Age of Mysticism

Chapter 239 Buying Information

Luke and Dai'er "crossed together" all night, and in the morning, Dai'er finally couldn't bear it and fell asleep on the table. At this time, Kuaileg walked in with an invitation card. He lowered his footsteps and handed the invitation card to Luke.

"Sir, this is the invitation card Malcolm sent just now, please come to his house for a dinner at noon, saying... I want to talk to you about a business.

And there are a lot of surveillance people around our house. Do you want me to find some people and escort the princess back to the palace. "

Luke glanced at Dai'er who was sleeping soundly, opened the invitation and read the contents inside, and said to Kuaileg: "Princess Dai'er will live with us for a while. Her name here is Jasmine, and she is my wife. You Make no mistake."

After hearing what Luke said, Kuaileg was greatly surprised: "Sir, let her stay here! Princess Dai'er is missing, and the city of St. Lun will definitely search for it. And there will be a huge earthquake in the palace... We should put her away as soon as possible. Princess Dai'er should be escorted back safely."

"Things are not as simple as you think. I have been in the imperial capital for so long, and the court is like a pool of stagnant water. Your Majesty wants to use Princess Dai to catch me, but he is not in a hurry to make me express my opinion. The Eldest Princess is also very patient. Everyone hold back Standing, waiting for the right opportunity.

Princess Dai'er appeared here because she was assassinated. Someone wants to use her to provoke a court struggle, break the current stalemate, and force some people to take a step forward. "

Hearing that Princess Dai'er was assassinated when she came here, Kuaileg was even more shocked.

"Who will assassinate the princess?"

"I also want to know. In short, if we send Princess Dai'er back to the palace, she is very likely to be assassinated again. Moreover, we who send her back will also be affected by this palace turmoil.

My idea is to protect Princess Dai first, and wait and see what changes will be caused by her disappearance. The pool of stagnant water in the palace was disturbed, so that the big fish hiding at the bottom might swim up. "

"I see, sir. . . I'm at your disposal."

"Don't worry, you won't go wrong if you are careful." Luke stood up, took off his hat and coat from the coat rack, and said to Kuaileg: "You stay here to protect Madam, I'll go out and find out the news outside .”

Quick Legs asked: "Sir, is it okay for you to go out alone...Is it okay for me to go out and find out the news, I know this place very well."

Luke put on his gloves and walked out the door, and saw the gangster watching his house. He pretended not to see it, and said to Kuaileg: "I just went to a nearby bar to have a drink, and I'll be back in a while. You clean up all the rooms. The mouse from yesterday frightened the lady, and she was so angry that she wanted to go to bed all night." City hotel.

If my wife sees a mouse in the house again, I will fire you. "

"It's sir, and I'll catch all the mice in the house."

Luke put on his hat, took the cane from Quick Legs, and walked forward like a gentleman.

Some of the gangsters who were watching nearby stayed here to continue watching, while the others went to stare at Luke.

Luke walked across a street to a bar.

It's morning, the bar is very deserted, only two drunk people lying on the table. The bartender arranges the bottles on the wine cabinet, and the waiters clean up the bar.

On the second floor of the bar, a coquettishly dressed woman was smoking a cigarette while lying on the railing. When Luke walked in, a pair of eyes stared at him intently, with a smile on his face seeing the prey.

Luke found an empty table and sat down, and the following gangsters broke in. When they saw how empty the bar was, they knew they had been reckless. But just quitting like this was even more suspicious, so they could only find a table and sit down, and each ordered a glass of the cheapest beer.

The waiter came to Luke's side. Luke's neat and formal clothes made him ask respectfully, "Sir, what do you need?"

"A glass of pine cone wine, a steak. Don't give me something from the trash, I can eat it." Luke put a silver coupon on the table: "By the way, find someone to answer a few questions for me."

Seeing the silver coupon, the waiter's eyes brightened.

But before he picked up the silver coupon, he quickly took it away with one hand, and then a woman sat opposite Luke.

The woman is very seductive, she holds a cigarette in one hand, and puts the silver certificate in front of her nose with the other. Enjoying the smell of the money, he stuffed the silver certificate into the ditch on his chest, and waved the waiter to leave: "Hurry up and prepare breakfast for Mr. Luke, using the high-quality goods from the upper city."

