Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2163: Defeat Dragon Father

"I wipe it, it seems that I still need to do this job!"

Lin Tai also said something speechless, then waved his hand, and immediately the black dragon, blue dragon, red dragon, green dragon, and bronze dragon all appeared behind Lin Tai.

"These are your future clansmen, you can temporarily replace their heroes, and I will take them back to the future after the battle."

The other four Dragon Kings all looked at the Bronze Dragon King, and although the Bronze Dragon King would never disclose the situation, he just got the power of time protection after all, so he nodded.

"It seems that our future is still very bright." The Black Dragon Dragon King nodded happily, and at the same time, he also wanted to understand a little bit. It seems that the Nesistra in front of him came from the future. some of the secrets out.

Thinking of this, there were bursts of gloomy colors in the eyes of the Black Dragon Dragon King.

"Miersk, Laikestraza, use the power of life protection!"

Lin Tai sent out a wave of attacks again, the dragon soul in his hand turned green, and at the same time suddenly launched an attack towards the enemy in front of him.

Not only the two giant dragons mentioned by Lin Tai, but also A Laike Straza's spouse attacked the dragon father in front of him at the same time, and a large amount of fire of life began to burn directly on the dragon father.

No matter how powerful Father Dragon is, he is still only a kind of creature after all, and cannot avoid the invasion of the fire of life.

On the spot, Father Long was ignited by the terrifying fire of life, and began to struggle crazily in the flames, after all, the door is aimed at the things of living bodies.

"Kill him"!"

Immediately afterwards, the five dragon kings led the five giant dragon units summoned by Lin Tai, and their ability values ​​skyrocketed in an instant.

Then these arms blocked the polluted Yuanlong summoned by the Dragon Father, and then they attacked the Dragon Father in front of them, and Lin Tai also frantically waved the Asura Purgatory Halberd in his hand, and started to attack the Dragon Father The huge body launched an attack.

At this time, more enemies also began to appear, and they began to attack the surrounding enemies.

As Father Long's injury became more and more serious, its skills were also triggered at this time.

Blood Sea Power: The less your health, the more power you will increase, and when your health is below 10%, all attacks will have a huge knockback effect.

As he said that, Father Long let out a roar in an instant, and then a terrifying aura appeared around him, and he immediately began to suppress the surrounding targets.

The five dragon kings and their consorts, as well as the five heroes summoned by Lin Tai, were all suppressed by the powerful aura of the dragon father.

But at this time there is one person who is not affected, and that is Lin Tai.

At this time, Lin Tai hid behind the Dragon Father. At this time, he activated all his active buff skills, and at the same time, his overall attributes were improved a lot. Then, the Asura Purgatory Halberd in his hand hit the dragon above with a fierce blow. My father's body instantly knocked me out of my body.

The power of the five guardian powers is still too strong, and even caused huge damage to the dragon father, forcibly stopping the spread of its dragon power.

The moment Long Wei stopped, all the giant dragons on the scene rushed towards Father Long again. Father Long wanted to fight back, but Lin Tai continued to hit Father Long in the stomach, causing his actions to be stopped again up.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai suddenly accelerated towards the enemy, the disguised Asura Purgatory Halberd in his hand exploded with power, and together with the dragon's breath of other dragons, hit the most vulnerable part of Dragon Father's body, Ni Lin.


Father Long let out a miserable cry, but everyone present would not give it a chance to escape.

Lin Tai launched his own attack with all his strength, and at the same time, the other giant dragons also began to output with all their strength, which quickly weakened the dragon father's health to less than 10%.

But at this time, Father Long's skills were finally fully triggered!

Originally, Father Long's activated body began to release red energy, but this time, Father Long's body completely turned blood red, and at the same time, the terrifying Longwei began to spread crazily without actively triggering it.

And amidst this dragon power, the bodies of the five dragon kings all began to tremble. After all, the father of the dragon is still the father of the dragon, and the strongest (promisingly good) Yuanlong is undoubtedly Dian.


At this time, Father Long let out an angry roar, and his tail, wings, and claws began to wave, and the terrifying breath instantly sent everyone including Lin Tai flying out.

"What is this?"

Lin Tai looked at Father Long in front of him in bewilderment. At this time, Father Long's state was:

Absolute activation: All attributes are increased by 100%, and the power of all skills is increased by 44%. When you attack, it will cause a large amount of knockback effect to all surrounding targets.

"This thing, how did they win without me?" Lin Tai said to himself in great confusion. .

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