Seeing Malken's equally embarrassed look, Luke smiled and said: "As you can see, the lower city of St. Lun does not yet have the environment to attract large-scale investment. Even if I am optimistic about your extraordinary species research, there is no way to convince My father-in-law spends huge sums of money on such high-risk investments.

But if it is a small investment. "

Malcolm, who was a little lost, rekindled hope when he heard Luke's last words.

"What scale is it?"

"On the way here, I saw some extraordinary animals you bred, and I suddenly had an immature idea in my heart."

"Please say……"

"For a long time, the direction of cultivating extraordinary species has been to serve the strengthening of the human body. Even though animal experiments will be involved in the cultivation process, in the end it will still be used on humans.

Have you ever thought about directly breeding extraordinary animals that can be sold? "

"Selling extraordinary animals? Is this feasible? People who have this idea have been there for a long time, but this is not a big market."

"That was before..."

Extraordinary creatures generally have high IQs, and most of them can control their power very well. But when extraordinary power is placed on ordinary animals with low IQs, it is easy for extraordinary power to go out of control.

A dog who likes to tear down houses, let it have the extraordinary power of breathing fire, the consequences can be imagined.

Therefore, except for people with special hobbies, most people would not buy uncontrollable super animals.

The sale of extraordinary animals has always been a very unpopular market.

Although Luke has changed some plots, the general trend of the world has not changed. He patiently explained his views on the extraordinary animal market to Malcolm.

"The world economy is booming, and the overall income trend of ordinary people is getting richer. For example, in Raging City, more and more citizens have more money to improve their quality of life.

Cats are no longer for catching mice, and dogs are no longer for guarding the house... They gradually appear in ordinary families as companions, serving as pets for people to move themselves. "

Malcolm suddenly realized: "Mr. Luke, you mean... a super animal that breeds as a pet?"

Luke replied: "Very correct! In addition to possessing the extraordinary power of lethality, extraordinary creatures also have a harmless appearance and characteristics. The dog with a pair of wings is a great extraordinary transformation. If it can be given floating Soft fur, and limited affinity for the elemental wind.

As long as it can be cultivated in large quantities to reduce the cost to 20,000 Reichsmarks, I will sell as many as you can. "

Luke opened up a whole new field for Malcolm.

Adding a pair of wings to a dog is not considered an extraordinary cultivation with a high threshold, and it is not difficult to make the hair more beautiful. As long as some cultivation equipment is added, optimal cultivation can be carried out. When the most suitable extraordinary gene ratio and fusion point are found, the rest can be mass-produced and cultivated, and can be produced by casually training some workers.


"It's hard to control the cost to 20,000 Reichsmarks. I try my best to do it. But 20,000 Reichsmarks is already a lot of money. If you add our profits... Do you think anyone will buy this kind of thing besides being able to fly and look good?" , a dog that is indistinguishable from ordinary dogs?"

"Why not?" Dai'er couldn't help but said, "Do you know how much I paid for a Pegasus? 20 million Reichsmarks! I'll buy a cute flying dog for as much as I want."

After Daier showed off his wealth a little, Luke said to Malken: "Mr. Malken, if you are interested in conducting extraordinary pet research subjects, I can bring an investment of 20 million Reichsmarks to your research institute.

In the future, based on your research results and the extraordinary pet market, I can continue to invest more. With my investment and the profits from your breeding super pets, you can do whatever super research you want in the future. "

With an investment of 20 million Reichsmarks, Malkan's breathing was a little short. Although the money is just money to buy a Pegasus for the family behind Luke, for Malken, many research projects can be pushed forward.

As for whether extraordinary pets can make money, it is not something he is eager to consider. Anyway, this technology is not difficult for me, and I can quickly produce a decent result. If Luke can sell the extraordinary pet well, he can not only enjoy the profit but also get additional investment.

Even if Luke ruined the extraordinary pet business, at least the 20 million Reichsmarks would go into his pocket.

At this time, the kitchen brought a dish.

Tomato Thyme Cod.

