Age of Mysticism

Chapter 506: Shadow's News

Yin stood on the terrace facing the sea, green vines were wrapped around the white jade fence, and red flowers bloomed on it. The gentle sea breeze blew her long golden hair up slightly, and also blew her white dress. A prison disaster made her quieter. Her eyes looking at the sea seemed to be able to see the other side of the sea beyond the limitation of distance.


A soft call made Yin withdraw with his thoughts drifting away from the sea, and then turned to look at the man behind him.

"Meteor... Governor Meteor..." The voice who looked at Luke looked away in panic, and said apologetically, "Yes... I'm sorry... because the crime I committed has brought you into trouble and caused you to fall into a trap. in danger."

"My real name is Luke." Luke walked to Yin's side, looked at the vast ocean and said, "You are destined to commit a crime. Even if it wasn't because of me, there would be another person who made what should happen according to the law." Pan's plan happened. Your brother understands you, but you don't understand your brother, who has gone mad for the restoration of the country."

"Luke..." Yin repeated Luke's name, and a sweet smile appeared on his face. But when Luke mentioned Pan, Yin was puzzled: "Why do you say that all this is Pan's plan?"

Luke didn't expect Yin to be kept in the dark until now. He wanted to explain for Yin, but he still refrained from saying such things that would greatly stimulate Yin.

"A lot of things happened when you were detained by the Shuojin people. Now that you have been released, you should gradually understand some inside information. I don't want to use my subjectivity and position to affect you. You can judge whether it is right or wrong.

You should be clear about the tasks assigned to you by the Shuojin people. "

Yin stood with Luke, blowing the sea breeze. Since Luke didn't want to talk about Pan, she didn't continue to ask. She didn't want her emotions to interfere with Luke, so she talked about work along the way.

"I have already made it clear. The Elders' House... The Shuojin People's Elders' House appointed me as the middleman in the negotiations between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank, and hoped that I would do my best to promote the Golden Shield Empire to abandon the energy monetary policy and sign a gold certificate as the only common currency for international energy transactions. treaty."

Luke asked, "Do you have a mind of your own?"

"I..." Yin thought for a while: "I was released just now, and I don't know much about the whole incident. But the energy and monetary policy of the Golden Shield Empire can make the Shuojin people invite you to the Golden Valley for negotiations, which shows that you are really serious. threatened the World Bank.

I've never seen the elders attach so much importance to anything, even...even using me, who was punished for a felony. "

Luke said: "Appointing you as an intermediary is what I proposed to the Shuojin Elders' House. They agreed, and they probably wanted to play an emotional card on me... If I agree to sign a treaty, you can be released without charge and leave Shuojin." The golden civilization restores the identity of human beings."

Hearing Luke's words, Yin was happy at first, but still said: "You don't have to worry about me doing what you don't want to do. I... my crime has nothing to do with you. I am very happy to see you again."

"I'm also very happy to see you. In the next period of time, you only need to do the work that the Shuojin people give you, and leave the rest to me.

I will take you out of the Golden Valley. "

"I believe you...the Shuojin People's Elder's House asked me to inform you that the second meeting with the Golden Shield Empire will be held in three days, and the place will be in the conference room on the third floor of the Shuojin Hotel.

Although the time is tight, I will complete the preparations for the talks as soon as possible so that the negotiations between you two can proceed smoothly. "

"Thank there anything else?"

"No more. I want to enjoy the sea breeze with you now, can I?"

"It's my pleasure!"

With Yin as the middleman in the negotiation, the somewhat intensified relationship between Luke and the Shuojin Elder's House was quickly relieved. Both parties frequently sent out various goodwill signals, expressing their expectation for the second negotiation.

Yin showed the quality of a professional manager. Although she was too nervous to take over the job suddenly in three days, the layout of the venue and the meeting process were carried out in an orderly manner under her arrangement.

At the same time, Yin also had a general understanding of what happened during his detention.

It turned out that the initiator of the Leo Restoration War was his twin brother Pan, so he had to kick his stumbling block away from the Shuojin civilization to become the king of the Leo Kingdom.

Being used and betrayed by close relatives was an extremely serious blow to Yin, but she didn't talk to Luke, nor did she ask Pan Zhi. She only cried silently in the middle of the night when no one was around, and then numb herself with busy work.

There was a knock on the door at night, Yin wiped away her tears and got up to open the door.

The visitor outside the door surprised Yin very much.

"Miss Clear Sky... No, Your Majesty the Queen of Clear Sky!"

"You can just call me Qingkong." Qingkong walked into the room very familiarly, and when she passed by Yin, she couldn't help sniffing her body: "The salty taste of tears is full of sadness and bitterness, even the air here They are all filled with loneliness and confusion. Miss Yin, you need a friend and a bottle of spirits now, and you can confide in the sofa under the starry sky.

