Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2178 Settlement Territory

After killing the Void Tooth King, Lin Tai won the victory against the beast horde. A lot of experience, the crystallization fell on Lin Tai.

It's a pity that Lin Tai doesn't have a job yet, so he can't improve his level. Fortunately, as long as he gains experience in the void level, all attributes will increase without upgrading.

And Lin Tai's 200 private army also gained a lot of experience at this time, but the occupation of the private army can be determined by the lord himself.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tai transferred all these 200 people to pikemen, and their ranks are all Void Level 2.

"Well, as long as the daily production of clones is maintained, I won't be of much use here, so let's leave here for a while and explore the surrounding areas."

With this in mind, Lin Tai opened the interface of the clone production line, chose automated mass production, and equipped each clone with equipment and souls, which is quite extravagant.

With the addition of 200 clones every day, plus a large number of defensive facilities around, it is very easy to block the enemy's attack this time. As long as Lin Tai does not upgrade the Lord's Mansion, it is quite safe without the beast horde.

Afterwards, Lin Tai set up some more things, then left, and walked out in another direction. Sunset Immortals flew out in overwhelming numbers, and began to look for more suspicious things around.

Of course, the creatures encountered on the road were cleaned up directly, and there was no idea of ​​leaving any wild monsters at all.

"Huh? What is this~々?"

Suddenly stunned for a moment, Lin Tai suddenly discovered that there was a red light spot not far away.

Lin Tai walked over immediately, and then reached out and touched the light spot.

At this moment, the red dot suddenly expanded and turned into a very huge portal.

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have triggered the dungeon, the trial of flames, do you want to enter? 】

After a little consideration, Lin Tai chose OK.

Then Lin Tai entered the dungeon, and at the same time, there were only two heroes in his side to team up with him, namely Bai Yu and Hei Wang.

After the dungeon was loaded, Lin Tai appeared in a rather special place. At this time, he found that he was in a volcanic area, and there was still a lot of magma on the surrounding ground.

[System prompt: Player Shura, the first wave of enemy attacks is coming. 】

As he said that, a large number of fire element fighters appeared beside Lin Tai.

And these fire element fighters are not exactly the same as the outside.

The Fire Elemental Warrior in the main universe is a relatively simple fire tornado, with human facial features and claws with big eyes.

But the fire element fighters here are different.

The fire elemental fighters who have reached the first level of the void are gray-blue, and they have no facial features, only a huge one-eyed.

And their arms are not exactly the same, but something that looks like smoke, and at the same time, they all hold a very special spear in their hands.

The end of this spear is made of black volcanic rock, while the tip of the spear is a gray flame, which looks a little tough.

"Well, if I can drop this kind of equipment, the combat effectiveness of my private army will immediately increase a lot!"

Thinking in this way, Lin Tai summoned a large number of Dawn Falcons and Sunset Immortals, and said, "Come on, resist their attacks!"

Sunset Immortal immediately launched a phantom attack, and then rushed towards the surrounding fire element fighters.

Their function is to act as a human shield to block the attacks of the fire elemental fighters.

At this time, Bai Yu was flying high in the sky with his Dawn Falcon, using Sunset Immortal to block the attack of the Fire Elemental Warriors, and began to shoot a large number of streamer slashes at the surrounding Fire Elemental Warriors.


In the blink of an eye, all the fire elemental fighters in front of Lin Tai were killed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw that more fire elemental fighters climbed out of the magma on the side, and then rushed towards Lin Tai and Lin Tai's troops.

"Keep killing Yuan!"

As soon as Lin Tai gave the order, Bai Yu and Hei Wang fought even harder. Almost none of the fire element fighters could escape from their hands.

And with the end of the second wave of offensive, soon, the first wave of Qian Qian's main attack also began.

This time, it wasn't just fire elemental fighters who appeared in the third wave of attack, but also some fire elementals wearing armor.

Fire Elemental Warriors (Elite), that's what they're called.

Compared with ordinary fire elementals, these fire elemental fighters (elites) have higher defense and health, but the unique passive of fire elements: flame burning has disappeared.

It may be because of the armor on his body, which prevents the flames from burning in the body of the fire element warrior (elite).

But even so, Lin Yuan is not afraid of these monsters.

After all, even elites are only at the first level of Void. .

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