The waiter can only regret to prepare wine and food.

The woman looked at Luke with winks.

"Mr. Luke is worthy of being a businessman from Raging Waves City. His moves are generous, and the tips are given directly to the bank notes. I don't know what information you want to ask, but I, Alice, have the most fair fees. If you give more, you still can You can come to my room and enjoy the most professional intelligence service."

Alice blew a smoke ring at Luke, and touched Luke's hand on the table.

Luke withdrew his hand: "I dare not enter Miss Alice's room. If my wife finds out, my life will be over."

"Mr. Luke is actually married? What a pity..." Alice still did not give up on luring Luke: "But it doesn't seem to affect our discussion of intelligence transactions."

"My situation is a bit special. My wife's father is a wealthy businessman in Raging Waves City. I rely on my wife for everything I have now. If she knows that I am messing around outside, I will become the poor boy I used to be. .

Miss Alice at that time was certainly no longer interested in me. "

Alice suddenly realized: "You are the winner in life."

"The winner in life has to pay part of his freedom, and he also needs to prove my ability to my father-in-law. I want to find another way to open a business route in the lower city of St. Lun City. This is a challenge. If I succeed, I can get a Ownership of a big factory... enjoy life from now on."

"This is indeed a big challenge." Alice stopped in time, catching this prey requires a little patience, and can't chase too closely: "I grew up here since I was a child, and I really can't think of anything here that can make a lot of money thing.

But I trust your wisdom, what can I do for you? "

After fooling Alice, Luke asked: "Last night, I saw a lot of warning magic flares in the direction of the uptown area. Something must have happened there. But I have to go to the uptown area today to deal with a business, I don't know what will happen?" No trouble.

I've been told it's well-informed here, so I'll give it a try. "

Luke took out two silver coupons and put them on the table.

Alice stretched out her hand and grabbed it: "My people are still inquiring about the specific situation. What is certain now is that it is not an accident in the upper city, but the imperial city. Now there are royal knights everywhere in the walls of Shenglun City , court guards and imperial agents.

Many people were arrested for no reason.

If it's not urgent, I advise you not to go uptown. As soon as I have the latest news, I will send someone to tell you. "

This information was expected by Luke, so it was not his main purpose of coming here.

Luke took out two silver coupons and put them on the table again: "Those people have been following me since I left home, who are they?"

Alice took the money, and looked back at the guys drinking beer: "It's from Malcolm. Malcolm is still well-behaved in the downtown area. How did you provoke him?"

"I just arrived in the lower city, and I only met Malcolm once. How could I offend him. Do you know why?"

Alice took a drag on her cigarette, and Luke put the two silver coupons on the table.

"Last night, Maierdan lost a shipment from Uptown. What it was, I don't know, but Malcolm was very, very angry. Did you mess with him on this shipment?"

Alice didn't take the money, and stared at Luke to observe his expression.

"Certainly not! What I want, I just buy it from him. Do I need to steal it?"

"It's good to have money!" Alice took the money away: "In short, since Malcolm is eyeing you, you'd better have nothing to do with his goods. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Yes, I would like to know the specific situation of several factories around the sewage reservoir. My father-in-law said that the more channels for collecting intelligence, the more we can gain the upper hand in business negotiations and earn the maximum profit.

I would like to hire you as my intelligence advisor in the Lower City of St. Lun. "

Alice smiled like a flower. She flicked the cigarette butt away and reached out to Luke: "It's a pleasure to serve you, Mr. Luke. I will do my best to provide you with the latest, most accurate, and most confidential information."

Luke reached out and shook Alice's hand.

Alice is the owner of this bar named Alice. Selling wine, selling food, selling intelligence, pimping, headhunting, brokers, smuggling... Do whatever you want to make money.

The wide network and Alice's beauty made her very popular in the lower city of Saint Lun City, and all the bosses would give her some face.

Luke spends a small amount of money to win Alice over, which is equivalent to gaining a bright eyes and ears in the lower city. And as a player, Luke knew that Alice was a woman who would do anything for long as the money gave her satisfaction.

