Age of Mysticism

Chapter 566 Demon vs. Demon

Tan nodded, and the followers immediately opened the box.

At the same time, a large number of demons climbed up from under the suspension bridge, watching every move of the human beings vigilantly.

The lunatic sat there, staring at the stone box. As the box opened a gap, intense firelight and powerful fire elemental energy overflowed from inside.

Then, the built-in mechanism unfolded the stone box to all sides, and inside was an obelisk shaped by pure fire elements. The obelisk is a standard cuboid, and the base is a whole piece of obsidian. Without the restriction of the box, the fire element overflows more intensely, and violent flames form a pillar of fire that erupts upwards.

The lunatic knew the goods, and he recognized at a glance that the core of the fire elemental obelisk was a very large fire core in the center of the earth. The fire core in the center of the earth is the product of the eruption of the red flame torch, an artifact of purgatory civilization. Its function is to greatly increase the effectiveness of purgatory magic.

In the past, although the fire core in the center of the earth was rare, there is still a chance to obtain it due to the occasional output of the red flame torch.

But now the artifact has been lost for more than a thousand years, and the fire core in the center of the earth has almost disappeared.

And even in the age of artifacts, such a large fire core in the center of the earth is extremely rare.

The madman couldn't help standing up, he prevented his subordinate demons from coming forward to check, and then asked Tan: "Where did you get this earth core fire core?"

"In an ancient war site." Tan stood next to the fire obelisk, with a protective shield around his body to block the invasion of fire elements: "I have to admit that ancient wars have left too many good things for us humans. There are so many, archaeological research can be said to be one of the main driving forces for the development of human civilization."

Tan's words reminded the fanatics of the wars they had experienced.

In order to win, the two camps will do everything they can, and many good things from the bottom of the box have been moved to the battlefield. Some are used, some are lost, and the deaths of key figures make finding a needle in a haystack difficult.

The fanatic said with emotion: "It's been a long, long time since I have seen such a big fire core in the core of the earth, it may be the largest fire core in the whole hell now.

You chose this gift very carefully. To me, the core of the earth and fire is of very high value, but it is useless to you.

What do you want from me by giving it to me? "

Tan asked: "I heard... have you found the demon descendant who colluded with foreign humans and secretly sold armored weapons in Scorched Earth City?"

The lunatic sat down again, but couldn't take his eyes off the fire obelisk, and replied at the same time: "I found it! It's Malvini, she wants to use these armored weapons to expand the strength of the family, and frame the Madobusa family by the way.

Now Malvini has received the punishment he deserved.

I'm talking about future cooperation with a demon employee from the Golden Shield Empire Hell Development Company. "

Tan had noticed the one-horned governor and his demon descendants standing aside a long time ago, and now knew their identities.

"Lord of Outlaws, we hope that you will continue to fulfill the agreement you have signed to give us the weapons franchise to Highland Ventures. We will soon be able to provide you with cheap and higher quality armor weapons, you do not need a second arms supplier."

The lunatic laughed and said, "Human, are you teaching an ancient demon to do things? I am very satisfied with this gift. I can hand over most of the orders to your highland venture capital company, and guarantee that you will use larger ones in the purgatory market." Advantage."

Tan continued to fight: "We want it all. Not just the purgatory market, but the whole hell."

"Humans, hell is what the devil says..."

Just as the lunatic was bargaining with Tan, suddenly the whole castle shook violently.

"What happened!" the fanatic asked loudly angrily.

A lamp demon rushed up to the hanging bridge from the outside: "Lord, it's the fallen angel Garland! He is leading the fallen angels and black feather demons to attack the castle, and they have already broken through the gate and rushed in."

"Fallen angels! I knew they were a group of untrustworthy guys!" The lunatic stood up again, and the fire ignited on both sides of the hanging bridge, and countless demons climbed up from the flames. The madman ordered: "Destroy the intruders and make this place the tomb of fallen angels!"

"Fight for the outlaw lord!"

