Age of Mysticism

Chapter 212 Glover sees the clear sky

The counterattack of Oulu Academy was very quick. The Academy Committee meeting ended, and all cooperative research related to the Urban Alchemists Association within the Academy was ordered to terminate. At the same time, those Oulu mages who cooperated with the City Alchemy Association in Raging Waves City also received orders to return to the academy.

Numerous new technologies under development stopped, and a huge earthquake broke out in Raging Waves City.

Speaker Grover was floating by the window, it was still late at night outside, but the city Alchemists Association building was full of people. The sudden evacuation of the Oulu Academy has dealt a severe blow to all industries in Raging Waves City. If the cooperative research cannot continue, it will be a fatal blow to Raging Waves City.

Countless people were awakened in their sleep.

"What happened? Why is Oulu Academy so angry!" Speaker Grover turned to a man who shrouded himself in black and asked, "Is it related to you killing Francis?"

The man in black replied: "I don't know, Mr. Speaker. Our plan with Francis was discovered and used by a third party. I can only kill Francis to prevent worse things from happening."

"But bad things have happened!" Grover said angrily, "Someone must have planted the incident of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum on us, which aroused the anger of Oulu Academy. I told you, be careful! Be careful! careful!

But you never take my words seriously! "

"But Mr. Speaker, I had no choice at the time. If I didn't kill Francis, he would still be used to blame us. He is dead, at least the Oulu Academy has no direct evidence to prove anything.

We can explain to Oulu Academy... Terminating the cooperation in this way is also an immeasurable loss for Oulu Academy. "

Grover looked at the man in black and didn't complain anymore.

The enemy is dark and we are clear, now the opponent can only use the dead Francis to make a fuss. If Francis is alive, it will only be more troublesome!

"You did the right thing. Our opponent is too despicable. You should eliminate all traces of Francis' contact with us as soon as possible. I'm going to Oulu College to talk to Vice President Elway."

"Yes, Lord Speaker." The figure of the man in black faded and disappeared.

At this time, the assistant knocked on the door and walked in: "Sir, the Oulu Academy sent a mage to the Government Affairs Office to request the investigation of the information that the city assisted the Academy in the aftermath of the disaster a hundred years ago."

"Go and help me, take good care of everything related to the Black Corrosion Spirit."

"As you order, Lord Speaker."

After the assistant closed the office door, Chancellor Grover opened a portal with a wave of his hand.

In the Oulu Academy, the visiting speaker Grover was coldly invited to a reception room. The Oulu Master who received him didn't even pour Grover a glass of water.

The relationship between the new aristocrats of Raging City and the Oulu Academy with the Urban Alchemist Association as the core has reached a freezing point, which makes Grover very disturbed.

But Grover still sat on the chair very calmly on the surface, and asked the Oulu mage who received him very gracefully: "When can I see Vice President Elway, the City Alchemists Association and the Oulu Academy?" There have been some misunderstandings, and this time I came here to clarify something to him."

Master Oulu replied in a very bad tone: "I'm sorry, Speaker Glover... Vice President Elway is very busy, especially when something bad happened in the college.

The vice president doesn't have time, but he entrusts Professor Qingkong, head of the Academy's Department of Occult Arts, to come and see you.

Professor Clear Sky should be here soon. "

clear sky!

This is the last person Grover wants to see when he comes to Oulu Academy.

But Qingkong has already opened the door and walked in.

After sitting down, Qingkong, who was wearing the magic professor robe of Oulu College, let the Oulu mage who was receiving him go out, and then took off the magician's hat and put it on his lap.

"I know why the speaker came to Oulu Academy this time. Seeing me, I think you should also know the attitude of Oulu Academy.

The Oulu mages are angry, so the consequences are severe! "

Seeing the clear sky, Grover knew that he would have to double the difficulty of convincing Oulu Academy. But no matter how small the chance is, we have to fight for it. The Urban Alchemists Association has really reached the moment of life and death.

"Miss Sunny Sky... The Oulu Academy's sudden suspension of cooperation with the City Alchemist Association was very sudden, and we didn't even know what happened. If there is a misunderstanding between us due to instigation, I can explain it."

Clear Sky looked at Grover with a smile on his face.

