But although Dragon Father is powerful now, the problem is also very serious, that is, his life value is too low now.

At this time, Lin Tai activated one of his skills, Judgment!

Judgment: The higher the target's overall attributes, the higher the damage; the lower the target's HP, the higher the damage; the higher the target's resistance, the higher the damage. This skill is a judgment skill, ignoring the target's resistance and defense, and will not be affected by the target's defense and damage reduction skills when released.

At this time, the weapon in Lin Tai's hand fell suddenly, and a burst of strong output burst out in an instant, which directly emptied Father Long's life value.

"You, you..."

On the verge of death, Father Long exhausted his last ounce of strength and turned his head, staring at Lin Tai.

But it still failed to speak.

Because now he is dead.

Even if Father Dragon's soul is still alive, but has been hit many times by the dragon soul simulated by Lin Tai, Father Dragon's soul cannot continue to live now.

As soon as Lin Tai stretched out his hand, 660 immediately began to absorb the soul and flesh of the Dragon Father, and soon, the huge body of the Dragon Father disappeared without a trace.

In the end, Lin Tai also obtained part of the power of Dragon Father, which was transformed into a passive skill of Lin Tai.

Power of Dragon Father: Passive Trigger: Strength increases by 300%, and you will not be judged as a failure in the strength judgment. Active trigger: increase the strength by a hundred times, and make you sure to win in the strength judgment.

Although this skill does not seem to be very useful, it is indeed a real law-based skill, the law of strength.

In fact, the power of protection used by the original blue dragon family is part of the authority of the dragon father.

Father Dragon's power is the most powerful in the history of the entire main universe. It can directly drag a galaxy, which can be said to be terrifying beyond compare.

Although the Blue Dragon Dragon King can also push the galaxy, it requires it to use its full strength to protect the power, and it cannot be as easy as my father.


After Lin Tai completely absorbed Father Long's power, he suddenly said: "Everyone, I'm leaving, goodbye!"

After speaking, Lin Tai's figure gradually faded in the eyes of the five dragon kings, and finally disappeared.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have successfully passed the copy of Yuanlong Era, your heroes Linglong and Thor have all been promoted to the highest level of gods, and you have received rewards, Yuanlong cloak, Yuanlong bracelet... ...]

"Well, this time the harvest is good.

Lin Tai nodded in satisfaction.

The five supreme god-level giant dragons can completely let Lin Tai's territory rest easy, and they can even invade other galaxies at will without any problems at all.

Afterwards, Lin Tai looked at the Holy Lord of the Spirit Beast beside him again.

The potential of the Holy Lord of the Spirit Beast is enough to become the Supreme God, but the problem is that it is too young. At least for now, the Holy Lord of the Spirit Beast needs at least several thousand years to grow and gradually become a powerful existence.

Now Lin Tai's task is to make himself a stronger existence (ceeb) and restore the blood ancestor to his peak strength.

Although Lin Tai is now the supreme god, and one of the strongest among the supreme gods, it still has a way to continue to become stronger.

That is to absorb the ancient gods!

That's right, absorbing the remaining ancient gods can greatly strengthen Lin Tai's strength and make his ancient god body more perfect.

And the recovery of the Blood Ancestor's strength also requires certain special methods, such as finding what he lost, and then refining and absorbing it again.

But this is relatively easy for Lin Tai now.

This time, Lin Tai directly approached the other dragon kings and explained his purpose of coming.

"Indeed, the problem of the ancient gods must be resolved, otherwise the seal will definitely be destroyed when the Lord of the Void really comes."

At this time, with the help of the four dragon kings, Lin Tai directly opened the door to the power of the ancient gods.

Then Lin Tai walked in and saw four special seals just in time.

As long as you enter through the corresponding gate, you can see the ancient gods who are sealed in different sub-planes, and you can enter the seal to "remove or strengthen the seal.

The ancient god seal that Lin Tai first chose was the Ant Dynasty.

Sealed here is the ancient god Y'Shaarji.

The ancient god Y'Shaarj was distorted by the Titans, allowing him to live in it as the queen of the ant dynasty, and every time he died, the new ant queen would become Y'Shaarj's body again

And every time, the short second when Y'Shaarji leaves the old body and goes to the new body is the time for it to move freely.

And Y'Shaarji is constantly using this time to corrupt the seal, and now the seal has been controlled by two-thirds [Y'Shaarji will break out of the ground soon.

"It's really dangerous!"

Lin Tai couldn't help sighing: "It's just right, after absorbing Y'Shaarj, my devouring ability will be greatly enhanced!"

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