Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2175: Big Infrastructure Construction

Because after killing Essinger, Lin Tai obtained almost inexhaustible void crystals, so he started to attack without hesitation.

The entire territory is about the size of a small town, and the very beginning is a high-grade wall.

This high-grade fence is not made of metal, but a unique stone in the void, which contains a little powder of void crystallization, so its strength is also very high.

After completing the construction of the wall, Lin Tai chose to increase the mining level of the Void Crystal Mine, and the number of Void-Crystals produced every day increased.

Then, Lin Tai arranged a large number of defensive facilities around the town several times in succession, such as automatic arrow towers, which can efficiently clean up the incoming Void Level 1 creatures and kill the fallen creatures. Things are stored in their own space.

Of course, this thing looks beautiful, but the consumption is still huge, even Lin Tai only puts one every fifteen meters.

Then there's the turret.

The power of the turret is much slower than that of the arrow tower, but its damage is fully ten times that of the arrow tower. It is specially used to deal with monsters of the second level of the void.

Although Lin Tai reckons that it will be difficult for him to encounter Void Level 2 monsters, at least it is better to take precautions in advance, what if they come suddenly?

Then, Lin Tai looked at the most important building, which was the Lord's Mansion.

At present, Lin Tai's territory is only a zero-level territory, no matter how it is built, it is a zero-level territory, and it can only be expanded once.

But after one expansion, Lin Tai can build his own mansion.

After building the Lord's Mansion, Lin Tai's territory level will be raised to 1, and some unlocked buildings and props can also be produced.

"Well, it's still good anyway, so let's start building."

But to Lin Tai's surprise, the construction of the Lord's Mansion seems to be completely different from the construction of other things!

That's right, building other things is done in seconds, even advanced weapons like turrets can be built in just a second.

But it takes 24 hours to build a lord's mansion!

Lin Tai is very clear that this game will definitely not make him comfortable. During this period of time, there will undoubtedly be monsters attacking the city!

"What a hassle!"

Before the monsters came, Lin Tai came to the clone factory first, regenerated a level first, and then began to release the people inside.

There are a total of one hundred clones, all of which are void-level creatures without souls. It seems that their strength is not very strong.

"Injecting the soul requires 1000 void crystals, as well as learning skills, wearing equipment, etc..."

These one hundred clones were quickly fully armed by Lin Tai, and Lin Tai also equipped them with 500 million Dawn Sets and Sunset Immortals respectively.

500 million arms is nothing, and 100 million is just 50 billion. Lin Tai not only has 50 billion left in his hands, but also a large number of arms are incubating, and they can join the battle soon.

One hundred people were in charge of defense in different places, and at the same time the clone production line was also frantically manufacturing, and soon, another hundred people appeared in front of Lin Tai.

"Very well, you should also use these arms to protect yourself, and at the same time control the surrounding defense projects, and don't let Lu Chao rush up."

...asking for flowers...


These clones are all Lin Tai's private army, not arms.

Different from arms, each private army has its own ideas and talents, and can wear equipment and learn skills, which is incomparable to arms.

If a private army of 5,000 people in a legion is all equipped with ultra-high-level equipment and has learned a lot of skills, then even in the face of tens of billions of soldiers, they can still defeat them with experience.

In addition, the level of the private army is easy to increase, as long as you are willing to take them to battle to gain experience, and then consume the corresponding crystals.

Although arms can also be upgraded by consuming resources, they also need the corresponding upgraded races. For example, if Lin Tai wants to upgrade his Sunset Immortal to Void Level 2, he needs to find a race that is similar in strength to them, or Find corresponding things from some special tasks, treasure chests, and hidden copies.

But the problem of the private army is that it is too expensive to cultivate. Fortunately, their problem can be solved by raising war money through war.

At this moment, these 200 Void Level 1 people plus some equipment and basic passives have consumed more than 3 million Void Crystals, which is simply terrifying.

At this time, Lin Tai saw a huge amount of dust appearing around his Shura Village!

Lin Tai knew very well that the dust was caused by a large number of wild monsters running. There is no doubt that the number of enemies who came to attack the city this time was terrifying.

"The first wave of attacks is 100 billion void spots. This is a wild monster like a horse, and it looks like a relatively weak creature."

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