Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2162 Confronting Dragon Father

"Nesistra, come back to me!"

The black dragon dragon king let out a roar, and then flashed with the power of the earth protection all over his body, blocking this attack of the dragon father.

At this time, the Black Dragon Queen was suddenly taken aback.

The two memories merged, and the Black Dragon Empress suddenly thought that she was very moved by Neferio's behavior.

It's just that the current Black Dragon Empress is no longer what she used to be. The current Black Dragon Empress has already seen Neferio's betrayal. He knows very well that Neferio has already begun to disdain him, so he can only say The current Neferio is really better.

So when seeing the false concern of the Black Dragon King towards himself, the Black Dragon Empress only has a sneer in her heart.

She was completely disappointed with the current Neferio, and she didn't bother to continue to interact with it. She just raised her head and sprayed fire on Father Dragon's body.

Unexpectedly, the current father of the dragon let out a painful roar, and then the whole dragon took two steps back in an instant.

At the same time, five kinds of guardian powers reappeared in Lin Tai's hands, and they converged at the same time, turning into a virtual dragon soul in Lin Tai's hands.

"What is this?"

Feeling the soul of the dragon in Lin Tai's hand, all four of the dragon kings froze for a moment.

Because the Bronze Dragon King knows everything, but he can't say it.

And the dragon soul was held in Lin Tai's hands, and now his aura began to rise rapidly, and soon surpassed every individual dragon king in front of him.

There was a flash of light in Lin Tai's eyes, and his body rushed up in an instant, and the dragon soul in his hand ruthlessly smashed down on Father Long, knocking him flying for a certain distance.

Immediately afterwards, the five giant dragon heroes controlled by Lin Tai rushed towards the Dragon Father at the same time, and launched an attack on the Dragon Father in front of him at the same time.

Although their strength is not very strong, but because Lin Tai's strength is very strong, coupled with the help of the dragon soul in his hand, he quickly suppressed the dragon father in front of him.

"Hey, what are you five waiting for, attack!"

Lin Tai turned and said to the five dragon kings behind him.

At this time, the five dragon kings were not as powerful as the future, and when they heard Lin Tai's words, they rushed towards Father Long on the spot.

They are still wondering about Lin Tai's identity and origin, but after all, Lin Tai is helping them attack the Dragon Father in front of them, so they are also ready to charge up.

The only one who sees Lin Tai is very upset is the Black Dragon King, because his wife Nesistra, the Queen of the Black Dragon, is following Lin Tai at this time, which makes the Black Dragon Lord very unhappy.

"Damn it, I am your king, and you dare to do anything to me!"

Father Long suddenly let out a roar, and immediately after, Father Long's huge claws suddenly smashed down on a group of little guys in front of him.

"Use the power of the guardian of the earth to defend!"

Lin Tai roared again, and at the same time the dragon soul in his hand instantly turned khaki, and at the same time a burst of special power appeared in front of these people in front of him.

"Dragon Empress, Black Dragon King, you two too!"

The Black Dragon King really doesn't want to follow Lin Tai's instructions, but now he still has his brothers and sisters by his side, so the Black Dragon King is also reluctant to launch his own power to protect the earth.

Sure enough, he is still the strongest. As soon as the black dragon dragon king's earth protection power came out, he instantly blocked the attack of the dragon father and repaired the cracks in the earth protection power used by Lin Tai.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai emptied himself and said: "Malygos, Sim Dellagosa, Thor, you and I will use the power of power protection to attack Father Dragon!"

As he said that, the dragon soul in Lin Tai's hand turned blue again, and then he and the three dragons launched the power of protection, and hit the dragon father in front of him fiercely.


Father Long was hit by the protective power of the four forces at the same time, and the entire 087 people flew out in an instant, and their health also dropped wildly at the same time.


[System prompt: Father Dragon has been activated due to injury]


Lin Tai was taken aback, but what he didn't expect was that the enemy in front of him was no longer Father Long alone, but a group of quite large Yuanlongs, all of which were blackened Yuanlongs controlled by Father Long. The sales calendar is not bad.

"I have summoned units, but although you are very strong individually, I have five dragon kings on my side." Lin Tai sneered and said, "Five dragon kings, it's time for you to summon your subordinates, and you should be able to easily crush them." Squeeze these guys?"

However, the five dragon kings all looked at Lin Tai with confused faces.


Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that it was relatively early, and it happened that the five dragon kings had just obtained the power of the Titans.

In other words, except for the five dragon kings and their partners, none of them have a guardian calendar.

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