Age of Mysticism

Chapter 240 Attending the Luncheon

Luke and Dill spent another whole morning reviewing the possible inquiries they might encounter several times. I have to admit that Dai'er is really fast at reciting things, and when she speaks nonsense, she goes from being jerky at the beginning to not blinking her eyes and heartbeat later, she is a good seedling of a female spy.

At this time, Luke didn't feel guilty about being a good princess, but praised her acting talent.

"You have great potential to be an agent of the empire. The eldest princess should have discovered you earlier, so that the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs will add another ace agent."

Dai'er was very happy to be praised by such a famous agent as Meteor, as if she was now an imperial agent, carrying out the most dangerous and exciting mission.

"Such a fun thing can never be encountered in the palace. I have already prepared, and I promise that Malken will not see any flaws. When are we going to leave?"

At this time, he quickly walked in: "Sir, madam, the car is ready."

Daier looked at Luke: "Is it starting now?"

"It started yesterday..." Luke stood up and held out his hand to Dill: "Let's go to the dinner together, dear Jasmine."

After hesitating for a moment, Dai put her hand on Luke's and said with a smile, "Okay... my dear Luke."

get in the car.

Driving fast on the narrow and dilapidated roads, Luke introduced the situation in the lower city of St. Lun to Del, and what Malken was going to meet this time.

The main industry in the Lower City of St. Lun is the treatment and recycling of sewage and garbage.

As the capital of the Golden Shield Empire, Shenglun City is not only the political center of the empire, but also the industrial center. One-third of the heavy industry in the entire empire is concentrated here, and the proportion of industrial output value even exceeds that of Raging Waves City.

At this time, there was no concept of environmental protection, and the generated sewage and garbage were directly discharged into specially dug river channels. People in the lower part of Shenglun City dug a huge sewage reservoir to draw in all the industrial sewage, and built many refining factories and small workshops around the sewage reservoir.

The alchemy materials left in the sewage are refined into a muddy mixture, and people in the lower city call these refined materials "mud gold"

After the "mud gold" is extracted, it will be purchased by an alchemy factory that has the ability to refine alchemy materials. During refining and sorting, the alchemy factory decomposes and classifies the alchemical materials in the mud gold, and finally sells them through various channels.

Ordinary alchemy materials can't be sold at a good price, but there may be rare alchemy materials in mud gold, especially the alchemy materials that are strictly controlled by various countries, and they can often be sold for dozens of times the price.

Even though the harsh working environment and pollution have caused great damage to the body, this is a rare job with a stable income in the downtown area. Many people want to go to the factories around the sewage reservoir.

Therefore, due to the stable and huge interests, the sewage reservoir has always been the center of competition among the various forces in the lower urban area, and those who are capable of participating in the competition for the sewage reservoir are the top leaders.

Compared with the sewage reservoir, although the competition for the garbage dump is fierce, due to the lack of oil and water, it is basically divided by various small and medium-sized gangs attached to the head boss.

Except for sewage reservoirs and garbage dumps, other industries are dominated by people with "skills". After some people's power has developed, they are not weaker than those big bosses who controlled the sewage reservoir in the early years and became big.

Although Malcolm came to the lower city later, his "craftsmanship" is unique here. Even in the entire empire, there are very few extraordinary trainers who can compete with him.

It stands to reason that Malcolm could be honored as a VIP wherever he goes, but he chose to come to the lower city because there is something he must get in the city of St. Lun.

"Malcon has a deep relationship in the Imperial Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center, and most of the failed experiments in the Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center will flow into his hands.

He used these experimental items to establish a supernatural species cultivation center in the lower city to provide supernatural transformation for those who needed it. This brought him a lot of money and influence, and he became a figure that was not easily offended by all parties in the lower city.

There are many mutated extraordinary species in Malken's laboratory, some of which have dangers that even he doesn't know. Don't walk around after entering, follow me closely. "


At this time, Dai'er didn't have the expectation when she first came out, and became nervous as she was about to reach her destination.

