summoned.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also summoned them immediately.

At this time, countless black magic warriors were by Lin Tai's side, directly fighting with the two types of enemy arms.

"What's going on? Why can he summon arms?"

One of them immediately said in surprise.

"It may be the unit that Kunlun Tiandao gave him. Sure enough, they have an unusual relationship. Get rid of him quickly!"

"it is good!"

As they spoke, the two of them took out their "magic weapons" and rushed towards Lin Tai in front of them.

Kunlun Tiandao has also been popularized with Lin Tai before. The magic weapon is actually a kind of divine weapon, but the energy inside it is not divine power, but a magic weapon unique to immortals, and its combat power is also at the same level as the divine weapon.

But because the vast majority of players usually come into contact with divine power, they rarely come into contact with mana, so most players will not be able to deal with the special effects of magic weapons, and will be easily targeted.

But Lin Tai is not that kind of person.

To be honest, the ancient divine power and divine power used by Lin Tai are not the same thing. Coupled with the teachings of Kunlun Tiandao to Lin Tai during this period, Lin Tai is actually very used to magical power now.

At this time, seeing the two false supreme gods behind him attacking him, a black light flashed on his body, and then he turned around, and the Shura purgatory halberd in his hand rushed towards the rear in an instant. He collided fiercely with the opponent's attack.

In the next second, Lin Tai directly controlled his own unit, the Black Demon Warrior, and launched an army formation.

The black devil warriors united suddenly and turned into a black titan with three heads and six arms. Four weapons appeared in the hands of the black devil titan, and then suddenly launched an attack towards the surroundings.

"Army array!"

"Army array!"

At this time, the two pseudo-supreme gods were also stunned for a moment, and then launched an army formation in the next second, trying to use the army formation to fight against Lin Tai's army formation...

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Tai suddenly raised his hand at this time, and the Shura Purgatory Halberd pierced a person's chest in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, fifteen highgod-level disasters appeared beside another person, and directly launched a siege on it.

Although the fighting power of the pseudo-supreme god is much higher than that of the upper god, but the situation is sudden at this time, coupled with the suppression of numbers, so the pseudo-supreme god still didn't react for a while, and was directly suppressed.

And the army formation of these two people also dissipated immediately when they gathered halfway, and then they were defeated by Lin Tai's army formation of black magic warriors on the spot.


The pseudo Supreme God player who was injured by Lin Tai looked at the player in disbelief. Originally, he could recover from this injury immediately, but his soul and body were instantly locked by Lin Tai's Shura Purgatory Halberd , At the same time, countless tentacles began to suck his flesh and soul.

"Damn it, I..."

Another player just wanted to escape, but suddenly a disaster rushed up, and his body turned into countless tentacles 0.2 and wrapped around this guy.

In the next second, it exploded.

The self-explosion of the disaster is still very terrifying, the power of the ancient god in its body caused a lot of damage to this false supreme god on the spot.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you killed player Boers, you get 1000 honor points. 】

[System prompt: Player Shura, you killed player Treite, you get 1000 honor points. 】

But this is just the beginning for Lin Tai.

Because when these two people died...

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