Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2127: The Supreme God Strikes!

At this time, Lin Tai also felt a sudden shock in his body on the spot, and at the same time, it seemed that waves of terrifying energy were attacking his position.

In the next second, Lin Tai suddenly dodged and forcibly moved to the side.

At the same time, his left arm suddenly raised his hand, and at the same time a layer of black and purple armor appeared on the surface of his skin.

This so-called "armor" is actually Lin Tai's body. At this time, Lin Tai has no time to continue to maintain his human body, so he directly revealed the ancient demeanor, which greatly improved his combat effectiveness.


But this time the enemy's attack was still extremely powerful, and Lin Tai's entire arm was directly smashed "The blood and minced flesh of the great emperor scattered towards the surroundings infinitely!


Lin Tai also spat out a mouthful of green blood at the same time, but the speed under his feet didn't stop at all, and he rushed out without hesitation. twenty four

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to have a little strength!"

At this time, the person who attacked Lin Tai also appeared in front of him, but he didn't attack Lin Tai immediately.

"With this intensity, are you the Supreme God?"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, and at the same time, the speed of backing was gradually accelerating.

"It seems that you are quite sensible!" The other party smiled, and then said: "Although your strength is good, it is almost difficult to find an opponent among people of the same level. Judging from your rare combat power , It’s better to submit to me, then your hatred for killing these two people will naturally not need to be swept away.”

"Think beautifully!"

Lin Tai also roared, and at the same time, light suddenly appeared in his hand, and then the Shura Purgatory Halberd struck towards the enemy in front of him again.

"Hmph, if I kill you, I can get a nice Supreme Godship."

The guy laughed and said: "Remember, the person who killed you is named Ye Hao Nolar!"

As he spoke, he also greeted Lin Tai.

His strength is still very strong, at least much stronger than the current Lin Tai.

At this time, his right arm suddenly magnified several times, and at the same time, a layer of golden light adhered to the surface of his skin, and suddenly hit Lin Tai.

In an instant, Lin Tai and the opponent's fists collided together, and then Lin Tai was directly sent flying, hitting a moon-sized satellite on the spot, creating a crater and countless dust at the same time. and gravel spread around.

"Not dead yet?"

In fact, the Supreme God Ye Hao Nelal is also a player, and there are no NPCs in Kunlun Wonderland. This is also a special situation in this special space, which is incomparable to other places.

So Ye Haoneral had to take a look at the battle records, and found that he hadn't killed Lin Tai's system prompt, so he already guessed the situation, and he didn't kill the human player.

In the next second, Ye Haoneral also accelerated suddenly, and rushed in front of Lin Tai. Before the surrounding smoke cleared, he punched Lin Tai on the spot.


But its attack was blocked.

"What?" Ye Haoneral raised his kick again, but it was also blocked.

At this time the smoke dissipated, and what appeared in front of Ye Hanoral was a black monster that seemed to be composed of countless brown and black tentacles intertwined together, but Ye Haoneral was also stunned for a moment, because he noticed that To this guy is also a supreme god.

"No, it's a puppet of the Supreme God level, it scares me."

However, after finding out the details of the void puppets, Ye Haoneral suddenly felt relieved [smiling and said: "Do you think you can fight me with these ten puppets of the highest god level? It's just too whimsical !” [084412124 Feilu 0730531

After finishing speaking, Ye Hao Nolar struck suddenly, pouring all his divine power into his body, and directly knocked the void puppet away.

"This kind of thing poses no threat to me at all!"

"Oh, it seems that you are really dull, even now, you still can't see anything.

Lin Tai suddenly laughed 130 times.

In the next second, the satellite behind Lin Tai and a large star field around him began to emit amazing light.

"This, this is the fairy array? How is it possible?"

Ye Hao's face turned pale in shock. He never expected that a fairy formation had been arranged here, and he hadn't found it yet!

"Idiot, how could you see my master's magic circle?"

At this time, Kunlun Tiandao also appeared behind Ye Hanoral on the spot, and at the same time, there was a phantom sitting cross-legged floating behind him.

He is the Taishang Laojun. It seems that Kunlun Tiandao borrowed power from his master in order to deal with the enemy.

"Damn it, it turned out to be you!"

Ye Haonoral let out a roar: "If you kill me, we, Hull and Luo Xing, will not let you go!"

"You can rest assured about this." Lin Tai laughed suddenly: "No one will know about this!",

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