"Relax! We are rich businessmen from Raging Waves City, you are the lady of the rich businessman, show off your princess temperament.

Malcolm is highly educated. Although he is in the lower city, he looks down on the people here. Your nobility will earn his respect. "

The car stopped, turned quickly and said, "Sir, Ma'am, Mr. Malcolm's Transcendent Species Laboratory has arrived."

Someone opened the car door for Luke and Dai'er, and Dai'er took a deep breath and said to herself silently: "Relax, relax...Dai'er, why haven't you seen such a big scene, Malcolm can be scarier than the father?"

Luke came from the other side, and Dai stretched out her hand to help Luke's arm out of the car, and then naturally pulled it into his arm.

"Is this Mr. Malcolm's Extraordinary Species Laboratory?" Dai'er looked at the newly built tall building in front of her with a look of contempt on her face: "It's too small! My dear... the lower city of Saint Lun City is Worst place I've ever seen, you're wasting your time here, there's no way to make money here."

At this time, Dai'er is a spoiled and spoiled rich lady. She covered her nose with a handkerchief, not caring about the harsh words of the people around her.

"My favorite Jasmine, you also hope that your husband will do a great thing and be reused by your father. Believe me, this is an untapped treasure, and I will find it before others discover it , put it in my...our pocket. Let's go...don't be petty, give me face..." Luke coaxed Del, took out a 100 Reichsmark to greet him Person: "Please inform Mr. Malcolm that Luke and his wife from Raging City are invited to visit."

The receptionist of the laboratory has never seen such a large face value tip, which is equivalent to his salary for working here for a week. He immediately forgot the discomfort of being ridiculed, took the money and respectfully welcomed Luke and Dai inside.

Although this Extraordinary Species Research Institute is newly built, compared to similar scientific research institutions, it is almost like a zoo.

Lack of professionals, lack of professional equipment...

Malcolm has no way to carry out independent extraordinary species cultivation, he can only carry out extraordinary transformation on some common animals, and conduct research on the cultivation of individual organs.

Therefore, in the isolation room here, you can see dogs with wings, cats with eagle claws, chickens with monkey heads, crocodiles with a full body of fire...

And in order to deal with these supernaturally modified animals, the guards here are also different from ordinary people, with impressive strength.

For example, a leopard-headed man standing in front of a gate.

Black Panther Monis: The prototype is the totem Dark Moon Leopard God of the Larsen Mountain Tribe. The appearance of the Abyss Leopard of Oulu College also made some reference to the Dark Moon Leopard God.

Monis was a failure in the cultivation of extraordinary species. When he was about to die completely, he was secretly sold to Malken. As a result...Malken actually saved him, and he was only six years old at that time.

Malcolm raised the black panther Monis like his father, so Monis is extremely loyal to Malcolm.

Black Panther Monis, who had been personally taught by Malcolm since he was a child, saluted Luke and Daier very standardly, but the murderous look in his eyes showed that he was still an efficient killer.

"Mr. Luke, Mrs. Luke, my master is waiting inside, please come in..."

Black Panther Monis pushed open the door, and Luke and Dill walked in ignoring him arm in arm.

But when the quick legs were about to follow in, they were stopped.

"Followers, please wait outside..."

But before the black panther Monis could finish speaking, the fast-legged body swayed around his blocking arm and went inside the door: "I'm sorry, my master asked me to protect sir and miss."

Black Panther Monis froze for a moment, he didn't expect a seemingly ordinary follower to have such strength. He chased after him to make up for his mistake, and Malken in the room said, "Don't be rude to Monis, come to me."

"Yes, master." Panther Monis glanced at Kuaileg, then walked to stand behind Malken.

Malcolm, greeted at the door, shook hands with Luke, but only got a blank stare when he tried to kiss Del.