I brought wine, do you have a story? "

Sunny walked towards the terrace leading directly to the living room, and the two single sofas automatically moved to the terrace. Qingkong lay comfortably inside, and waved again, a bottle of spirits and two wine glasses floated in the air.

The wine bottle was pouring wine.

Yin came to another sofa and sat down very reservedly. She looked at the clear sky and asked a little puzzled: "Miss Qingkong, you are different from the one I saw before..."

Qing Kong took the wine glass, drank the whole glass of spirits like water, and said, "Is there any difference? Maybe I was too serious before, with a cold look, doesn't it seem difficult to get along with?"

"No, that's not what I meant. You are a very kind elf, Miss Skylight."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Clear Sky picked up the refilled wine glass: "I've been troubled by one thing these days, so I don't have time to see you. I just have a short time tonight, so I came here to drink with you.

Talk about the predicament you are facing now. "

Yin picked up the wine glass and took a small sip. The strong alcohol made her cough slightly, but under Qingkong's encouraging gaze, she closed her eyes and took a big sip.

"Cough cough cough... I don't have any difficulties right now... cough cough cough... this wine is really too strong!"

"You can get drunk quickly only if you have strong alcohol." Qing Kong smiled mysteriously, and continued: "Since Miss Yin feels that she is not in trouble, can you answer a few questions for me, so that you can chat with me so that I can get through this long time?" night."

"Okay...Miss Qingkong, do you have any questions that I need to answer?"

Qingkong asked: "Do you know Tan? It is Tan, the director of the Bad Debt Processing Office of the World Bank."

Hearing Qingkong ask about Tan, Yin couldn't help feeling alert: "Why is Miss Qingkong interested in Tan?"

"As the leader of the debt collectors, Tan should be the strongest Shuojin known. If Meteor encounters any danger in the Golden Valley, I must know the strongest combat power of the Shuojin to protect Meteor."

Since it was to protect Meteor, the voice of the Shuojin people no longer had any worries.

"Tan is about the same age as us. We almost joined the Shining Gold Civilization together and received training together in the Golden Valley."

After getting Yin's answer, Haruka decided that her judgment was correct.

Through the conversation relayed by Hulking, we can realize that the relationship between Pan and Tan is not simply a former World Bank colleague. Especially now that Pan has been expelled from the Shuojin Civilization, he has a very different identity from Tan, the director of the Bad Debt Processing Office.

Pan and Tan are familiar, which means Yin is also familiar with Tan.

It's just that Luke didn't want to involve Yin, so he didn't understand Tan through Yin.

Qingkong came to see Yin this time without telling Luke, because tonight is the time when Yate County United Ice Cave agents teamed up with Tan to assassinate Luke. Condition.

"Is Tan's twin sister named Ying?"

Yin asked in surprise, "How do you know Ying?"

Qing Kong smiled and said, "I have my channel. Tell me about their sisters!"

This topic aroused Yin's memories of her beautiful childhood. She let go of her reserve, took off her shoes and nestled in the sofa, and took another sip of wine to talk: "Tan and Ying are both geniuses of the ancient Shuojin language, those languages ​​that are difficult to understand and use. For their sisters, it is as simple as their own mother tongue, which makes me and... Pan very envious.

Tan's physical quality is the same as her language talent, which is the best among our group of peers, but Ying's body is very weak. In my impression, she is constantly taking various medicines and cannot complete the necessary daily training at all.

I don't know if you have ever entered the Golden Valley. Children with poor health cannot persist in that kind of training and environment. "

Qingkong replied: "I have entered the Golden Valley. The training and selection of children by the Jin people is more stringent than that of the barbarians. Children who fail the training will be expelled from the Jin civilization."

"Yes, if Ying fails the training, they will all be expelled. So Tan will play Ying and complete Ying's share of training. You must know that the amount of training is already a very heavy burden for a child, but Tan insists Complete two workouts in the same amount of time, without a day off.

This is probably the reason why she is so strong, not only her body, talent, but also her will that ordinary people can't match. "

Qingkong asked: "Tan plays shadow training, so I can't hide it from the Shuojin instructor."

Yin smiled: "Of course we can't hide it, but we all thought it was hidden at the time. Tan's talent is so good that the instructors spontaneously concealed it for her."

"What happened to Ying? Since Tan entered the World Bank's Bad Debt Processing Office, there seems to be no news from Ying."

Yin thought for a while: "Since we grew up and started working in the World Bank, we have rarely seen their sisters. After all, we are bank managers and Tan is a debt collector.

