Age of Mysticism

Chapter 218 Surprise Attack on Brilliant Island

Mrs. Tasia accompanied Luke to board the "Plane No. 1", and the crew also boarded the ship one after another. Everyone was very excited, knowing that it was a steel warship, but they dared not touch any place with their hands, for fear of breaking the equipment.

Luke asked the crew to follow the engineers who came with the ship to familiarize themselves with the operation of the battleship, and then took Mrs. Tasia to board the bridge of the "Machine No. 1".

Different from the open bridge of the wooden sailing ship, the entire hull structure of the "First Machine" is full of the prototype of a modern ship. The bridge is well protected and has a very wide view. The command system and pipeline communication system are reasonably concentrated on the bridge, so that the captain can keep abreast of the battlefield and the situation of the ship, so as to make timely judgments.

Luke gave Mrs. Tarsia a manual: "This is the operation manual for the 'First Machine' class battleship. You and your crew must learn while sailing, and at least be able to aim the guns correctly when you arrive at Glory Island." .”

Mrs. Tasia took the manual and looked at the main gun at the bow of the ship.

Although it has only one main gun, it is the latest type of breech-loading artillery. Equipped with a semi-automatic loading machine, the caliber is 240MM, the rate of fire can reach 1 round/32 seconds, and the effective range is 7500 meters.

This is a ship-borne main gun specially developed by Imperial Heavy Industries for all-metal steam warships, but the warships that can carry this gun have not been researched by the Empire, and the wooden dome ships currently in service cannot withstand the recoil of this gun at all. .

"Chief Inspector, within the range of the main guns of the 'First Machine', none of the cannons on Brilliant Island can hit us. When Lord Jeff sees this battleship, he will know what to do."

Luke looked at the Fishbone Island and the dark ocean outside, nodded and said: "I also think he knows what to do. The 'First Unit' is just a model of this type of battleship, and we will build more 'First Units' in the future." Machine'. You are the first captain of this battleship, so give your battleship a name."

Mrs. Tasia finally calmed down, the vertical pupils in her eyes shrank into a line, and after thinking for a while, she said: "'Loyalty' will represent me and Naga of Fishbone Island to you, Chief Inspector. Loyalty, we fight for you, and wipe out all enemies at sea for you."

"Loyalty... what a name!"

the next day.

When the eastern sun illuminated the sea, Mrs. Tasia announced that Fishbone Island had entered a state of wartime closure. Naga laid mines around the island, preventing any ships from entering or leaving.

Then the cape area anti-smuggling fleet all left the port and headed for the deep sea. It can be seen that most of the ships in the fleet raised their sails, and the sides of the wooden hulls were covered with dense gun ports. Looking from a distance, the clouds and sails covering the sky are spectacular, but everyone knows that this is the last sound of the sailing warship before the curtain falls.

The people on the island don't know if the fleet can come back after leaving.

Four scout airships took off from the interior of the island and chased after the fleet ahead.

The surprise attack on Brilliant Island begins.

After the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet left Fishbone Island, it joined the "Loyalty" waiting here. The "Loyalty" raised its flagship flag and called all the captains of the fleet to a meeting on the "Loyalty".

After the short combat meeting was over, the fleet formed a defensive cruise formation at sea, enclosing the "Loyalty" in the middle of the fleet. The four reconnaissance airships expanded their detection range, and the entire fleet avoided the busy routes, and moved in a large arc in the direction of Brilliant Island.

On the morning of the 24th.

Brilliant Island woke up from its deep sleep in the face of the rising sun.

This small island with an area of ​​less than 100 square kilometers was originally called Guano Island. Because it has rare fresh water in this sea area, it attracts birds to inhabit. When the first group of voyagers landed on the island, they saw the bird droppings all over the island and named it the island of guano.

Later, with the rise of world voyages, more and more ships chose to repair and replenish fresh water here, and Guano Island prospered over time.

Later, Jeff's father led his pirate fleet to gain control of Guano Island through competition, and then renamed Guano Island to Glory Island. Old Jeff, who owned Brilliant Island, grew rapidly and became one of the best pirates in this sea area.

But old Jeff saw clearly the changes in the ocean, and the living space for pirates in the future will only become smaller and smaller. So Old Jeff made a bold decision. When the Golden Shield Empire attacked the Leo Republic, he spent almost all of his wealth to get the empire to recognize his legal rule over Brilliant Island, and was conferred the title of Brilliant Baron by Emperor Augustine.