Luke relieved the awkward atmosphere and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Malcolm. My wife was in a bad mood because of what happened last night, please forgive me. I think you can use a sumptuous and luxurious lunch to change Jasmine's attitude towards A stereotype of the Lower City of St. Lun."

After all, Malcolm has held important positions in the high-level departments of the empire, and he has a certain vision for people.

In his eyes, Luke has status but does not have the aura of wealth raised by a family.

But this Mrs. Luke was different.

The aristocratic atmosphere accumulated by dozens of generations of the ancient aristocratic family rushed to the face, and this feeling can only be experienced in palace banquets. Although Malken only participated in one court banquet, and he didn't even enter the main hall, he couldn't forget the feeling at that time.

This lady named Jasmine definitely comes from a big ancient family. Consistent with the information bought from Alice's bar... a lucky boy who got married to a rich lady.

What a winner in life.

Malcolm bowed to Dale instead: "I agree with Mr. Luke's words. As long as you find the right place in the lower city, you can enjoy the same quality of life as the upper city or even the imperial city.

I don't know what my wife likes to eat? I let my chef make it for you. "

"The cod with tomatoes and thyme. The cod should be white cod from Blue Water Bay, the white wine should be stored at a constant temperature of zero degrees for at least ten years, and the thyme should be made into a light-scented balm..." Daier turned to Luke and said coquettishly: "The last time I came to the Imperial Capital with my father, he took me to the Shuojin Hotel in the Huangcheng District to eat this dish. I still remember its taste."

Luke showed a embarrassed expression: "Dear Jasmine, don't embarrass Mr. Malcolm's chef. If you like this cod with tomatoes and thyme, I will take you to Shuojin Hotel to eat when I have time."

"No embarrassment..." Who would have thought that Malken would actually say, "It's just cod with tomatoes and thyme. I'll have someone prepare it right away. I guarantee it will taste the same as the cod with tomatoes and thyme at Shuojin Hotel. Please be seated..."

When Luke and Del were seated, Malcolm whispered to the black panther Monis behind him: "Let the kitchen make a cod with tomatoes and thyme."

Monis replied in a low voice: "Master, I have never heard of the ingredients Mrs. Luke mentioned. Can our chef make the same flavor?"

"If you can't make it, buy it. Doesn't Shuojin Hotel have this dish?"

"Master, it's so far away...and Saint Lun City has been sealed off!"

"Then find a way to get in, quickly. If Mrs. Luke is happy, Mr. Luke will be happy, and then I can get the investment from Raging Waves City."

"But...Master, you invited them here, didn't you check for the lost shadow parasitic element iteration?"

"Yeah!" Malken suddenly remembered his real purpose for hosting this luncheon: "Checking out the shadow parasitic element iterations is as important as attracting investment. Treat them well and don't mess it up for me."

"Obey, Master, I'll do it right away."

Black Panther Monis went to find someone to go to the imperial city to buy cod with tomatoes and thyme, and Malcolm took the seat of honor.

Although Malcolm held this luncheon to test whether Luke was related to the loss of the shadow prebiotic iteration body, he has already determined through various methods that this businessman from Raging City is really a rich man.

His own Extraordinary Species Research Institute wants to carry out the planned research subjects, but the funds are far from enough. The expenses required for the cultivation of extraordinary species cannot be supported by doing extraordinary transformation surgery by oneself.

Therefore, Malcolm made careful preparations for this luncheon.

Aperitifs, appetizers, pre-dinner soups...

Luke and Del's performance at the table made Malcolm even more grateful for his decision to take this lunch seriously.

"Madam, from your dignified manner, it can be seen that you must come from a prominent family. Am I lucky enough to know your father's name? Perhaps I have met this lord before when I was working at the Imperial Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center."

Dale replied: "I'm sorry! Father doesn't let me say his name everywhere, especially my relationship with Luke... makes him feel a little bit ashamed.

