Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2198: The Eternal City


In the distance, Lin Tai saw a huge city floating in the air.

This is the largest and most affluent city created by humans in the void, the Eternal City.

In fact, there are currently three camps in the void, namely the light camp, the dark camp, and the evil camp.

The so-called light camp is the camp created under the leadership of Sky God, which includes races such as humans, ancient elves, werewolves, dwarves, and gnomes.

The dark camp is a camp led by Emperor Demon, which includes undead, orcs, centaurs, jackals, high elves and other races.

As for the evil camp, it is actually void, but the sky god and the emperor demon call it evil, and the purpose is to let the new generation of creatures know that the other party is an evil existence at a glance.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has been violently erupting. The Kongshen and the Emperor Demon, who had been opposing each other, have now entered the honeymoon period. The two camps cooperate to fight against the enemy.

So now most of the conflicts are very small, and the battles between the two sides are usually completed by letting the recruits fight. After all, the scale of the battles between the recruits is relatively small, and the losses caused are relatively low.

At this time, Lin Tai came near the huge city, and happened to see a group of human guards standing here, as if watching something.


A person raised his hand to stop Lin Tai who wanted to come, and then asked: "Who are you? Why did you come here~々?"

"Oh, I'm an adventurer who just came from the main universe."

Lin Tai was not angry either, but patiently explained: "I am now level 3 of Void, and I have controlled a piece of unclaimed land not far from the main city, this time I went to the main city to report. "

When these guards heard Lin Tai's words, they immediately glanced at each other, and there seemed to be some kind of excitement in their eyes.

"Ah, it really has been many years since no one came from the universe."

These guards smiled, and then said: "I didn't expect that someone finally came. I heard that the strength of your people from the main universe has improved very quickly. It shouldn't be long. We are no longer your opponents." .”

Although they said so, Lin Tai checked the other party's attributes and found that they were all powerful existences as high as Void Level 700. At least it would take a long time for Lin Tai to reach their level.

"Okay, you go in, don't delay our vigilance outside, recently there are often void monsters attacking our main city, which is quite annoying."

After saying that, these people stopped talking to Lin Tai.

Lin Tai didn't make fun of himself, but went directly to the minister of the temple city.

The moment he entered the main city, Lin Tai was stunned.

This huge city called the Eternal City is more than ten times bigger than New York, the largest city on earth, and it floats in mid-air, so it looks quite beautiful and spectacular.

"Huh... It seems that I am still far from becoming a useful person in the void. y

That's right, now Lin Tai is not only a recruit, but also a weakling who doesn't even reach the tenth level of Void.

Creatures in the void basically have to determine their future direction at the tenth level.

So the current Lin Tai actually doesn't even have the qualifications to be a low-level auxiliary soldier on the battlefield. If he wants to do odd jobs on the battlefield, he needs to be at least Void Level 50.

As for making some achievements on the battlefield, at least a Void level of about 300 is required.

As for higher-level existences, they rarely appear on the battlefield at present. After all, if you die, you are really dead. It is very difficult for the two camps of Emperor Demon and Sky God to train high-level fighters, and they usually use lower-rank fighters The fighters who use crowd tactics to pile up high-level fighters in the void.

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Yu then randomly found a few people and inquired about the target he was looking for when he came to the main city this time, Magna.

~Oh, it's the Great Alchemist Magna!"

At this time, a person said: "Magmana, he is not far from our place, it is relatively remote, it would be better if you go a little further in and ask a few guards."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." (Li Nuozhao) dropped some void crystals as a thank you gift, and then Lin Tai went in that direction as the whole person said, and then found a few guards.

The guards inside the city were stronger than the guards outside the city, and their level was around 750 Void Levels. After hearing Lin Tai's question, they carefully took Lin Tai to Magna's residence.

Of course, the reason for being careful is because Magna's status is relatively high, not because they feel good about Lin Tai.

"Master Magna, are you there?"

The guard knocked on Magna's door.

"I'm here, what's the matter?" At this moment Magna also came out, Yang with a messy face. .

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