Age of Mysticism

Chapter 213 Unexpected Change

The members of the Oulu College Committee all showed an extremely disgusted attitude towards Speaker Grover, and everyone left with Vice President Elway, leaving Qingkong and Grover in the room.

Feeling the quiet again, Qingkong said: "I arranged for the student committee to listen outside. After all, in a sense, I am regarded as a member of the Reform Society, and I don't want to be misinterpreted about the content of this meeting."

Speaker Glover didn't care about the attitude of the Oulu Academy Committee towards him. He sat back on his chair and asked Qingkong pointedly: "Aren't you a member of the Reform Society?"

Qing Kong shook her finger, and there were two ice wine glasses on the table in front of herself and Grover. Then a bottle of red wine appeared out of nowhere and was poured into the glass without anyone touching it.

The suspended wine bottle is extremely stable, and the red wine flows into the glass without splashing a drop.

"The only thing that is certain now is... I am a professor of magic at Oulu College. Oulu College's position determines that I cannot get too involved in the disputes in Rage City. My relationship with Mrs. Mihir is a personal relationship, and I also admire Meteorite very much." The Chief Detective has transformed the city in just a short time.

After experiencing this incident, maybe it won't take too long for the City of Raging Waves to become the City of Raging Waves of the Reform Society. "

Chairman Glover was still feeling Qingkong's magical control just now, but after listening to Qingkong's words, he immediately felt an unprecedented sense of pressure.

Framed by a meteor this time, the relationship between the Urban Alchemists Association and Oulu Academy has reached an all-time low. Even if he tried his best to save it, it only slowed down the time of destruction. If the city's research and development system is taken away by the Oulu Academy, he will not be qualified to continue to sit as the speaker.

Only by finding out the evidence that Meteor set up the trap of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum can the relationship with Oulu Academy be eased, and then cooperate with Oulu Academy to bring down the Innovation Society.

It can be said that in this city of raging waves, the new aristocratic forces headed by himself and the reform society headed by Meteor are about to start a life-and-death battle.

Speaker Glover did not expect things to develop to such an extreme.

In fact, he is also willing to keep the situation in Raging Waves City in a balanced tacit understanding at this time, and then use his advantage in size to slowly wear down the ferocious momentum of the Reform Society. The fleet of the Saxon Project has arrived, and a large net against Cape Harbor is being formed.

Originally, the time was on the side of the new aristocrats, and the city of Raging Waves would eventually return completely to the hands of the new aristocrats.

But now... Meteor took the opportunity to create such a big incident with his small action.

Use the knife of the Oulu Academy to dig out the foundation of the new nobles in Raging City.

I don't know who will survive who in the end.

And if I want to change from passive to active in this kind of game, the best way is to win Qingkong into my camp. She can be bought by Meteor, and naturally she can be bought by others.

The current clear sky is not only the star of Raging Waves City, but also considered by all parties to be the most cutting-edge force in the city. The new nobles conducted a comprehensive investigation on her. Although there is not much information, there are also very interesting things.

For example, Qingkong has a red steam locomotive named "Glory of the Republic".

Meteor is a secret agent of the empire, and behind it is the imperial family, which has a natural and irreconcilable contradiction with the republic.

"I've heard some rumors that Professor Clear Sky seems to be very interested in the idea of ​​a republic."

Qing Kong picked up the wine glass and took a shallow sip of the red wine.

"Before I came to Rage City, I traveled the world. The changes of the times touched me a lot, especially a country can still function well without a king.

A subversive regime with great research potential is suitable for a long-term research topic. The lifespan of elves can support me to do this research, making the boring life journey more enjoyable. "

Qingkong's Versailles-style speech on lifespan made Glover unable to complain. Although halflings have a long lifespan, compared with elves, they are still a short-lived race.

Following the topic opened, Grover said: "The current political system of Raging City is actually similar to a republic. The empire has no direct jurisdiction over Raging City, and the city council brings together elites from all walks of life in the city to jointly formulate the city's general strategy.