He wanted me to marry a viscount to strengthen the family business. "

Luke said to Malken: "This viscount is Iscoran. At that time, Viscount Iscoran only had wealth, but now he is one of the five upper council members of Rough Waves City. I think you should be able to Imagine Jasmine's father's attitude towards me."

Malken's fire of gossip was instantly ignited.

Viscount Iscoran has been marching triumphantly in Rage City ever since he boarded the Meteor Chariot. Soon he became one of the five giants of Raging Waves City from an ordinary hereditary viscount.

If he was Jasmine's father, he would definitely regret dying, why didn't he kill this man who cheated his daughter away earlier.

But... before Viscount Iscoran made his fortune, Jasmine's father thought of a family marriage, so the relationship between the two families should be very good. Even if Jasmine Xiang's family can't eat meat, there must be no problem with soup.

This is the soup of Raging Waves City!

Malcolm raised his glass: "I can understand. But I think love is more precious than anything else, bless you all!"

"Thank you!" Luke raised his glass and said, "So I need to prove myself even more, so I came here. I believe this is an untapped treasure."

"Mr. Luke, I admire your vision and courage. No one can see the potential here, and no one dares to discover the wealth here." Malken raised his glass again: "Please allow me to offer you I apologize...the people who followed you this morning were sent by me, it was a misunderstanding, and they got the punishment they deserved."

Luke picked up his glass and said with a smile: "It's okay, I didn't get hurt. But... Alice's attack was indeed too heavy, and I will pay for all the treatment expenses.

I'm just curious, Mr. Malcolm, why are you following me? "

Talking about the first purpose of hosting this luncheon, Malcolm said with a smile after drinking: "Last night in the drain, I lost a very important thing. Someone told and Mrs. Has been seen near the drain, and the lady appears to have fallen into the water."

Luke said angrily, "It's my fault."

Dai'er said angrily, "It's your fault. It's not that we don't have money, why do we live in such a ghostly place. That damned mouse actually looked at me for ten seconds, do you know that I was How broken the mood.

I disobeyed my father for you, but I didn't expect you to let me live in that kind of house. "

Luke said comfortingly: "Dear Jasmine, do you know how long it would take me to come to the lower city every day if we lived in the upper city? I need to understand the situation here as soon as possible and find a profitable business to invest in.

While it's possible to have a comfortable life in Uptown, it's also easier to fall prey to scammers. You have seen how your father has treated me since Viscount Iscorran became the Lord of the Raging Seas.

I need to prove to him that I can do it without any mistakes.

What do you say? Mr. Malcolm. "

"Yes, I agree with Mr. Luke's words." Malken had no choice but to help persuade: "There are many villains and liars in the lower city. If you live in the upper city and run back and forth every day, not only will your body not be able to bear it, but you will also be easily deceived.

If Mr. Luke can endure the environment and live here, he will definitely be able to do great things. Your father values ​​him, and you can get more complete happiness.

And I just said that as long as you have money in the lower city, you can still live in the upper city. Your house only needs to be renovated once, and then some magic is installed. It will definitely be very comfortable to live in. "

Luke said: "Honey, you heard... I just bought this house, and it is inevitable that some small things live in it. I will immediately find someone to clean and decorate the house in the most comprehensive way, and then install defensive magic , will definitely make you feel as comfortable as at home.

I think Mr. Malcolm will be happy to help us. "

"Of course, I am happy to lend a helping hand to you two. For example, to build a garden around your house..." Malken suddenly felt that the topic was a bit off topic, so he turned back and asked, "I just don't know why you two appeared in the drain near him."

"It's all about that mouse," Luke said. "My wife was terrified. She insisted on going back uptown overnight. After a fight with me, she ran out. She got lost and ran to the drain... ..."

"I didn't get lost, I just wanted to go uptown along the canal." Dale argued, "But I fell into the water. I've never been so embarrassed. The smell... I came back and took a shower and wiped it off. The whole bottle of perfume couldn't hide the disgusting smell.

