Lin Tai could tell at a glance that this guy was in a bad state recently, probably because his younger brother was missing and he was exhausted physically and mentally.

"What do you want from me?" Magna asked angrily.

"This is the person looking for you."

The guard pointed to Lin Tai at the side, then turned his head and left.

"What do you want from me?" Magna asked directly at the door without letting Lin Tai Jinwu.

"Uh... I met your younger brother Mahe, he is currently trapped in a place, I accepted the mission to find you.

"What?" Magna said immediately, "You say you know where he is?"

"Yes, it's in the trial copy of the flame near my territory."

Lin Tai didn't know if the NPC could understand the meaning of the copy, so he said tentatively.

"Damn it, I said earlier that that thing is still an incomplete test product, he dared to wear this thing to the volcano, isn't this courting death for 650?"

While Magna was talking to himself, Lin Tai checked the information of Magna a little bit.

Name: Magna

Level: void level 300

Attribute: None

Race: Human



HP: 2 trillion

Speed: 1000


Master of Engineering: The success rate of manufacturing engineering items is increased by 85%, and the flash rate is increased by 50%. You can learn all blueprints below the master level. During battle" all attributes are 99%.

Description: Although he is a strong Void Level 300 player, because his mind is all on engineering, the combat effectiveness of Magna is not very strong, and he can even be described as a weak chicken.

"On the border, it seems that there is no danger, right?" (cefc) Magna asked: "There should be no guy with a void level higher than ten?"

"Yes, it is very safe to come to the main city from my territory. I can deal with all the monsters on the way."

"Okay then, let's go now!"

Magna said, "Don't clean up."

With that said, he locked the door directly, and followed Lin Tai out.

Although it seems that Magna didn't bring anything, the NPC also has a backpack, and the backpack is much larger than the player's, and basically all the things needed are in the backpack.

Following Lin Tai all the way to Shura Town, at this time Magna also followed Lin Tai to the dungeon, the gate of the trial of flames regardless of his care.

Lin Tai stretched out his hand to touch the light spot at the door of the copy, and then heard the system prompt.

[System prompt: Player tyrant, the current dungeon has not been reset, you will not be able to get any rewards after entering, are you sure you want to do this? 】


Lin Tai chose to agree, and then entered the instance with the NPC Magna beside him.

After walking through the surface and the mantle one after another, Lin Tai brought Magna to the center of the earth.

At this time, Ma He was still locked in the seal, and he became angry the moment he saw Lin Tai.

But after seeing his big brother Magna also came, Ma He suddenly became happy, and it seemed that he was saved.

"How did he get stuck in this place?" Magna asked, frowning.

"Oh, he was raided by some people, from the Fireball God Sect. Those people wanted to release the lava lord who was sealed here, but fortunately, I killed him.

"That's right."

Magna nodded, and then took out a large number of instruments from his backpack and started beating on the side. It seemed that he was going to use these things to create something that would bring out his younger brother.

Soon, an object that looked like a drink bottle appeared in front of Lin Tai, with a punch like a teleportation array underneath it, and many special lines were engraved on the surrounding metal walls, It seems that it is a very advanced falling thing.

"Come in, I need your help!" Magna said to Lin Tai.

"it is good."

Lin Tai frowned and walked over, and then appraised the information of this thing from a distance.

Name: replacement instrument

Tier: epic

Effect: After use, the person and target inside the instrument can be replaced

Description: Blood circulation is not a great invention, but sometimes, it can come in handy.

"Hehe, do you want to use this thing to seal me in, and then rescue your brother Maher?"

Lin Tai sneered, but he didn't show any flaws that he had discovered on his face.

Just as he walked near the instrument, he suddenly kicked Magna into it!

As I said before, although Magmana has a high level, he is not good at fighting, and his attributes have been reduced by 99%, which is even lower than that of Lin Tai, a fourth-level Void player.

At this time, Magna was directly kicked into the displacement instrument by Lin Tai's kick.

The next second, Lin Tai closed the door without hesitation. .

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