A gathering four years ago was probably the last time I saw Shadow. Her body is much better than when she was a child, and she also joined the Priest Academy and became a priest respected by all Shuojin people. "

Qingkong asked here: "Ying is a priest? But there is no Ying in Shuojin's priest's courtyard."

In the game of Epoch, the boring players tried their best to find Ying. Even the most mysterious shrine of the Shuojin people was sneaked in by the players, but the result was still nothing.

Yin was also surprised when she heard that Ying was not in the Priest's Academy: "Ying is not in the Priest's Academy? How is this possible! She has a very high talent for the ancient Shuojin language. She doesn't need to participate in training, so she locks herself up to study the ancient Shuojin language.

She has mastered a lot of ancient Shuojin words that are considered to be forgotten. Only the Priest Academy can fully display her talents. She even invented a magic difference machine. "

Qingkong caught the point and asked: "What is a magic difference machine?"

Yin said: "The difference engine can assist mathematical operations and has been widely used in many scientific research fields. Ying wanted to apply the difference engine to the writing of the ancient Shuojin language. She said that if her magical difference engine technology is successful, it can Simulate part of the functions of the artifact.

At first we all thought she was whimsical, but then she really made a magic difference machine, but the difference machine collapsed and destroyed after releasing a simple magic. "

Can the function of the artifact be simulated?

Of course, the artifact is the interpretation of the origin of the world, and the ancient language uses the interpretation of the origin of the world to use the artifact to cast the secret technique. If a machine can be connected to the artifact and can quickly complete the writing and adaptation of ancient languages, it can be understood as a weakened version of the artifact.

The difficulty in making this machine is... how to make the difference machine understand and express complex ancient languages.

In her own spiritual starry sky, Qingkong quickly reasoned and modeled the magic difference machine through the spiritual ball.

The conclusion reached is that the magic difference engine cannot operate independently, and must be matched with a person who is proficient in ancient languages ​​as the movement. The movement is responsible for establishing a connection with the artifact and providing the spiritual awareness needed for the magic. The difference engine focuses on the writing and adaptation of ancient languages.

Once the magic difference machine is developed, it can become a platform connecting the Shuojin people and the artifacts, allowing the Shuojin people to conveniently use the magic difference machine to cast magic that they don't know, and it is faster and more powerful.

The Shuojin people must be aware of the significance of the magic difference machine, so they deliberately hide the shadow.

And Qingkong, who has part of Luke's memory, knows the meaning of this platform better than the Shuojin people. It can greatly raise the lower limit of the Shining Jin people as a whole, and increase the upper limit of the Shining Jin people without end. Even if it is through technical means to create a god... it is not impossible.

If Ying regards herself as the core of the magical difference machine, Tan, who shares her heart with her, is the strongest Shining Jin in the history of the Shining Jin civilization.

To what extent has the magic difference machine been developed now?

Facing the unrecognizable world that has been changed by Luke, it is impossible to predict. I can only hope that the golden compass in the abyss will not allow the magic difference machine to exert its full effect.

After drinking a whole glass of spirits, Yin became a little tipsy. Seeing that Qingkong hadn't spoken for a long time, she asked, "Miss Qingkong! Miss Qingkong! Do you think that the disappearance of shadow is related to the magic difference machine?"

Qing Kong came back to his senses and asked Yin: "Have you talked to anyone else about the magic difference machine?"

"No! When we met Ying for the last time, she told us not to mention the magic difference machine to anyone. Even if the elders ask, don't say it."

"Yeah, don't tell anyone. Thank you, Yin..."

"If it's to protect him, I'm willing to do anything." Yin paused and asked, "You asked me so much about Ying and Tan, is it because they are threatening his safety."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "You are really a smart girl, but your light is covered by Pan."

His own guess turned out to be true, and Yin's drunken head instantly sobered up: "I'll go to Tan now and ask her to give up assassinating Governor Meteor."

Qing Kong said: "I came to find you, but Meteor didn't know about it. He didn't want you to be involved in this incident, because Pan was also involved.

Don't worry, Miss Yin! Knowing Tan's possible hidden strength, we have the means to deal with it. I am a clear sky, and my existence is to protect him. No matter who the opponent is, I will complete my bounden duty.

Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is the day for the second meeting between Meteor and the Shuojin elders. You will be very busy. "

Yin still wanted to help, but his head became dizzy again. She looked at the clear sky, and stretched out her hand to grab him, but her vision gradually blurred, and she fell asleep again.

Clear sky drank the wine in the glass and stood up.

While waving his hands, a blanket on the bed floated to cover Yin's body.

Clear Sky walked up to the railing of the terrace, then took another step forward and jumped off.

here we go!

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