"Here's your first mission, teach those guys a lesson. Follow me so blatantly, you don't take me seriously." Luke slapped a golden ticket on the table.

In a flash, the gold coupon was in Alice's hands.

Her eyes narrowed into silk with a smile: "Boss Luke, I will help you teach them a good lesson..."

Alice stood up and left with her hips twisted. The waiter brought Luke's wine and steak.

Before Luke could make the first cut, a group of powerful men rushed in from the outside, and without any explanation, they kicked out those little bastards. Then a miserable cry came from outside the door, as if it was music played specially for Luke's meal.

Luke ate and drank while listening to the screams outside.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: the consumption level in the lower part of Shenglun City is low, so much important information can be obtained with a few silver coupons, and so many people can be maimed with a single gold coupon.

Putting it in Raging Wave City, that is, in Haijiao District, such a small amount of money is definitely not enough.

Money here is really grandpa!

After eating and drinking, Luke said goodbye to Alice and left the bar. Outside the bar, the punks had been beaten to a pulp, and they didn't even have the energy to cry.

The brawny men who beat him didn't leave. When they saw Luke coming out, they immediately saluted respectfully: "Mr. Luke...Miss Alice, let us protect you back."

"No need..." Luke took out a handful of Imperial Marks: "Your work is very beautiful, and I am very satisfied. The money is for you, thank Miss Alice for me."

The ferocious strong men immediately changed their appearance after receiving the money: "Thank you, Mr. Luke, thank you, Mr. Luke... If there is anything in the future, please tell us."

"Okay, bye!"

The strong men bowed and sent Luke away.

After Luke walked away, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Miss Alice asked us to wait here for Mr. Luke to come out, saying that it would be good to get it, and it really is good to get it.

Giving so much money for beating up a few people, he really deserves to be a big businessman from Raging Waves City! "

"And Miss Alice also said that the benefits given by Mr. Luke don't need to pay the commission of the bar, it's all ours!"

"Didn't Miss Alice benefit more from Mr. Luke?"

"What nonsense! Do you still want to take business from Miss Alice in the future! Let's go back and divide the money first. Let's go around Mr. Luke's house more in the future..."


"Let's go."

The strong men left, and before they left, they didn't forget to kick the gangsters a few more times.

Luke got the information he wanted from Alice.

The city of St. Lun was blocked, and at the same time, the news of Princess Dai'er's assassination was also blocked. It is estimated that the palace did not know that Dai'er escaped by herself, thinking that she was kidnapped or died somewhere.

The assassination and disappearance of Princess Dai will soon cause violent turmoil in the court. Now you just need to wait and see the changes and observe the game between all parties.

Malcolm here...

He also concealed the shadow parasitic element iteration body, after all, this is the most advanced contraband, and it is the city where the accident happened in the imperial city last night. He didn't have the guts to look for it openly, so he could only search secretly within a controllable range.

It is not good for Malcolm to make a big fuss, and with his own identity, there will be no danger as long as he handles the banquet at noon properly.

I don't know if Dai'er has memorized what she should memorize. Neither her identity as a princess nor her connection to the escaped shadow parasitic meta-iterator could be revealed.

Thinking of her ups and downs in IQ, her dumbfounded's really worrying!

Back home, Luke wakes up Dill, who is sleeping soundly.

She washed her face, ate, and then asked Dai'er to recite the full text of the information summarized yesterday, just like a teacher supervising elementary school students' reciting texts.

Frightened to clean up the housework, the fast legs did not dare to breathe.

This is the princess of the empire!

How could you treat her like this...

The chief inspector is also too powerful, even the imperial cabinet ministers should be respectful when they see the princess, and he actually obeyed the imperial princess's training.

Dai'er stood in front of Luke. She was sleepy and staggered, answering Luke's questions incessantly. If you get the wrong answer, you have to recite it ten times...

"Why were your clothes wet last night?"

"I was frightened by a mouse that stared at me with its little eyes at the head of my bed... I've never lived in a house like this, I had a big fight with my husband Luke and I think I went to stay in a hotel in the upper city, but I got lost and fell into the water..."

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