Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2174: Killing The Boss

Because there is no strong player like the black king, it is very difficult for the other group of Sunset Immortals to fight.

Each Sunset Immortal can only withstand one attack from Isinger, and then must exit the range and wait for the poisoning effect to disappear.

But Essinger is not mentally handicapped, the intelligence of this creature is very high.

After Sunset Fairy escaped several times, Essinger suddenly changed his behavior pattern.

It didn't hit whatever it saw as before, but just when Lin Tai's sunset fairy was about to evacuate, it suddenly released a ray of light and controlled another relatively intact sunset fairy.

Immediately afterwards, this new Sunset Immortal had not yet endured Essinger's attack, and directly attacked the same kind that was hit once with residual blood.

In just ten seconds, it killed it.

And during this time, Essinger has killed at least 100,000 Sunset Immortals, and even Lin Tai began to feel distressed.

The situation on the battlefield became more and more chaotic, more and more Sunset Immortals began to lose blood, and the tactic of blocking the boss's attack in turn before 680 failed, and now the situation has begun to develop in a direction that Lin Tai cannot control.

Fortunately, Essinger has no intention of running away.

At this moment, Lin Tai gave orders to his heroes Hei Wang and Bai Yu without hesitation.

First of all, the Black King activated the skill Endless Black Hole, which brought Isinger back to his worst state.

And Bai Yu used his own attack skills, Liuguang Slash locked Isinger's passive attribute increase, and then, Bai Yu launched his strongest skill again, Mingjing Zhishui.

At this moment, including the black king, all the Sunset Immortals that were seriously injured or controlled by Isengard returned to their full state, while Bai Yu turned into a white fruit on the spot and returned to Lin Tai's Qiankun World. bingo.


Lin Tai let out a roar, and then rushed forward directly, taking advantage of Isinger's body being forcibly reset and falling into confusion, his fist turned into countless phantoms, "hitting Isinger at a speed that is difficult for the naked eye to follow." body.

And all the other Sunset Immortals also launched an attack at this moment, and directly surrounded Isinger's body and began to gnaw continuously.

It didn't take long before Isinger's health was hit to more than 30%, but during this time, every time he wanted to use a special skill, he would be interrupted by the black king, causing him to just watch Watching his life value continue to decrease.

As for the eye caterpillar it summoned, it was meaningless. It was directly killed by the Dawn Falcons as soon as it appeared, and it was impossible to help Isinger make any changes.

Under such continuous control, Essinger gradually gave up struggling and was swallowed by countless sunset immortals.

In fact, what Essinger didn't know was that the Black King's endless black hole can only be released up to five times in each battle. In fact, when Essinger's health is lower than 20%, the skill will not be reset if he uses it again up.

But Essinger doesn't know this, because every time it is reset, it will lose consciousness for a period of time, so even if its life value is reduced to the level of using skills, it will not use it anymore up.

Just like that, a third-level Void creature was killed by Lin Tai.

Lin Tai stepped forward and lost Isinger's drop.

Compared with the Well God, Isinger's dropped items are much more balanced. The Void Crystal is only a little more than the Emperor Demon Crystal and the Sky God Crystal. It seems that the Well God is a special thing.

In addition to crystallization, Isinger also dropped a piece of equipment for Lin Tai.

Name: Charming Eyes

Type: Jewelry

Tier: Void

Defense: None


Gaze: When you gaze at the target, it cannot act (this effect is only valid for one person).

Charm: Charm a target to fight for you, the level of the charmed target cannot be higher than yours, and when the target is a "commander", the charm time is shortened to one tenth of the original.

Stop Ge: Make all the targets who look at you unable to act for three seconds, but use this skill to roar, all the effects of the charming eye will be disabled, and it will be released after ten hours.

Description: This may be a useful thing, but you need to know that when the level of the target you charm is the same as yours, the effect lasts up to three seconds.

To be honest, Lin Yu is a little disappointed. After all, although the effect of this thing is good, the selling time is too short.

And in battle, it is basically useless to stare at a commander, and it is probably useless to control a commander for 0.3 seconds, basically it can only be used.

"Forget it, talk is better than nothing."

With that said, Lin Yu equipped himself with this thing.

Now he is not ready to continue to expand. It is so difficult to fight a third-level void monster. When encountering a fourth-level wild monster in the void, he should have no choice but to escape.

So, Lin Tai called up his territory page again, ready to start construction. .

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