Age of Mysticism

Chapter 217: Unit 1

Speaker Glover returned from the Oulu Academy with a full load. Although the all-metal steam battleship in the Iber shipyard was somewhat unexpected, it was within an acceptable range. No matter what conspiracy Meteor wants to use this battleship to do, it is impossible to change the balance of power at sea with a hastily built new warship.

Not to mention that the maneuverability is very worrying, there is no sample ship test, no continuous technical polishing and design improvement, this kind of all-metal warship has a high probability of being launched into the water and directly sinking into the sea.

Just remind the Saxon Engineering Fleet to pay attention.

The biggest gain from Oulu College is undoubtedly the change of Qingkong's attitude, which shows that his strategy of starting with common ideas is correct. Now Qingkong is holding on to the meteorite on the ruins of the Magic Botanical Museum, using both land and sea, no matter how tricky you are, under the pressure of such absolute strength, you can only be like a clown struggling to do somersaults in the stands.

ridiculous! Pitiful!


The blockade of Cape Harbor by the Saxon engineering fleet was very effective. Their main fleet was cruising in the sea outside the city of Raging Waves, sending recruited pirates to intercept passing ships. Ships with permits from other ports in Raging Waves City will be allowed to pass. Without permits, or ships clearly entering and leaving Cape Harbor will be looted.

However, the imperial navy stationed in Raging Waves City was extremely calm. Even though the Cape District had repeatedly informed them that there were pirates at sea, the navy still stood still. Even routine sea patrols were terminated on the grounds that the fleet warships needed to be overhauled, and only airships for reconnaissance were dispatched to monitor the movements of the "pirates".

In addition to the ongoing construction at Cape Port, the number of ships on the pier has been greatly reduced. This has put many people's livelihoods in crisis, and the Cape District has become unstable.

Shelley led the Rangers to guard day and night to maintain law and order in the city, but this was not a long-term solution. The prestige of Chief Inspector Meteor will be exhausted one day. When the General Bureau of Secret Affairs cannot suppress the underground turbulence, once it breaks out, it will be out of control.

Luke asked about the construction progress of the "first machine" every day, and the Yanyang Group spent a lot of money every day to appease all parties.

In the seemingly prosperous and peaceful Rage City, a string in the sky is getting tighter and tighter.

Finally, the Ible Shipyard sent the news that the construction of the "first machine" had been completed, and Pan also sent the cruising route of the Saxon engineering fleet and the schedule for the next rest and replenishment.

Luke immediately ordered the "Plane No. 1" to go into the sea loaded with ammunition and fuel, and sail towards the waters of Fishbone Island. Time is tight, and there is no time for the "first machine" to be tested. After Mrs. Tasia accepted the warship on Fishbone Island, all tests and training were carried out while sailing to the attack position.

Then Luke took a boat to Fishbone Island.

In the evening, "Phone No. 1" slowly rolled out of the dock. The moonlight shone on the hull, and the steel warship, which hadn't had time to be fully painted, had a bright metallic luster in many places.

A battleship with a full load of nearly 3,000 tons is much smaller than wooden ships of the same level because the hull is all made of steel. Compared with those 4,000-ton and 5,000-ton ships, they are even more like children.

"Machine No. 1" was dragged away from the Ible Shipyard by a ship much larger than itself. In this way, even if it is found that it has completed the construction, it will be considered that there is a serious problem with its power.

The steel warship quickly disappeared into the night and sailed towards Fishbone Island.

In the Anno games, Luke has landed on Fishbone Island more than once. Kill some naga to get materials once, then leave in a hurry.

After the robbery of the Clover Airship, the Queen of Naga, Mrs. Tasia, was hanged, and Fishbone Island fell completely. This place became a place to hunt Naga, and a large number of Naga became slaves and were sold everywhere.

Only this time Luke changed the fate of Mrs. Tarcia and Fishbone Island.

It is connected with the air route in Cape District, so that Fishbone Island can easily and cheaply obtain supplies on land. The formation of the anti-smuggling fleet in Cape District allowed Mrs. Tasia to command a powerful fleet.

With money, supplies, and ships, Mrs. Tasia no longer does pirate business, but pirate business. Fishbone Island has become a free port. It is connected to the cape area. The materials plundered by pirates can be transferred through here, and then they can safely enter Raging Waves City and turn them into cash.

