Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2177: Killing The Boss

At this time, Lin Tai rushed up by himself, and cooperated with Bai Yu and Hei Wang to kill this guy.

At this moment, a spear appeared in Lin Tai's hand.

This is not any special equipment, but it is automatically produced in the territory for the private army to use. The effect is only: increase the strength by 125%, the higher the basic strength of the user itself, the less the gain.

Lin Tai's current power is quite high, so this equipment can only increase Lin Tai's power by 5%, which is also the lowest level of gain for this equipment.

But with a weapon in hand, Lin Tai's fighting skills can be unleashed, and the fighting is more smooth.

Now, countless Dawn Falcons and Sunset Immortals have launched countless attacks on the Void Tooth King, but in the end they only reduced the Void Tooth Lord's health to 100%. twenty four

And once the health value is lower than 30%, the Void Kiba will quickly recover the health value, which is really cheating!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Tai decided to deal with these people himself.

It was not only Bai Yu and the Black King who launched the charge with Lin Tai, but also the two hundred private troops that Lin Tai had just summoned.

These two hundred private troops are currently weak chickens. Even at the first level of the void, they have no combat experience at all, and their values ​​​​are also the weakest among the first level of the void. The attack power is 100 million, the defense power is 100 million, and the health value is 500 million. , It can be said that it is weak and dregs.

But the advantage of these people is that they can upgrade together with Lin Tai. If they personally participate in killing a Void Level 2 boss Void Kiba, these people will definitely gain the experience of a big star.

At this moment, Lin Tai pointed a spear in his hand and blocked the long nose of the boss in front of him. At the same time, Sunset Immortal landed on the back of Void Tooth King and began to attack.

Kong Kong Wang Qiang was stronger than Hei Wang Qiang, and wanted to fight back in an instant, but Lin Tai took a step back, avoiding Kong Kong Fang Wang's nose, and at the same time pointed the spear in his hand again, and landed on Kong Kong Fang Wang's knee joint.

Although the Void Kiba King was very strong, he couldn't help but retreat a distance after being hit on the knee, temporarily giving up the attack on the Black King.

Almost at the same time, the Flowing Light Slash released by Bai Yu also attacked Void Kibawang.

The number of streamer slashes released by Dawn Falcon is too many, and the Void Kibawang is unable to block them all, but the number of streamer slashes released by Bai Yu alone is still too small

Seeing this piece of streamer attacking towards him, Kong Kong Fangwang instantly tilted his body, and the terrifying force directly sent the Black King flying, and at the same time, Void Fangwang swung his nose, shattering Bai Yu's streamer chop.

But at this moment, the spear in Lin Tai's hand was directly in the mouth of Void King Fang.

No matter how hard Koid Kibao's body is, his mouth is always a weak spot, and when Lin Tai inserted it into his mouth, it started to bleed instantly!

Lin Tai once again took out a spear from his Qiankun world, and then said to the private soldiers beside him, "Did you see clearly what I did just now?"

"Yes Master!"

There are special restrictions in the artificial souls of these private soldiers, and they have infinite worship and loyalty to the lord who created them, so even in the face of powerful monsters that are likely to kill them, they don't have any timidity.

"Alright, prepare to kill this guy!"

As he spoke, Lin Tai stabbed forward with the long spear in his hand, scaring Kong Kongfang Wang back half a step in an instant.

But now there are a large number of Lin Tai's private soldiers beside the Void Kibawang, and now they stab the spears in their hands at the same time, causing a certain amount of damage to the Void Kibawang in an instant.

The Void Tooth King subconsciously wanted to fight back, but when he counterattacked, the Black King suddenly got down from the Void Tooth King's body and blocked the blow of the Void Tooth Lord with his body.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding private army launched an attack again.

Feeling the power of the Black King, the Void Tooth King also felt deeply threatened. It knew that the Black King in front of him was the strongest among all the creatures that approached him.

So he subconsciously put his hatred on one of Black King 337. However, it is not just Hei Wang who is attacking the Void Tooth King now.

Whenever the Void Kiba King attacks, Lin Tai will take the initiative to swing the spear in his hand to help the Black King resist part of the Void Kiba King's power. In this way, when the Void Kiba King's attack falls on the Black King Sometimes, the damage caused is not very high.

In this case, the black king's own attack still has blood-sucking effect, so it can directly resist the attack of Void Fangya.

Soon, the Void King's health dropped to less than 30% again, and the private soldiers attacking nearby were already familiar with the situation of besieging a powerful monster, and they became more and more comfortable in cooperating. Someone actively tried to use a shield to resist the attack of the Void Kibawang.

But they must be unstoppable, fortunately there are Black King and Lin Tai, in the end only one unlucky guy was accidentally killed, and the rest survived. .

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