The demons rushed out like the tide, and an unknown number of demons crawled out from under the hanging bridge.

A more intense battle broke out, and the entire castle was constantly shaking under the impact of magic and combat skills.

The lunatic sat down again, and he said confidently: "The demon family in Scorched Earth City will soon arrive with support, and the fallen angels really overestimated their strength.

Humans, let's continue..."

As soon as the madman's butt touched the chair, he noticed the change of the fire obelisk.

A magic circle lit up on the unfolded stone box, and the pillar of fire that shot up from the obelisk turned into a downward flow of fire. The humans who came with Miria formed a circle to protect the magic circle that was being activated.

The madman's pupils contracted, and he said viciously: "I was just wondering how the fallen angels would attack my castle beyond their means, it seems that they have offered you a higher condition than me.

I advise you to stop in time, human!

Hell is the hell of demons, and no matter what promises the fallen angels have made to you, they cannot be fulfilled. "

The demon descendants crawled out of the flames under the hanging bridge, and they rushed up and threw themselves at the fire obelisk. No matter what magic circle the fire obelisk is activating, destroying it is the most correct choice.

The humans protecting the fire obelisk showed off the alchemy wristband on their wrists. The left wristband unfolded a square shield, and expanded a defensive light shield. The light shield and the light shield combined to form a circular protective cover. He pulled out a long sword with his right hand, and stabbed the rushing demons through the single-sided protective light shield.

Tan didn't wear the unique golden armor of the Shuojin people, and the demons who could be killed by conventional combat skills and magic couldn't get close.

The flames under the hanging bridge also joined the attack on the fire obelisk, and the fireballs and fire snakes continuously attacked the protective shield from all sides. Fireworks splashed everywhere, and the dense demon spawn and intensive attacks almost drowned Tan and her followers, but the protective shield did not shake at all, as if it could not be breached in a short time.

The stream of fire dripping from the fire obelisk gradually submerged the magic circle on the stone slab.

Watching the battle on the hanging bridge, the fanatic gathered energy in his hand and shot a huge fireball, and warned Tan one last time: "Stop the magic circle, or we will all die here."

Tan concentrated on fighting, ignoring the warnings of the lunatics.

Seeing that the magic circle of the fire obelisk was about to complete the injection, the lunatic threw the fireball in his hand into the air.

The flames on both sides of the hanging bridge set off two huge fire waves, and the waves carried fire elemental energy into the fireball in the air. The fireball expanded rapidly in the air, and in a short time it turned into a fire meteor with a diameter of ten meters.

The fire meteor smashed down on the suspension bridge. As long as the suspension bridge was destroyed, no matter whether it was a human or a demon descendant, it would fall into the sea of ​​flames below. If the magic circle loses its stability, it will naturally end. Even if the remaining people are lucky enough to survive, they will sooner or later be supported by the demon family to eliminate them.

The huge fire meteor smashed down on the fire obelisk.

Tan's task was to protect the activation of the magic circle. Seeing the fire meteor falling on the top of her head, she held the sword in both hands to accumulate strength and then swung the sword upwards with all her strength. The sword edge cut through the space and pulled out a huge half-moon-shaped sword light.

At the moment when the fire meteorite was about to hit the fire obelisk, the half-moon-shaped sword glow struck, and cut through the middle of the fire meteorite in one fell swoop. The collision of energy and energy produced a huge explosive force, pushing away the fire meteor that was divided into two halves, and smashed into the sea of ​​fire on both sides from the edge of the suspension bridge.

The fanatic stared at Tan. He knew that this human woman had great strength, but he didn't expect that the strength shown this time far exceeded his estimation.

Now this human woman is standing in front of the fire obelisk, and the magic circle under the obelisk has been injected with energy.

Flames rushed up from the magic circle, forming towering walls of fire on all sides.

Then black figures flew out of the wall of fire one after another. They had the bodies of Hell Demons but they all had the standard black wings of fallen angels. They were black feathered demons cultivated by fallen angels in the black prison.