Just taking the commission is enough for the survival of Fishbone Island, not to mention Luke's spare no effort to invest here.

Cape Port is a commercial port, and the stationing of armed fleets affects making money. Moreover, Luke regards this fleet as his own personal armed force, let alone stationed within the empire.

The position of Fishbone Island in Luke's heart became very important.

Fortifications are naturally also the focus of construction on Yubone Island.

In Luke's vision, Naga uses the seabed around the island to build a circle of reefs with a depth of one to two kilometers. Ships entering and leaving Fishbone Island can pass through this reef area only under the guidance of Naga pilots.

If there is an alien invasion, it is only necessary to lay mines in a large area in the reef area, which can effectively prevent the approach of enemy ships.

Most of the islands build permanent defensive turrets, purchase the most advanced heavy artillery, and carry out devastating strikes on sea targets that enter the range.

Although the current Fishbone Island has not been built as Luke imagined, the existing defense measures are enough to deter the Saxon engineering fleet from attacking.

After Luke landed on Fishbone Island, he immediately summoned the commanders of the anti-smuggling fleet at all levels to hold a meeting in a newly built defensive fortress.

In the middle of the meeting room, on a five-meter-by-three-meter tactical platform, a set of nautical charts was laid out on it. The sea chart is a detailed drawing of the surrounding sea area of ​​Raging Waves City, full of intricate lines and symbols.

Luke couldn't understand the chart, so he handed a piece of paper to Mrs. Tasia beside him.

Mrs. Tasia took the paper and quickly used the model to lay out the situation map of the maritime conflict.

After the arrangement was completed, Mrs. Tasia looked at Luke: "Chief Inspector, do you have any orders?"

Luke said: "This is very accurate information. I hope you can use this information to eliminate the pirates who provoked the cape anti-smuggling fleet.

Now Mrs. Tasia will explain the details of this information, and then you will give me an annihilation plan. "

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

Then Mrs. Tasia picked up the command pole and explained the voyage schedule of the Saxon Engineering Fleet to the commanders at all levels of the anti-smuggling fleet. Several staff officers held push rods, and according to Mrs. Tasia's narration, they pushed the ship model on the chart to move.

"According to the sailing route of the Saxon engineering fleet, it can be seen that they are also afraid of stimulating the imperial fleet stationed in Raging Waves City, so they don't dare to approach the waters of Raging Waves City too much.

If they follow this route, they can effectively deter ships traveling to and from this sea area, allowing ship owners to choose other ports in Raging Waves City other than Cape Port.

According to intelligence, the main force of the Saxon Engineering Fleet should be in the 7846:6894 area, and it will arrive at the Freeport of Glorious Island nine days later for a replenishment. Ten to thirteen ships could be resupplied on the first day, and all thirty-four ships could be resupplied on the second day. During the resupply period, all crew members went to the island in shifts to recuperate for a day. The next morning, also the morning of the 24th, the first trimmed crew had just boarded and the second trimmed crew had just disembarked.

You must know what the state of the fleet is at this time. "

Mrs. Tasia's words caused all the commanders to laugh.

After drifting at sea for half a month, the crew must have indulged once they landed. Alcohol and women can drain all their strength. Even if a group of soft-legged shrimps find an enemy attack, there is no way to quickly transform the fleet into a battle state.

How can you fight if you can't even hold a shell?

Mrs. Tasia and the commanders didn't know where the Chief Inspector got this information, but with this information, a beast that was holding them down became a lamb to be slaughtered.

The atmosphere in the combat conference room became relaxed in an instant.

A battle plan was soon drawn up.

The main force of the anti-smuggling fleet in the Cape area immediately attacked and circled a large circle at sea to avoid the scout ships and scout airships sent by the enemy fleet. Calculating the voyage and time, they approached Glory Island on the eve of the 24th, and launched an attack on the Saxon engineering fleet docked at Glory Island in the morning.

"The auxiliary fleet is responsible for forcing the defenders of Brilliant Island. I know Jeff, the lord of Brilliant Island, as long as our deterrence is sufficient, he will not fight for the Saxon engineering fleet and us.

Nor could it be ruled out that Saxon Engineering offered a price that Jeff could not refuse. We may suffer heavy losses, but I promise to lead the main fleet to sink all the Sachs engineering fleet in the port.

