Age of Mysticism

Chapter 565 Framed

In the following days, the entire Scorched Earth City was in chaos of searching for the source of unknown weapons.

Dalikova was in charge of searching the Madobusa family, and Mistress Malvini was in charge of searching the Highland Venture Capital Company. Other demon families also want to find out this unknown weapon supplier, and take advantage of the chaos to report some personal grievances and grab some territory.

All kinds of assassinations and gang fights filled the scorched earth city, and a large number of corpses were thrown into the lava river every day.

Feeling the crisis, Mistress Malvini pinned her family's hope of life and death on Highland Venture Capital Company. As long as he can find evidence that this group of human merchants is related to those unknown weapons, he will be able to keep his family and deal with Darikova and those little bastards later.

The premises and warehouses of Highland Venture Capital Company in Scorched Earth City were all sealed up, all the boxes were opened, and one by one they were searched and identified one by one.

All the World Bank's trade activities in Hell were forced to stop, and the Shuojin people could only watch the Hell Demons show off their power in front of them, smashing the pot and smashing the pot.

In order to end this farce as soon as possible, Tan found the demon tyrant again, hoping that he could act as soon as possible.

On the other side, Dalikova brought the succubus she had attracted into the black castle of the Madobusa family. On the surface, it was a carpet search where every hole was poked. In fact, Dalikova accompanied Luke and Madobusa in the deepest secret room and gnawed at the jerky.

Madobusa snuggled up to Luke's side, tore the big jerky into thin strips, and put them into Luke's mouth: "Brother, I didn't expect the succubus you picked up to be quite capable. Not only did it infiltrate the Malvini family It became the main force inside, and was also appreciated by the madman lord.

With the cover of your succubus, our armor and weapon business will be safer in the future. "

Dalikova sat on the other side of Luke, and also tore up dried meat and fed it to Luke.

"My lord, now that all parties have entered your game, when will you close the net and eat the Scorched Earth City?"

"Hahaha..." Madobusa couldn't help laughing when she heard Dalikova's words: "Brother, are you a succubus crazy? You dare to say that you have eaten a little bit of nod that you just showed in the scorched earth city." Scorched Earth City. I think she should set her sights low, and when we drive away the Highland Venture Capital Company and kill that bitch Malvini, she can gather some succubi to form a small family under our family."

Luke was suffocated by the two succubi, and his mouth was still stuffed with shredded meat.

He used magic to make a glass of ice water for himself, and after drinking it in one gulp, he said: "Originally, my goal was to drive away the Highland Venture Capital Company, but a sudden opportunity appeared, which made it even better to capture the Scorched Earth City." Options.

Sister, are you willing to help me capture the Scorched Earth City? "

Luke turned to look at Madobusa.

Madobusa had a smile on her face at first, thinking that Luke was making fun of herself, but looking at it... She realized that her cheap brother didn't seem to be joking.

Madobusa let go of Luke's arm, and her ruddy complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Are you kidding me? I advise you not to do stupid things. It is impossible for the Madobusa family to capture the Scorched Earth City. I will not ruin the entire family for your delusion!

The idea is horrible! "

Dalikova teased at the side: "Mistress Madobusa, you have changed your mind too quickly, how can your good brother rest assured to entrust you with important tasks in the future."

Madobusa was so frightened that she didn't have the heart to argue with Dalikova. She looked at Luke and asked, "Don't tell me, you are serious!"

"I'm serious!" Luke shook the water glass, the high temperature of hell caused the ice inside to melt quickly, and soon the heat came up: "According to the exact information, the fallen angels in Scorched Earth City will attack the lord's castle and elect the demon tyrant as The new demon lord."

This is very explosive information for Madobusa.

But she thought about it again: "What does this have to do with your decision to capture the Scorched Earth City? Even if the fallen angels and demon tyrants kill the madman lord, we are not their opponents."

"The demonic tyrant works for me!"

Another piece of breaking news left Madobusa in a daze.

"I heard that the tyrant is an ancient demon, how could he be working for you?"

Luke said: "You don't need to know the specific reasons. After the tyrant and the fallen angels kill the fanatics and occupy the lord's castle, the fallen angels are our enemies. At that time, the tyrant will win over the demon family in Scorched Earth City to attack the fallen angels. In order to establish authority, we need to establish an example.