Malcolm immediately asked Black Panther Monis to put the dish in front of Del.

"Ma'am... This is cod with tomato and thyme that my chef specially made for you. Please have a taste. Does it taste the same as the cod with tomato and thyme in Shuojin Hotel?"

The table waiter puts a small piece of fish on Dill's plate. Dai'er smelled the scent first, and then put it in her mouth to taste it carefully.

"Hmm..." Dai'er snorted enjoying the food: "That's the taste, it's exactly the same as that made by the chef of Shuojin Hotel. I believe you now, there may be something in the lower part of St. Lun City that I haven't discovered yet. Wonderful side."

Dai'er's admiration made Malken let go of his last worry.

If this young lady runs back to Raging Waves City, Luke will definitely go back together. No matter how good the investment is, there will be no follow-up.

Malcolm gave the Panther Monis an appreciative look, and Monis returned the gift out of breath.

In order to get this cod with tomatoes and thyme on the table as soon as possible, after the dish is ready, the people of Malken will deliver it in stages. You can still drive and ride horses inside the wall, but the roads in the lower city are not good. Black Panther Monis received this dish from outside the city wall and ran back with it in his arms.

Even if Black Panther Monis is an extraordinary reformer, it is difficult to bear the physical burden brought by this full-time sprint.

Fortunately, the cod with tomatoes and thyme was delivered in time. Even though Monis was so tired that he could not stand up, he was very happy in his heart.

Malcolm said to Dai'er: "Madam can live in the lower city with peace of mind, please come to me if you need anything. If I'm not here, you can ask Monis to do it.

You and Mr. Luke are my most honored guests. "

Daier said: "Well... It may be a special experience for me to experience the life of the bottom people. Besides... my dear Luke is indeed for our future happiness. My father is really stubborn .”

After finishing the lady who wanted to leave, Malken said to Luke: "The extraordinary pet breeding you mentioned is a brand new research project for me here. Of course, I have all the basic technologies here, and many of them are other The Extraordinary Species Research Institute does not have it. The difficulty is to integrate these technologies, and then to optimize the breeding. After all, as a pet, it is not just a pair of wings that can be sold.

Appearance beautification and shaping, as well as the most important health and eugenics, all require complex and intensive experiments.

An investment of 20 million Reichsmarks is... a little low for this project. If you want to cultivate salable products as soon as possible, I think at least 3 more..."

"No problem, I will invest another 30 million Reichsmarks!"

Malken stood there as if under a fixed spell, and now he just wanted to slap himself. I just want to invest an additional 3 million Reichsmarks, but whoever wants to ask someone to add 30 million.

Is this the arrogance of the rich!

If I just want to add 9 million, what kind of scene will it be?

But the words have already been spoken, and I am definitely embarrassed to change them. Anyway, there is a long way to go, as long as I can produce results quickly, more investment will not be thrown in the future.

With an investment of 50 million, his Institute of Extraordinary Species can undergo a major upgrade.

Malken laughed loudly: "Mr. Luke really deserves to be a businessman from Raging City, 50 million Reichsmarks is just a small investment for you. I can't imagine what kind of figure you are talking about for a big investment.

Please rest assured, Mr. Luke, as long as your investment is in place, I will soon be able to develop a mass-produced healthy flying dog. Moreover, you will be given the priority to purchase extraordinary pets from the Malcon Institute of Extraordinary Species. "

Dai'er couldn't help but secretly gave Malken a supercilious look. This guy really wants to take advantage of the benefits. Does the investment of 50 million Reichsmarks give you a priority purchase right?

But who would have thought that Luke would wink at him frequently regardless of Dai'er.

"Great! It seems that I made the right choice to come to the lower part of the city of St. Lun, and I made the first business so soon. I will prepare the contract after lunch. After the two parties sign, I will pay you 10 million Reichsmarks immediately." As the first investment. The rest will be paid in full within two months. Hmm..." Luke snorted softly, he didn't expect Dai'er to twist his waist, his hands were still strong big. Luke stood up and continued: "If you can give me a healthy flying dog that can be bred and mass-produced in advance, all the investment will be in place at one time.