"Did you really misunderstand? Chairman Glover, you and I know the truth very well. What your men and Francis said were all heard by Chief Detective Meteorite, and Chief Inspector Meteorite also told me what he heard.

The Reform Society, the Eldest Princess, and our Majesty all hope that Raging Waves City can maintain the status quo. I don't have much interest in your power struggles. I just want to finish my research at Oulu College, but you just come to provoke me, and even want to kill the students of the college and blame me.

Speaker Grover, do you have anything to say? "

Chairman Glover did not expect that it was Meteor who was following Francis at that time, so killing Francis was like sending shells to the Reform Society to attack him, and Meteor could play whatever he wanted on a dead person.

But Meteor had been involved in this case for less than a day, so how could it be possible to find Francis so accurately.

"It must have been done by the meteor!" Grover felt that he had understood the mystery inside, and he said eagerly: "Miss Clear Sky, you are a scholar, a professor of magic at the Oulu Academy, and you must be able to stand in the Oulu Academy Treat the truth fairly and justly from a standpoint.

I confess to you that Francis is working for me, and he has obtained some scientific research results of the Oulu Academy for me. Even framed you...

We just don't want you to be the next Head of the Academy of Oulu, but we're definitely not laying a trap beneath the ruins of the Magical Botanical House. This must have been done by Meteor, he is an agent of the Empire, and he is best at murdering and framing. Miss Sunny Sky, Dean Willred chose you as heir because of your ability, and it has nothing to do with Meteor.

The Urban Alchemist Agreement is willing to cooperate with the investigation of the Oulu Academy, and we will let you see the true face of the evil of the Meteor. "

Meteor was at the scene where Francis was killed, making Grover afraid to use the speech he had prepared when he came. The financial fraud incident of the Urban Alchemists Association allowed Grover to see the ability of Meteor.

Now that the Oulu Academy's attack on the Urban Alchemist Agreement has been so fierce, if Meteor is allowed to continue to control it, God knows what troubles he can make.

Fear of meteors made Grover confess to Clear Sky. He knew that he had fallen into the trap set by Meteor, and he had to expose Meteor's conspiracy in order to escape from this trap.

Clear Sky underestimated Grover's sensitivity to the name "Meteor". She didn't expect Grover to admit his relationship with Francis in this way.

It's about docking your tail for survival, taking on those responsibilities that aren't lethal.

But Grover doesn't know the true relationship between Clear Sky and Luke.

Qingkong said to Grover: "Your idea is very innovative. First tell me where the black eclipse spirit comes from?"

Seeing Qingkong listen to his own speculation, Grover said: "After the disaster at Oulu College a hundred years ago, the City Administration Department sent people here to help rescue the survivors. At that time, some black eclipse spirits were discovered. The academy took away these black eclipses and kept them until now.

Because you have the Book of Calamity, so in order to make Oulu Academy exclude you, I gave Francis one. He released the black eclipse spirit in a safe place, and was quickly discovered by the Oulu battle mage without harming anyone.

Miss Skylight, please trust me. What I did was wrong, but I had no intention of hurting anyone. The incident of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum has nothing to do with me, it was caused by Meteor. "

"I found another black eclipse spirit in the ruins of the magic plant hall. If you accuse Chief Inspector Meteor of setting up a trap in the ruins of the magic plant hall, where did he get the black eclipse spirit?"

"This?" Speaker Glover didn't know how to answer: "We captured Meteor and we can find out by interrogating him."

"You asked Oulu Academy to assist you in arresting the Chief Detective of Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau?"

Qingkong's smile made Chairman Glover realize that things were not going in the direction he thought.

"Miss Qingkong, your relationship with Meteor... shouldn't be enough for you to protect him."

"If this matter was really done by Meteor, I certainly wouldn't cover him up. But we found a lot of things related to the remains of the Magic Plant Museum from Francis's teaching assistant's apartment. The professionalism in it is not something that Chief Detective Meteor can forge at will." .

The black eclipse spirit is out of reach of Chief Inspector Meteor.

All evidence points to you. Chairman Glover, if the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum really have nothing to do with you, you shouldn't kill Francis. "

Yes, Francis is dead.

