After discovering the more than a dozen soldiers disguised as refugees from Lin Tai, some robbers immediately told the higher-level guys about the incident.

It's just that the leader of the robbers is busy breeding offspring now, so when someone disturbs him, he becomes angry instantly.

"Damn it, you still want to report to me about a dozen or so people?"

The big leader said very displeased: "Find a few random people and kill them! If there is a strong one, let him join in!"

That's right, in fact, although the robbers seem to be at ease, they will lose some people more or less every time they act, so it is normal for young and strong men to join.

It's just that they got it wrong this time, because these people in front of them are not ordinary refugees, but soldiers from Lin Tai in disguise [their strength is definitely not weak!

Soon, more than two hundred robbers with nothing to do came out and chased after the dozen or so Lin Tai soldiers.

They think that there is no suspense for more than 200 people. After all, there are only a group of 160 refugees in front of them.

It turns out they were right.

The dozen or so people in front of them ran very slowly, they didn't even go all out to chase, but followed leisurely behind, as if they were playing tricks on the group of poor people in front.

But when they passed a small slope, a thunderous roar sounded in their ears.

"Everyone, attack!"

The person who spoke was naturally Lin Tai's newly created clone Reg.

Lin Tai injected a very strong military concept into this clone, making it a very powerful general-type character. Now it seems that Lin Tai has a good vision.

At this moment, more than three hundred clone warriors rushed down from the breakthrough, roaring in bursts.

At the same time, the remaining 600 people (cecc) rushed out from where they came from, also uttered loud roars, raised their weapons, and chopped down at the people in front of them.

"Damn it, are these people regular soldiers?"

At this time, a robber elite leading the team said in disbelief, but he was directly stabbed to death by several soldiers with long guns within three rounds.

Immediately afterwards, more soldiers rushed up from behind, killing the robbers in the shortest possible time.

Because they were robbers who committed all kinds of crimes and even killed people, the soldiers didn't feel any unpleasantness in killing these people, but felt very refreshed and happy in their hearts.

After all, being able to kill so many vicious guys with his own hands is pretty good for an ordinary Zhan Shi.

"How about casualties?"

Lin Tai asked suddenly.

"Probably, three people were killed, five people were seriously injured, and sixteen people were slightly injured."

At this time, Reg also bit the bullet and said.

After all, the loss this time is really not small, and Reg also knows that his side has the advantage, but the power of the robbers on the other side when they desperately counterattack is really too strong.

This caused Reg's must-fighters to temporarily stop fighting.

"Well, your intelligence is not bad, I will find a way to help you improve it later." Lin Tai said casually.

But after hearing Lin Tai's words, all the people around looked enviously at the man who was chosen by Lin Yu, and almost went to learn art from a teacher.

Although Lin Tai's words seemed to be very friendly to Reg, in the end Reg just nodded mechanically, without any exaggerated expression.

After speaking, Lin Tai looked at Reg again and asked, "What do you think we should do now?"

Lin Tai's words are equivalent to acknowledging Reg's identity and status.

"My lord, my lord!"

Reg also said with tears in his eyes: "Please rest assured, I will definitely do my job as best I can!"

"Yeah, that's all right!"

Lin Tai nodded.

After that, Reg continued: "Actually, I think we have taken such an opportunity this time, and then we can rely on seduction and sneak attacks to eliminate the loss of members of the robbers little by little, and finally kill them." kill!"

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" Many people around him immediately agreed with Reg's idea, after all, Reg was directly approved by Lin Tai.

But now, Lin Tai shook his head.

Although Reg's plan is very feasible and normal, Lin Tai is definitely not a normal person. The road he prepared is more difficult to understand than the brain composition of ordinary Tianzun.

But those who really understood Lin Tai's approach couldn't help sighing, saying: "It's a pity that such a powerful person is not from our race!"

"Let's go straight back!" Lin Tai said without a doubt, this was just a little boost to morale.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Let those damned monsters pay the price!" The others were also shouting sharply. .

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