"That's right, it's still a bit bloody.

Lin Tai nodded.

In fact, it is necessary for soldiers to have blood. If a group of very rational guys form an army, then this army may become the weakest in history.

Reg is also very aware of Lin Tai's request, so naturally he needs to boost morale now.

Although there are not less than 5,000 robbers in the enemy's robber camp, among them there are only about 1,000 elites who have real combat power.

Moreover, these elites are all incompletely equipped, and they are definitely not as good as Lin Tai's standard white equipment.

The remaining 4,000 or so ordinary robbers, although they are also Void Level 1 creatures, have all attribute values ​​less than 100 million, and they belong to the guys who can be killed by the aftermath of the battle

In addition, these guys can't attack from a distance at all, so there is no threat to Lin Tai's private soldiers.

Based on this judgment, Reg chose to charge directly. Although the loss would be greater, the effect on the tempering of the fighters was also the best.

"There's nothing wrong with your decision.-"

Lin Tai nodded, and then went back to the back of the line again.

It's not that Lin Tai is timid, but this time he really can't make a move. Once Lin Tai makes a move to crush the enemy, then there is no possibility of training his own troops.

For the experience of his own private army, Lin Tai gave Reg a 50% death target, as long as this figure does not exceed, the sooner the private soldier can be cultivated, the better.

And Reg also lived up to Lin Tai's hopes at all. Whether it was the physical training of the fighters or the spiritual training, he did it quite perfectly, even Lin Tai himself might not be able to do it so well.

At this time, Reg led a thousand people straight to the robber camp, and the gatekeepers in the robber camp were really stupid. When the thousand people rushed to more than a hundred meters, they had just Just found out.

But before they could react, Reg directly shot two arrows, killing the two robbers guarding the gate.

Immediately afterwards, a thousand people rushed directly into the robber camp.

The robbers who were resting in the camp hadn't reacted at all at this time, and many of them were beheaded by Lin Tai's private army before they even had time to put on their clothes.

This can also be seen how poor the abilities of these robbers are. In the situation of five to one, before they have time to react, one-tenth of them have already been killed or injured.

"Very good, keep killing these guys!" Reg continued: "They are all villains who do all kinds of evil. If you kill one, you can save ten kind people. Don't pity them!"

"Yes, sir!"

The clones are loyal to Lin Tai, but not particularly friendly to the others, not to mention that the bandits are all hateful and damned!

So almost instantly, Lin Tai's private army gained the upper hand, and this group of robbers, even many elites, dare not continue to fight with them, and they all knelt down on the ground and did not dare to move!

"Damn it, who dares to break into my territory?"

Suddenly there was an angry roar, and then Lin Tai saw a gate of the robber camp being kicked open.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw a three-meter-tall, humanoid monster rushing forward.

"What is this?"

...asking for flowers...

Lin Tai was taken aback, and quickly checked the other party's information.

Name: Teddy

Rank: Void Level 3

Attribute: Void

Race: Human?

Description: A mad human being, corroded by the power of the ancient gods, seems to be transforming towards a more terrifying goal.

"Oh, it is a human being corrupted by the power of the ancient gods, no wonder there is a question mark after the race.

This question mark is his original race, and then he is developing towards another race.

But this is nothing to Lin Tai, it's only level 3 Void, so it can be easily dealt with.

But as a guy of the third level of the void, and he still has the characteristics of an ancient god, it shows one thing.

That is the Teddy in front of me, an existence with arms!

"It seems that this time I have to make a move again."

Lin Tai frowned, and then just before Teddy summoned the troops, a large number of Ruluo County directly turned into countless black streamers and rushed towards Teddy in front of him.

However, Teddy is a third-level human in the void, and his values ​​are similar to those of Lin Tai. The moment Lin Tai launched an attack, Teddy also released his troops without hesitation.

Spiritual Skeleton!

That's right, a skeleton!

"No wonder such a strong man created such a robber camp. The original purpose was to create more corpses for himself to produce arms."

Lin Tai nodded.

He also noticed that Teddy's unit, the Spiritual Skeleton, is very strong, but production is very troublesome.

Training this type of arm not only requires crystallization, but also uses human bones. .

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