It didn't take long for the third wave of Fire Elemental Warriors and Fire Elemental Warriors (Elite) to be cleaned up by Lin Tai.

Sunset Immortal immediately rushed to help Lin Tai pick up a lot of dropped things.

Of course, in addition to falling, a treasure chest appeared in front of Lin Tai.

【Clear chest b】

[Open the treasure chest, you may get: Fire Elemental Warrior Species, Fire Elemental Crystal Core, Fire Elemental Spear Set Manufacturing Blueprint]


Lin Tai chose to open it, and a burst of light appeared in front of Lin Tai, at this moment he just saw a piece of paper falling in front of him.

Name: Manufacturing Blueprint of Fire Elemental Spear Set

Class: Green Excellent

Type: Consumables

Effect: After use, let your territory gain the ability to make fire element spear suits.

Description: The fire elemental spear set, which allows the wearer to obtain a large amount of fire damage ability and fire resistance. 147

"Well, nice stuff."

Nodding in satisfaction, Lin Tai directly chose to use it, and then a building appeared in the territory, named Blacksmith Shop, which can be used to make things by consuming items and void crystals.

This kind of manufacturing is much cheaper than direct purchase. Directly purchased Void-level white equipment requires 100 Void Crystals, but Lin Tai only needs ten Void Crystals to manufacture a set of excellent equipment, which is simply cheap. Die!

After getting the item, Lin Tai continued to walk forward, walked a little distance, and then Lin Tai found that a crater in front of him emitted a lot of light

"Can I go in?"

After speaking, Lin Tai walked over according to the footprints in front of him, and then entered the crater.

In the next second, Lin Tai appeared in a piece of ground (cefc) mantle.

But this seems to be an extinct volcano, the mantle has been emptied, and there is no magma pervading here, only a very low-lying place has a piece of magma.

Lin Tai glanced around and just saw a person sitting in front of him, so he walked over.

"Wait a minute, don't come here!"

The man gave a sudden growl and said, "Is this a trap?"

"I wipe!"

Lin Tai backed away in fright, but at that moment, a huge black shadow jumped out of the magma below, and then bit Lin Tai down with one bite!

Just when Lin Tai was about to be attacked, Hei Wang Meng suddenly stood in front of Lin Tai, and was bitten by this huge monster, and his health dropped by a factor in an instant!

It's just that the Black King is not a vegetarian. As a void creature with a unicorn body, the Black King has high defense and high strength. Although his body was bitten, not only was he not bitten off, but he controlled the opponent. So that the opponent cannot go back to the magma.

One of its horns is like a fishhook at this moment.

"So strong?"

Although Lin Tai was a little shocked, he didn't stop his movements, but hit the opponent's body hard with the spear in his hand.


The spear in his hand hit something very hard, but Lin Tai was knocked back several steps.

At the same time, the Black King launched the skill Specter Strike, and then the sharp horns on the top of his head began to attack the monster from within.

"Bring it on!"

Lin Tai gave the order, and more Sunset Immortals rushed to support the Black King, who was starting to fail, bringing the gigantic monster to the ground.

It was only at this time that Lin Tai could see clearly that it was actually a huge "fish", but the surface of its body was a layer of hard rock, and there were dots of light in the rock.

Name: melting fish

Tier: Void Tier 1

Attributes: fire, rock

Type: wild monster

IX: 311Z


HP: 50 billion

Speed: 0(land)/450(magma)


Magma Body: All attributes are passively increased by 100%. During battle, every time you receive a melee attack, it will cause 10% rebound damage to the target.

Rock Scale Armor: Injuries are reduced by 100%. During combat, each time you receive a melee physical attack, your own injuries will increase by 1%, and the damage reduction effect will be reduced to 30% at most.

Bite: Bite a target and drag it into the magma, making it constantly suffer from bite physical damage and magma burning damage.

Description: This kind of creature lives in the magma, it will expose the eyes on the top of the head to observe the above, and launch a sneak attack on the enemy.

"Oh, it's not a soldier-type monster, plus it's an adult, so the attribute is still very high!" Lin Tai couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, this kind of monster is quite special, because there are no arms, so the individual strength is higher than that of heroes of the same level, but basically it is useless.

However, it is more useful as a general in duels. If Lin Tai has a private army with fire attributes, he can subdue this strange fish and put it in his private army, and use it when fighting generals.

Lin Tai didn't think so much, but walked towards that person and asked, "Is this the trap you were talking about?".

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