Then old Jeff took advantage of the geographical advantage of Brilliant Island to make it a transit point for the imperial fleet. In just a few years, he not only earned back all the money he spent on buying jazz flowers, but also made a lot of money.

At the end of the war, the Golden Shield Empire withdrew its troops from Leo. Although the war was not won, the Imperial Navy still has absolute strength in this important sea area. Old Jeff relied on the relationship he opened up to have both sides, black and white, and Brilliant Island gradually lived up to its name.

Now Brilliant Island has passed into the hands of Jeff, who spared no expense to build a palace on the top of the island, and then collected treasures to decorate the palace. Everyday life is to sit on the golden throne at the top of the palace, embrace the beauty and admire the bustling city and busy port below the mountain.

Jeff woke up today, he was wearing a gold silk nightgown, his eyes were still a little hazy. Stepping on the blanket with bare feet, he took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and walked to the open terrace.

Here is his golden throne, he sat down, and the woman who slept here last night immediately lay in his arms.

Jeff stroked the delicate skin of the woman, bit off the cork, and took a big sip of the spirit inside. In the distant port, there are many more ships coming to supply. This kind of life of lying down and making money is really too boring.

Jeff kissed the woman in his arms, and a housekeeper came to his side.

"Dear Splendid Baron, good day! The commander of the Saxon Engineering Fleet, Adelaide Jonas, came to visit yesterday, but you were drunk, so he could only leave regretfully.

I don't know if you have time to meet him today, but Captain Jonas will lead the fleet to leave Splendid Island tonight. "

"Saxon Project..." Jeff curled his lips: "I don't like them very much. They cruise back and forth in this sea area, constantly harassing the passing ships, as if they don't know who is the boss of this sea area."

The old butler knew Jeff's character, and he persuaded him: "Behind the Saxon project is the Empire's Cross Society, and the prime minister must take care of them. Only by maintaining good relations with all parties can Brilliant Island make money comfortably."

Although he was very unwilling, Jeff had to admit that the old housekeeper was right.

"Okay, please invite Captain Jonas to have lunch here at noon, and you can prepare a gift for me, so that the Saxon Engineering Fleet can leave happily."

"Master, you have the same wisdom as the old master."

"Go on, my beauty and I still have some morning activities..."

Before Jeff finished speaking, his eyes stared straight at the distant sea. Under the shining of the nascent sun, a fleet is coming fast along the sea wind.

Not the Merchant Marine!

Although Jeff is pampered, he can tell at a glance that a fleet is used for war or for ocean trade.

A fleet composed of warships approached aggressively, making Jeff feel murderous. He immediately pushed the beauty in his arms away, picked up the binoculars next to him, and walked to the edge of the terrace to watch.

Adonis-class steam battleship!

Jeff recognized the four warships ahead, which were warships built by Saxon engineering. Is it a ship from Saxon engineering support? Why didn't I receive the notification?

The butler also noticed the approaching fleet. He followed old Jeff across the ocean, and his knowledge and experience were much higher than Jeff's.

"This is an offensive formation, someone is going to attack us!" The old butler stretched out his hand and released a magic firework into the air.

As the fireworks exploded, the alarm sounded first from the palace on the top of the mountain, and soon the port below the mountain also sounded the alarm. The defenders of Brilliant Island rushed to the various defensive forts on the island, using the fastest speed to point their guns at the fleet attacking from the sea.

Jeff panicked: "Why did the Saxon Project attack us?"

The old steward also thought it was an attack from Saxon Engineering at first, but when he saw that the Saxon Engineering fleet in the port was still parked on the pier, he shook his head and said, "No, it's not a Saxon Engineering ship! Look at the ships. The composition is not the Golden Shield Empire, or the navy of the Rio Republic.

Rest assured, the owner, except for the Adonis-class steam warships in this fleet, are very backward, and they cannot break through the defense system of Brilliant Island. "

The incoming fleet gradually became clear through the telescope.

Jeff recognized that most of the fleet were warships converted from merchant ships, and many of them had their sails set up.

With this kind of power, it is impossible to carry out the battle to seize the island. As for the ships in the port, please ask for blessings.