Hmm... then we'll talk about follow-on investments. "

At this moment, Luke scolded Del in his heart.

It's not your money that I spent, why are you so ruthless?

Malken couldn't figure out why Luke would easily agree to his harsh conditions, but no matter how he thought about it, he was not the one who suffered. Anyway, if you don't see money, you don't work, and you are not afraid that the other party is a liar.

Malcolm raised his glass enthusiastically and bumped into Luke. It can be regarded as a verbal agreement between the two parties, and the rest is to sign the contract.

After a glass of wine, Luke excused himself to go back to draw up a contract and bid farewell to Malcolm. Malcolm kindly sent Luke and Dill to the gate of the Institute, and sent two cars to escort them back.

Looking at the leaving convoy, Black Panther Monis shook his head and said worriedly: "Master... 50 million Reichsmarks, it's too easy to give! We don't know Luke's details, and we need to be careful that this is a scam .”

Malken thought for a while and said: "It's really unbelievable that such a good thing can happen in this world. But if this investment is a scam, I really can't think of what he can cheat from it.

Maybe that's what some rich people do.

Let's take a look at the contract he brought me first! If he dares to lie to me...hmph..."

On the way back, Daier couldn't help complaining to Luke: "Are you crazy? If you sign the contract as just discussed, Malcolm can kick you out at any time when he sees the extraordinary pet making money, and he will pay all the money himself. made money."

"Yes, yes, you are right." Luke rubbed his waist: "But what does it have to do with you? What are you pinching me for?"

"I'm doing it for your own good, and I'm afraid that your investment will eventually be lost."

"Hehe! 50 million Reichsmarks can make me lose everything. Who do you think I am?"

Princess Daier realized that 50 million yuan was really not a lot of money for Chief Inspector Meteor of Raging Waves City.

"But it can't be cheap for Malcolm. The tomato and thyme cod he served me was obviously bought from the Shuojin Hotel, so you thought I couldn't eat it?

He dared to lie about such a small matter. Your 50 million investment will definitely be hacked by him! It's a pity that you have such a good idea. Extraordinary pets could have made you a lot of money. You...have no business sense at all. "

"Buying and selling extraordinary pets will not make a lot of money, at least that amount of money is not a lot of money to me."

Daier looked at Luke: "What do you mean? Then you still invest in extraordinary pets!"

"The emergence and best-selling of extraordinary pets is the general trend in the future, and its own cultivation costs determine that it is a light luxury product with great profit margins.

However, the threshold for cultivating an extraordinary pet is not high. Once its value is discovered, it will definitely attract other extraordinary species research institutions to compete for it. In that case, even if I sign a favorable contract with Malcon, the market share I can occupy is extremely limited. "

Dai'er understood: "What you said makes sense. There is indeed no high technical threshold for ornamental extraordinary pets. Then you shouldn't give Malcolm so much money!"

"50 million Reichsmark is not too much for what I want to do. Stimulate Malcolm to speed up the development of super pets, and get the super pets when others have not realized the market value of super pets. Standard right to speak."


Looking at Dai'er with a confused face, Luke continued to explain: "Raging City is an international city, and I have a certain influence in Raging City. When I can monopolize the extraordinary pet market in the early stage, I will establish a super The Pet Association specifies standards for every new super pet that appears, and issues a standard identification certificate for every super pet that enters the market.

I formulate the rules and use the early advantage and influence to make the extraordinary pet market recognize this set of rules. At that time, extraordinary pets with certificates were only valuable, and extraordinary pets without certificates would not be recognized by the market, and they could not even be sold at the cost price.

When this set of rules is implemented, no matter who breeds extraordinary pets, if they want to make money, they must ask my extraordinary pet association to issue a standard appraisal certificate. For a certificate, depending on the value of the extraordinary pet, I will charge thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of fees, which is not too much..."

Dai'er stared blankly at Luke, and she said, "Have you already figured out how much to sell me now? You profiteer!"

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