Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2188: Bandit Suppression

It is impossible for Lin Tai to stay in the territory for a long time, so now he has also begun to let some clones who are loyal to him produce some guys with relatively good strength, and give them advanced souls to help him work.

Because the fast place is not too big now, Lin Tai only created two high-level NPCs, who are in charge of civil and military aspects respectively.

At this time, two NPCs appeared in front of Lin Tai, both of them were Void Level 2 NPCs, and one was wearing a robe and the other was wearing armor.

These two people are called Gert and Reg, and they are a mage and a military commander respectively. The purpose of Lin Tai creating them is to let Gert help him manage the internal affairs, and let Reg manage the military.

These two people are both talented and intelligent, comparable to Sherlock Holmes. After Lin Tai taught systematically for a period of time, they both became geniuses no less than Confucius.

"Very well, now it's time to test the abilities of the two of you.

At this time Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "First, Reg, you take my one thousand private army to attack the bandit camp near our territory."

"Yes, master!" Reg said without hesitation.

"Gert, I will go with Reg to destroy the bandit camp. During this period of time, you will give me a good development in the territory, and I will see your unique insights when I come back!"

"Yes Master!"

Gert also nodded.

After a little preparation, Reg set off with Lin Tai's 1,000 private troops who are now at Void Level 2.

And Lin Tai followed behind this army.

This time, as long as he does not encounter a very difficult situation, Lin Tai will not make a move, because his purpose this time is to train soldiers, not to kill robbers.

Soon, Lin Tai's private army was a little far away from the territory, and Reg was paying more and more attention to the surrounding situation.

Out of only one thousand people, Reg even selected a hundred of the most powerful people to form scouts, "It seems that Reg really understands the importance of poor information.

The robbers on the other side were completely unorganized and disciplined. Even if there were people wandering outside to collect information, they were wiped out by Lin Tai's private army within a short period of time, and no news could be sent back.

"That's right. Although this team is still young, it is already a bit sophisticated in tactics. 々." Lin Tai couldn't help commenting.

At a distance of one thousand meters from the robbers' camp, Reg ordered everyone to stop their actions.

Then after waiting for a short while, Lin Tai saw a few figures quietly approaching Reg's side.

These few people are the most powerful people among the thousand private troops, and their task is to monitor the robbers' camp and convey the news anytime and anywhere.

"Report to Master, General!"

One of the leaders first bowed to Lin Tai at the back of the line, and then gave a military salute to Reg.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "This morning, the second and third heads of the bandit camp have taken most of the bandits out of the camp to plunder the village. Now there is only one big head of Void Level 3 in the camp, And five hundred robbers at the void level."

"Void level two targets exist, but the number should not exceed ten."

It has to be said that the information this group of people got is quite detailed, and Lin Tai is also very satisfied. Although it is not comparable to the modern combat forces on Earth, it has already become the embryonic form of the ancient army.

"very good."

Lin Tai nodded in satisfaction.

Although Reg didn't hear Lin Tai's voice, but seeing Lin Tai's expression and movements, he also knew that he did a good job this time.

~ Reg, although the enemy is weaker than us this time, this is their camp, how do you think we can minimize our casualties?"

Lin Tai asked with a smile.

After all, this is Reg's first actual combat, so after thinking about it for a while, Reg said: "I think we can send some thinner people, pretending to be refugees, to attract the robbers to our encirclement." middle!"

"Our fighters are superior to the opponent in terms of number and strength, but they lack actual combat experience, so I think it is more appropriate to fight an ambush this time."

"Okay, then you can prepare for the next battle."

Lin Tai patted (Zhao's good) on Reg's shoulder, and said: "You have to remember, there is always a certain gap between actual combat and theory!"

"Yes, man!"

After getting Lin Tai's approval, Reg immediately began to arrange the next tactics.

But Lin Tai did not interfere with Reg's actions at all, but just watched from the sidelines.

Soon, Lin Tai's private army moved and ambushed near a relatively tall hillside, using the surrounding vegetation to hide their whereabouts.

Then a dozen or so thinnest-looking soldiers came out, changed into tattered clothes, wrapped a few bedding with rags, and walked around the robber camp from the other direction. .

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