At this time, there was chaos in the port where the alarm sounded. The ships that were repairing supplies started urgently, scrambling to leave the port, trying to stay away from the upcoming battle.

The Sachs engineering fleet is moored together. They arrived at Brilliant Island yesterday, and most of the ships have not completed their supplies. Moreover, half of the sailors have just disembarked and indulged, and the other half of the sailors who have returned have not yet recovered from their drunken state.

The entire fleet was paralyzed, motionless against the pier.

At this time, the approaching fleet raised the fleet flag and signaled to Brilliant Island.

"We are the anti-smuggling fleet of the Cape District under the Secret Affairs Bureau of the Golden Shield Empire Rage City. This time, we are here to destroy a pirate fleet. The pirate fleet is moored at the 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th piers. Please The surrounding irrelevant ships and personnel left immediately.

Our target this time is only the pirate fleet. Anyone who attacks my fleet will be deemed as a declaration of war on the empire! "

The semaphore was continuously sent to Brilliant Island.

Jeff identified the ships docked on these docks in the port, and then said to the steward: "Saxon Engineering Fleet! They blockaded the Cape Port of Raging Waves, but they were blocked by the Cape Anti-smuggling Fleet in our glorious island.

You said...they arrived yesterday? "

The old butler replied: "Yes, the Saxon Engineering Fleet arrived on Glory Island yesterday."

Jeff laughed: "The Anti-Smuggling Fleet from Cape District came here in a timely manner. The Saxon Engineering Fleet is going to be finished today. I have heard that the Meteorite of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging City is very powerful. This time I have to admit... It's really powerful."

The old butler asked: "Master, what should we do? Let the cape anti-smuggling fleet wipe out the Saxon engineering fleet?"

"What can we do?" Jeff shrugged: "The Anti-Smuggling Fleet in the Cape District belongs to the Secret Affairs Bureau of the Imperial Raging City. As the Baron of the Empire, can I take the initiative to attack?"

The old steward said worriedly: "But if all the Saxon engineering fleet is sunk on Glory Island, and we don't do anything, we will completely offend the Saxon engineering. Now the new nobles of the empire are very popular with His Majesty." Reuse..."

"But Chief Inspector Meteor belongs to the eldest princess." Jeff was also very embarrassed: "Wait... I think Captain Jonas will come to me soon, let's see what the Saxon project can do. price."

Jeff continued to stare at the incoming fleet through the binoculars, and then a battleship that appeared behind the fleet firmly attracted his attention.

The whole body of the battleship glowed with metallic luster, and the shape and structure of the hull were completely different from other ships. Although its size is much smaller than the surrounding ships, the sense of oppression it emits far surpasses other ships.

Is it a new type of wooden dome?

Jeff looked at the Adonis-class steam battleship in front of the fleet. Compared with the mysterious battleship, this kind of wooden dome was simply ugly and horrible.

Jeff turned his gaze back to the mysterious battleship, and the more he looked at it, the more terrifying a guess arose in his heart. is this possible!

No country in the world has announced that it has successfully developed an all-metal steam warship. Even if the empire really secretly built this kind of warship, shouldn't it be equipped for the imperial navy first?

Why give an anti-smuggling fleet first!

No, no, no, this is definitely not an all-metal warship, it must be just that the added armor plate is thicker.

Jeff comforted himself.

At this time, the old butler said beside him: "Master, Captain Jonas is here. His clothes and condition are very sloppy, he should have just climbed out of some woman's bed.

I think the conditions can be slightly higher. If we can get more than a dozen Adonis-class steam battleships, it can greatly improve the strength of our fleet. "

But just when Jeff's face showed a ready-to-rip-off smile, an explosion sounded in the sea area in front of the port.


Seeing the splashes on the sea, Jeff wondered where the shelling was coming from. He immediately picked up the binoculars and searched the sea, and found that the shelling came from the mysterious warship.

He was stunned...

That warship is 7,000 meters away from Glorious Island!

And what kind of huge recoil would be produced by launching a shell to 7,000 meters? It is impossible for a wooden structure to withstand such a large recoil, only...

Only full metal battleships.

Jeff stared at the mysterious battleship, which was extremely dazzling with a metallic luster in the sun.

"Tell Captain Jonas I don't have time to see him!"

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