So consider you! "

Madobusa asked vigilantly, "What's typical?"

Luke said with a smile: "The first demon family to send troops to assist the tyrant in attacking the fallen angels can take a piece of land from the tyrant's territory and become the first non-demon lord recognized by the tyrant."

This time Madobusa couldn't sit still.

She stood up suddenly and questioned: "Do you know that what you just said is more absurd than capturing the Scorched Earth City. Demons never recognize non-demon lords, you have to be careful this is a lie of the demon tyrant, he is deceiving you to get support."

Luke said meaningfully: "The tyrant didn't deceive me. His ambition is to unify hell, and to unify hell, he needs the demon family to work hard for him. I told him that if you want the demon family to work hard for him, you don't have to. The family should be used to limit the power of the demons.

Give you lands and make you lords, and you'll give him all hell.

I once said that I would help you become the succubus queen of hell. Now that the initial point to the top has been given to you, do you dare to go? "

"Dare!" Madobusa replied without any hesitation.

In the dark secret room, the flames on the wall flickered, illuminating the three figures.

Madobusa's breathing was very short, and her heart was beating at an unprecedented speed. The uncontrolled overflow of magic power covered her skin with a halo of fire.

Now, there is a path before her that she never imagined. She is very clear that once she embarks on this road, she will face countless hardships and dangers, and she is very likely to become a stepping stone for other demons when climbing.

But even if the chance of reaching the top is one in ten thousand, she made a choice without hesitation at this time.

The hell race has never lacked courage. As long as their ambitions can be released, they will erupt all their energy like an erupting volcano.

Madobusa's answer was simple and clear, and Luke laughed: "As expected of my sister. This task is entrusted to you, and all your efforts will be rewarded!"

"Brother, how should I repay you?"

Here we go again... The succubus' show is engraved in his bones.

Scorched Earth City continued to be in chaos, and another undercurrent flowed according to the planned route.

Dalikova's investigation found nothing, and she was even more "anxious" to convict the Madobusa family, and even arrested many succubi of the Madobusa family without authorization and imprisoned them.

Mistress Madobusa went to the lord's castle many times to defend herself against the lunatics.

Mistress Malvini saw that Darikova was forcibly arresting people, and she was afraid that she would frame the Madobusa family, so she also intensified the search on her side.

A large number of supplies were seized by Mistress Malvini in the name of investigation, and then transported to the lord's castle for the lord's fanatics. He then imposed heavy penalties on Highland Ventures for tax evasion.

Although it is still impossible to connect the unknown weapon with the Highland Venture Capital Company, after looting so many materials, it should be able to please the fanatics...

The Highland Venture Capital Company has been searched tirelessly, and Tan has repeatedly gone to the Lord's Castle to protest.

Until one day, Dalikova seized a whole ship of unknown armor and weapons.

And this ship stopped in a lava river bend controlled by the Malvini family.

After hearing the news, Mistress Malvini, who was still searching for the Highland Venture Capital Company, was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Darikova, you little bitch!"

Mistress Malvini cursed, and then immediately went to the lord's castle.

On the suspension bridge of the lord's castle, when Mistress Malvini arrived, she saw Dalikova and Madobusa already here.

More than a dozen stone boxes were scattered, and the lids were opened to reveal a set of armor and weapons of various styles inside, which were obviously not issued to the Malvini family by fanatics.

Mistress Malvini defended herself without waiting for the fanatic to be held accountable: "Lord! This is definitely a frame-up! In order to investigate the source of the unknown weapon, I took away most of the succubi in the family, which made Dalikova and Madobusa has the opportunity to move things into the creek that our family controls."

The lunatic looked at Mistress Malvini coldly, and she was so frightened that she quickly knelt on the ground.

"Mulvini, you are still quibbling up to now. It seems that you will not admit the things you did without telling me until you present conclusive evidence.

Darikova, tell her how you found the weapons. "

"Yes, lord!" Dalikova began to tell: "At the beginning, I have been focusing all my energy on investigating the Madobusa family, but I have not found any useful clues. The Madobusa family now controls The area is very small, if they are really related to the unknown arms dealer, I must have found it.