Commander-in-Chief, please! "

Mrs. Tasia was very decisive.

This kind of opportunity is too rare to reverse the strength ratio between the cape anti-smuggling fleet and the Saxon engineering fleet in one fell swoop. As long as the auxiliary fleet can contain the firepower of the defenders of Brilliant Island, she can break the blockade of these days in one fell swoop.

The other commanders were also full of anger. Seeing that they could block the Sachs engineering fleet in the port and beat them up, they immediately challenged Luke together.

"Please order the Chief Inspector!"

Luke watched the battle deduction on the sea chart. The anti-smuggling fleet blocked the Saxon engineering fleet in the port of Glory Island, as if swallowing the enemy.

If he wanted to win, he had to spend all his hard-earned wealth at sea. The only variable now is whether the defenders of Brilliant Island will help the Sachs Engineering Fleet, and to what extent.

Most of the anti-smuggling fleet are warships converted from merchant ships, and there is no advantage in confronting shore fire artillery.

"This attack plan is an alternative plan first..."

Hearing that Luke did not agree to this attack plan, Mrs. Tasia was a little anxious: "Chief Inspector, if our fleet wants to approach Glory Island without being discovered by the Saxon engineering fleet, we need to make a big circle at sea. .If you delay in making a plan, you will most likely miss the best opportunity to attack.

Once resupplied by the Saxon engineering fleet, we fight head-on at sea, not against the enemy fleet.

Chief Inspector, according to our current strength, there is no better way. "

Luke said: "A new ship will arrive tonight. I believe that seeing this warship, you will have a more secure combat plan."

"New ship! I'm stumped..."

When Luke said that a new ship had arrived, Mrs. Tasia immediately became excited, and the scales on her neck and cheeks fluttered uncontrollably.

Luke made a secret gesture: "We'll talk about it when we see you. You can see if you have combat capabilities first, so as to save everyone from being happy for nothing."

"Yes, yes, Chief Inspector."

Mrs. Tasia's voice trembled with excitement.

She knew that the chief inspector commissioned the Ible Shipyard to secretly build an all-metal steam battleship, but she didn't expect that this warship would be built so quickly.

If it really has sea combat capability, it will be the world's first all-metal steam warship. The chief inspector promised that I would be the captain of this battleship.

"Let's end the meeting first... Everyone, go back and mobilize. The battle of Brilliant Island must be fought."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

Although the commanders at all levels were wondering what kind of warship made Mrs. Tasia so excited, they didn't dare to ask more questions because the chief inspector said it was confidential. I can only leave with curiosity, anyway, I will see you sooner or later.

At night, Mrs. Tasia accompanied Luke to a pier in Fishbone Island that was separate from other areas. There were hundreds of sailors standing neatly on the pier, all of them had completed training on the Adonis-class steam battleship, and they were the crew members who received the "First Unit".

Around the pier and at sea, there are Naga warriors in charge of guarding, and no one can approach this area.

The sea breeze blew the blanket on Mrs. Tasia's body, she straightened her snake tail to make herself stand taller, and looked towards the dark sea, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Luke didn't disturb Mrs. Tasia's mood. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he put a candy in his mouth.

After waiting for a while, a Naga warrior turned over from the sea and jumped onto the pier. He saluted Luke and Mrs. Tasia, his expression full of shock and excitement: "We have received the 'first plane', and this invincible warship is approaching."


Mrs. Tasia's body was raised again, almost using the end of the snake's tail to support her entire body.

Soon a piece of metallic color appeared in the dark night in the distance under the moonlight, and then a giant steel ship sailed out of the night, moving quickly towards the pier.

It has a streamlined hull, and the bow lightly separates the sea water, giving people a feeling of ease when sailing.

"It's great!" After admiring it for a moment, Mrs. Tasia couldn't help admiring: "It's hard to imagine that a battleship made entirely of steel appeared in front of my eyes like this. Judging by its speed, it can completely catch up with Asia. Dunnis-class steam battleship, although I don't know how its acceleration and steering performance are, but I can be sure that it is sufficient for any naval battle environment.

Chief Inspector, this is an invincible warship, no ship at sea can sink it. No... There is no gun that can sink it.

The ocean of the future is your ocean! "

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