The synthesis of collective wisdom is definitely higher than the wisdom of a single person. Raging Waves City can become a city that attracts the attention of the world, in addition to its unique geographical location, it is also inseparable from the contribution of the city council.

Moreover, we have also been absorbing the experience and lessons of other republican countries, and constantly improving the functions of the city council and the government affairs office. I think this is definitely a case worth studying for Miss Weatherly Sky. "

When it comes to the academic field, Qing Kong seems to have forgotten many unpleasant things and has become very talkative.

"Yes, in the Golden Shield Empire, where the imperial power has reached an unprecedented height, there actually exists a Raging Tide City with a republican parliament. This unimaginable combination is the main reason why I am attracted to stay in Raging Tide City.

Facts have proved that my decision is very correct.

As with other republics, conservative forces are always looking for ways to regain lost power, just as some republics have turned back into monarchies. For me, Raging City is an excellent research model, its area is far smaller than a country but its wealth is comparable to a country.

A perfect epitome of ideological confrontation. "

Glover's heart was greatly surprised by the clear sky's words.

He couldn't help mocking Yomington in his heart, even using the queen's position to buy a scholar, it was simply insulting the scholar's IQ and integrity.

What's more, this scholar is still an elf.

It is impossible for a pure politician to understand what a pure scholar wants.

"I very much agree with Miss Weathering Sky's views on Raging City. The republican ideology is a brand new ideology. It has been proven in many places that it can completely replace the monarchy. But a new type of ideology must exist in various ways. problems, just as there are many flaws in the council of Raging Waves City.

The recent dramatic changes in the city also prove this point.

In my opinion, the counterattack of conservative forces is beneficial to the perfection of republican thought. Pressure will prompt us to be more active in self-sublimation, those who are incompetent will be eliminated in the battle, and new people who share the same ideals will be absorbed in..."

Qingkong shook the red wine in the glass, glanced at Grover: "Sir, are you recruiting me?"

Grover immediately said: "It would be the greatest honor for all of us in this life if Miss Skylight is willing to join the Republic Experimental Field."

Qing Kong said: "I'm a scholar, I don't want to get involved in your battles, and I don't have time to participate in your battles."

"But Meteor has already pulled you in." Grover didn't miss any chance to throw dirty water on Luke: "The incident of the ruins of the Magical Plant Museum is definitely a trap set up by Meteor to frame me! I admit that I did something inside. It's not right, but I never want to hurt the students.

But Meteor dared to use the lives of students to provoke Oulu Academy to deal with me. He pulled Oulu Academy into the vortex of the political struggle in Raging City, and dealt us the most fatal blow.

Miss Sunny Sky, you should know what the Urban Alchemist Guild means to Rough Waves City. In this new era, the technological innovation of the Urban Alchemists Association is the source of Raging City's leading position in the world competition.

Without the Urban Alchemists Guild, we would be vulnerable to conservative forces. At that time, the empire will regain control of Rage City, and even if the council exists, it will only exist in name only. The republican idea will definitely be suppressed, and your research model, Miss Weatherlight, will disappear after our defeat.

There is a high probability that it will not appear anywhere in the world in the future. "

Grover's words made the clear sky stop shaking the red wine, and she fell into deep thought, as if time was frozen at this moment.

This situation gave Glover the urge to paint this beautiful moment. It has to be admitted that the beauty of Fairy Qingkong is extremely lethal to any race. Her beauty has surpassed the delicacy of the skin and is part of the beauty created by nature.

After coming over for a while, Qingkong said: "If this happened, it would be a very regrettable thing."

Hearing the looseness in Clear Sky's tone, Grover immediately said: "I absolutely have no intention of interfering with Miss Clear Sky's fair and just investigation of the remains of the Magic Plant Museum. Association sanctions."

Clear Sky looked at Grover: "However, to me, the speaker is already interfering with the fairness of this investigation. But I think there is some truth in some of the speaker's words, and there are indeed some things that can be investigated about Chief Inspector Meteor. Doubtful.

I will strengthen the investigation of Meteor and Innovation Society, and please cooperate with your investigation. "

For Glover, although Qingkong's attitude change is not what he expected, but a change is a good start.