Since it is not the Madobusa family, Mistress Malvini, who has always wanted to place this charge on the Madobusa family, is suspected, so I investigated in the family. So I discovered that the family secretly packed many boxes into a sarcophagus ship. I quietly boarded the ship and opened the boxes, and found these things. "

Malvini cursed: "You little bitch, you must be a spy sent by Madobusa to me."

Dalikova said contemptuously: "Mistress, don't argue anymore. When we seized the sarcophagus ship, we captured all the demons who sailed the ship. Would you like to hear what they said?"

"Bring them all up," said the lunatic.

A one-horned lord and a group of daedra were brought up the drawbridge.

The lunatic asked, "Where are you from?"

The one-horned governor replied: "We are employees of the Hell Market Development Company of Rage City, Golden Shield Empire, in the secular world."

"What are you doing in my Scorched Earth City?"

The one-horned governor replied: "Our boss heard that another group of human merchants is also developing the hell market, so he asked us to bring the goods to Scorched Earth City to compete in the market."

The lunatic was very satisfied with the unicorn's confession, and continued to ask: "Since you are here to compete with the Highland Venture Capital Company, why didn't you come to me? Instead, you secretly sold armor and weapons to my demon descendants in the city. "

The one-horned governor replied: "Our ship was stopped by the succubus of the Malvini family after entering the Scorched Earth City. After I expressed my intention, Mistress Malvini said, Lord Lord, that you have signed a contract with the Highland Venture Capital Company. According to the agreement on the franchise of weapons, our company's weapons cannot be sold publicly in Scorched Earth City.

But Mistress Malvini said that she can use the influence of the Malvini family in Scorched Earth City to sell our armor and weapons to the demon families?

She also said that if our armor and weapons are better than those of the Highland Venture Capital Company, we will be able to squeeze out the Highland Venture Capital Company and get your order after being discovered by you, the Madman Lord.

Therefore, all the armor and weapons we transported to Scorched Earth City were the best armored weapons, and then handed over to Mistress Malvini for sale. "

Listening to the words of the one-horned governor, Mistress Malvini was dumbfounded. She pointed at the one-horned governor, Dalikova, and Madobusa and shouted loudly: "These frame-ups, you are all in one group, and you all join forces to frame me!" !

Outlaw Lords, don't trust them! I don't know this unicorn at all, I didn't betray you!


A bunch of fiery snakes sprang out from under the suspension bridge, engulfed Mistress Malvini and pulled her into the darkness under the bridge.

At first, there were the screams of Mistress Malvini and the light of using magic to resist, but soon there was no sound.

After executing Mistress Malvini neatly, the madman said to Dalikova: "You really didn't disappoint me! I will keep my promise. You can choose a hundred succubi from the Malvini family to form your own demon family.

For the rest, I will split them up and add them to all the succubus families.

The strength of the family has made Malvini lose his position on himself. I hope you will not take the wrong path that she has proven. "

Dalikova and Madobusa knelt down to the fanatics together: "My family and I will never betray the lord."

"Get up." The lunatic asked Dalikova and Madobusa to stand aside, and said to the one-horned governor: "You were deceived by Malvini, and the agreement with Highland Venture Capital can't restrain me from pursuing better quality. Weapons, let the person in charge of your company come to Scorched Earth City to meet me as soon as possible, and I can let your market go deep into the center of hell."

The one-horned governor happily saluted the fanatic: "Yes..."

At this time, a lamp demon floated in from outside: "Lord, Milia from Highland Venture Capital Company requested your summons, and she brought you a gift."

The fanatic couldn't help laughing: "I knew she would come here in a hurry, what gift did she bring me this time?

let her in! "

The one-horned governor hurriedly said: "Our company will also send gifts as soon as possible."

The demon lunatic laughed even louder.

Without waiting too long, Tan led his entourage and pulled a large stone box onto the suspension bridge.

"It's the same size as the armor box last time. You won't give me another set of armor, will you?" The madman stood up after seeing the box. He was wearing the armor Tan gave last time, matching his strong body. It looked extremely majestic: "If it can go back!"

Tan smiled and said, "Of course it's not armor. The value of this gift is much higher than the armor on your body. Our company hopes that this gift can give us a new start for our cooperation."

The lunatic said with great anticipation: "Our cooperation is indeed going to have a new start. Open it and let me see your sincerity!"

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