I'm done with this place, I just want to go back to Uptown and live the life I'm supposed to have...or maybe I should go back to Rough City. "

"Honey... I promise, we will go back soon." Luke turned to Malcolm and said, "What happened last night made my wife very unhappy, and it has seriously affected our relationship. What we lost with you Stuff is irrelevant, if you think so too don't bring up last night.

Jasmine is willing to accompany me here for our happiness, I am very grateful, she has paid too much for me! "

Malcolm sensed Luke's impending rage.

He understood how much pressure this unequal marriage put on this lucky young man. If his wife couldn't bear the environment in the lower city and ran back to Raging Waves City, this lucky guy was very likely to fall from the sky to the ground.

For the sake of investment, this topic should not be continued.

They should really have nothing to do with the lost shadow parasite iterations, just happen to be near the drain.

And if they really stole the shadow parasitic element iteration, they should have escaped last night. How could they be seen by so many people walking home from the direction of the drain.

I dare not come to the banquet.

Malcolm's suspicion of Luke has been greatly reduced.

"I apologize, I apologize, I shouldn't talk about things that made Madam unhappy. After lunch, you can refer to my research institute at will... Some of the supernatural transformation animals I have bred are very beautiful. Which one Madam likes, I will For you."

Luke raised his glass to invite Malcolm: "Thank you sir for your hospitality."

Malcolm's suspicion was dispelled, and Luke and Del looked at each other with a passable smile in their eyes. Next, as long as you don't make mistakes here, you will be safe in the future.

Next, Malcolm pitched his research project to Luke.

After introducing his research institute in detail, he said expectantly: "A successful businessman must invest in the future. Now magic, alchemy, machinery, and extraordinary cultivation are developing rapidly with the advancement of technology. Even successfully developed an all-metal steam warship.

My research institute has in-depth cooperation with the Empire's Transcendental Species Cultivation Center. Some of the top supernatural species in the Empire have related experimental bodies here. It's just that the equipment and funds I have here cannot allow me to do more in-depth research. But I can guarantee that as long as I produce one or two mature results here, the wealth that can be brought is immeasurable. "

Luke picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, took another sip of wine, thought for a moment and said: "I understand that the industry of cultivating supernatural species requires very, very high investment, and the risks involved are very, very high. Once supernatural gets out of control, not only It is only a matter of dead people, all investments are very likely to be ruined in an accident.

I must consider this investment carefully, and I need to conduct a more detailed inspection of your research institute.

But allow me to say something about my impressions here. "

"Speak! Your suggestion is the way I change direction."

"The security personnel in your institute are very unprofessional. I am not questioning their competence, but their attitude towards work. Laziness, casualness, irresponsibility, and unclear duties and responsibilities.

You have worked in the Imperial Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center, you should know that most of the accidents are caused by humans, and you should know how big your management oversight is. "

Luke's blunt opinion was endorsed by Malcolm.

He is also very helpless.

"This is the lower part of the city of St. Lun, and the environment makes the people here generally not very well educated. They may be very good at fighting, but it is difficult to use the system to carefully restrain them.

Your opinion has been bothering me too.

But if I had the money, I could hire a professional from uptown or somewhere. "

"Money can hire people, but how can the safety of these people be guaranteed? High salaries are very likely to become something that kills them..."

Facing Luke's question, Malken had difficulty answering.

If it wasn't for the shadow parasitic element iteration, he wouldn't have stayed in this ghost place. For his own safety, he has to invest huge expenses every day, but it is impossible for him to treat future employees with his own safety indicators.

Money and security are the two mountains that plague the Institute of Extraordinary Species.

Malcolm asked Luke, "Do you have any good solutions?"

"What solution can I, an outsider, have? If you want to solve the problem, you need to rely on yourself in the lower city. There must be a system that everyone can abide by..."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"There is at least one leader whom everyone respects."

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