Killing him is definitely the biggest failure.

"Miss Clear Sky, I apologize for our reckless behavior, but I think you have been blinded by your prejudice against us. Please let me see Vice President Elway, and I can convince him to trust me."

Qingkong said: "Unless you show evidence, you can't convince anyone."

Grover said anxiously: "Don't think you can stop me from seeing Vice President Elway, if I can't see him today, I can come tomorrow."

"Professor Qingkong is right. You can't convince anyone without evidence." At this moment, the door opened, and Vice President Elway walked in with the members of the college committee.

Grover hurriedly stood up and saluted Vice President Elway: "This is all a misunderstanding, and I have no intention of offending Oulu College."

"But you have already offended." Vice President Elway said with an extremely bad expression: "The members of the college committee and I have been listening to your conversation with Professor Qingkong outside, and we are all very shocked by everything.

Stealing the scientific research technology of Oulu Academy, spreading rumors in the academy, throwing black eclipses, trying to interfere with the inheritance of the academy... and even killing a teaching assistant.

This is all admitted by you yourself, how can we believe that all this is just a misunderstanding? Believe you meant no offense to Oulu Academy? "

Grover had already prepared for the situation when he confessed to those crimes.

"I am willing to accept punishment for my crime. I can pay compensation and hand over the murderer who killed Francis' assistant teacher. But the incident at the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum has absolutely nothing to do with us. Someone used Francis to frame me.

I welcome the investigation by Oulu Academy, but please let the cooperation between the Urban Alchemists Association and Oulu Academy continue before the truth of the matter is found out. Let innocent people suffer grievances and losses, and let real criminals go unpunished. "

Grover bowed very cordially to Vice President Elway.

Elway asked Clear Sky: "What do you think should be done?"

Qingkong thought for a while and replied: "The complete termination of cooperation with the Urban Alchemist Association will indeed cause many innocent people to suffer losses. I suggest that all cooperation projects be re-examined, and cooperation with private research institutions can continue. Collaboration with research institutions is cut by 50%.

Speaker Glover apologized publicly to Oulu College.

Hand over the murderer who killed Francis' assistant teacher..."

At this time, Chairman Grover said: "Please forgive me for not being able to apologize publicly. If this matter is made public, I will stay away from Raging City for the rest of my life. I will hand over the murderer who killed Francis, and he will bear all the crimes."

Grover was very firm.

Qingkong knew that forcibly bringing down Glover would only make the incident develop out of control. The fact that Oulu Academy was able to poach the corner of the City Alchemist Association was the biggest gain from this accident.

It won't be too late to move Glover once the Oulu Academy completely transfers Raging City's research and development system.

"Yes, Rough Waves City still needs Chairman Glover very much.

The Oulu Academy will investigate the truth of the incident at the ruins of the Magical Botanical Museum, and the city government office and council of Rage City must cooperate with us without reservation. "

At this point Grover has decided that all of this is a Meteor conspiracy. As long as Oulu Academy finds out the truth, Meteor will bear all the anger of Oulu Academy. Without Meteor, the Reform Society would soon be over. What is lost now will be all back in due time.

Endure the momentary pain to win the final victory!

Grover said straightforwardly: "This matter has nothing to do with me. Of course, I am willing to fully cooperate with the investigation of Oulu College."

As for Qingkong, if the investigation of this incident can continue, there will be too much room for maneuvering.

Qingkong said to Vice President Elway: "Since there are still many things that can be investigated about the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum, it is necessary to continue the investigation. Only by finding conclusive evidence can the criminal be brought to justice.

These are the only measures I can think of. Does the vice president have anything to add? "

Vice President Elway felt a lot of self-blame in this incident, thinking that the teacher's morality that he was proud of had polluted the gray stains.

Therefore, he said: "Professor Qingkong is very considerate. There are indeed many areas that need to be carefully investigated in the case of the ruins of the Magical Plant Museum. This matter will be handed over to Professor Qingkong. I will let Professor Lennon and the Oulu Battle Mage cooperate." your investigation.

I hope that the truth can be found out as soon as possible, so that the murderer can accept the punishment he deserves! "

Vice President Elway gave Grover a deep look, then turned to leave.

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