"I am innocent, of course I will cooperate with the investigation of the Oulu Academy. Regarding reducing the investigation of the City Alchemist Association..."

Qingkong drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

"In the whole incident, Mr. Speaker, you are not innocent, and you are still the biggest suspect in the incident of the ruins of the magic plant hall. The sanction of the City Alchemist Association is the attitude of Oulu Academy, and there is no room for half-compromise.

But I will convince the Faculty Committee not to affect the progress of important research projects as much as possible. As for whether the sanctions will be weakened in the future, it depends on your attitude. Respect... is the only thing that Oulu Academy asks for.

Not too much! "

"Not too much, not too much... I would like to apologize again to Miss Skylight and Oulu Academy, and I promise that similar incidents will never happen again."

"Very good!" Qingkong poured himself a glass of red wine, motioned Grover to drink his red wine, and then poured him a glass of red wine: "That's all for the time being about the incident of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum. Regardless of the facts that happened, Tan, Mr. Speaker has always been a scholar I admire, especially you are also a very successful politician.

Regarding the Republic... I have a lot of thoughts and questions, and I hope to discuss them with the Speaker.

I don't know if the speaker has time. "

The Speaker has no time.

This time, the Oulu Academy's sanctions against the Urban Alchemists Association were too sudden. Countless people in Rage City are waiting for the news that Grover will bring back, and he will also hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this crisis, as well as the upcoming new conflict with the Reform Society.

Everything happened so suddenly.

But everything is less important than the clear sky at the moment.

A key person who has a certain liking for the republic, as long as he can pull Qingkong into the camp, everything will be solved.

"When I have time... I have the same respect for Miss Weatherlight. To be honest, I would rather stay in the library and swim in the ocean of ideas than go to the city council.

Speaking of the republic, I think the closest and most vivid reference is the Republic of Rio. They had the most thorough liquidation of the old monarchs, and they also experienced the war of strangling the republic by the empire.

Recently, the watchers have launched a war to revive the kingdom internationally and domestically.

This is a test of the Rio Council's internal governance capabilities, as well as its ability to handle international relations, and it is a great test for the new type of republican thinking..."

Based on the Republic of Rio, Grover talked about the new republican thought. His erudition and his own unique insights made Qingkong couldn't help but admit that Grover was indeed superior in some aspects.

During the discussion, Glover also marveled at Clear Sky's unique understanding and development of republican thought.

After all, the current so-called "Republic" can only be regarded as a baby to Luke. Its existing disadvantages and future perfect trends are all real materials in Luke's memory. Even if the world is different, just taking out some casually is enough to amaze Grover.

As a result, Grover was completely immersed in the discussion of academic ideas, and forgot what he should do as the chairman of the city council.

But the academic harmony is only short-lived, and the theme of Raging City is still the struggle for power.

When the City Alchemist Association was devastated by the sanctions of the Oulu Academy, Luke also received news that pirates had appeared outside the city.

Moreover, these pirates were obviously targeting ships entering and leaving Cape Harbor. Many ships had already been looted, and some rumors were also spreading in Cape District.

Many merchant ships diverted to other ports in Rough City.

Fortunately, Luke has already predicted the occurrence of this crisis through various intelligence sources, so he has stockpiled a lot of materials in advance. The repair project of the Cape Harbor will not have a major impact in the short term, but if the sea blockade cannot be lifted as soon as possible, the Cape District will not last for too long.

Fortunately, the new nobles did something stupid at Oulu Academy. Under the pressure of the academy's sanctions, they don't have the energy to deal with Cape District now.


The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

The moment of the decisive battle came when everyone was unprepared. The world is impermanent, and those who push have to move forward.

Even Luke was taken by surprise by how fast things were changing.

Luke received the message from Clear Sky, and the plan over there went very smoothly. Qingkong's gesture made Glover intensify his efforts to win her over, treating her as a lore to turn the tide.

Let Qingkong get some secrets of the new nobles during the investigation of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum.

It's also not possible to get Qingkong into their inner circle if done right.

This requires a careful plan.

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