There were also some fallen angels following the black feather demon. They immediately threw themselves into the attack on the lunatics and demons. The battle unfolded on the suspension bridge and spread into the air.

The fallen angel Garland flew out of the wall of fire gracefully as always, and greeted the madman as if seeing an old friend: "Lord of the madman, your castle is too tightly guarded, forcing us to take out the treasured core of fire in the center of the earth. To arrange this teleportation array.

If you admit defeat now, you can avoid death! "

At this time, the sea of ​​fire had completely illuminated the palace. The palace was in the shape of a circle, with a towering platform in the middle, and everything else was a deep pit.

There is only a hanging bridge connecting the high platform and the entrance of the palace. At this time, the hanging bridge has been occupied by fallen angels and black feather demons. While protecting the suspension bridge from being destroyed by the demons, they turned around and blocked the entrance to keep the demons out.

The lunatic was trapped on the high platform in the center, surrounded by only two succubi and a few seemingly powerful demons.

The lunatic did not look like a trapped beast, he stood there full of confidence in victory.

"Garland, are you stupid to dare to attack a demon lord? Have you ever thought that even if you take away my territory, other demon lords will never look at the fallen angels with them? equal status.

Hell is hell for demons! "

The fallen angel Garland flew to the edge of the high platform, and said to the fanatics in a very casual tone: "I admit that hell is the hell of demons, but it doesn't mean that fallen angels can't use other methods to own a vast territory that belongs to us.

Madman, you don't have to be wary of me, your opponent this time is not me..."

"If it's not you, then who?"

At this time, the fire wall around the fire obelisk began to rotate and change positions.

The lunatic can see that this is the space teleportation circle relocating the space coordinates... What else is coming?

The wall of fire stopped moving, and then a foot stepped out from inside, sparks shot out the moment the foot landed.

The fire suddenly increased, and a strong figure bathed in fierce flames walked out of the wall of fire. At the same time, a large number of demons swarmed out from the other walls of fire, attacking the madman's demons without stopping.

"Tyrant!" The lunatic recognized the demon sent from the firewall, and he questioned: "It is you who entangled the highland venture capital company and the fallen angels to snatch my territory? Don't you worry that your strength will not be able to control them at all, and eventually become their puppet?"

The demon tyrant walked towards the madman step by step, sparks flew everywhere with every step.

"You once said that with my current strength, it may take a thousand years to take back Furnace City. In a thousand years, anything will happen...

So I can only use you to make a deal with them. "

The fallen angel Garland moved out of the way, allowing the demonic tyrant to step onto the platform and confront the lunatics. They are all wearing the armor presented by Highland Venture Capital Company, with the same majesty and violence.

The madman saw what the tyrant was thinking: "Do you want to have a one-on-one demon duel with me, and then quickly receive my demon descendants with the victory?"

The tyrant stretched out his right hand, and a cloud-like flame formed in his palm.

"This is the best way to quickly take over your territory. Manager Miria, Garland, and the fallen angels do not want this territory to fall into a prolonged battle, which will attract the invasion of other demon lords.

One-on-one demon duels are the best way to go.

If you can defeat or kill me, there is no point in continuing this war between Manager Miria and the fallen angels. "

The lunatic looked at the fallen angel Garland and the human businessman Miria on the suspension bridge. Sure enough, neither of them had the idea of ​​directly intervening in this duel.

"Tyrant! I admit that you were very strong in the past, but part of your strength comes from the red flame torch. Now that the artifact is lost and the magic is weakened, how much strength do you still have after being trapped for thousands of years, so that you dare to challenge me?"

The tyrant stretched out his left hand, and a cloud-like flame rose from his palm.

"I also want to know what kind of strength I have now, especially in hell full of active fire elements." The tyrant stretched his hands, and the flames on his body formed a large cloud of fire behind him. The sea of ​​fire around the high platform boiled even more, and the fire element formed clouds to fill the entire palace space.

At this time, not only the lunatics, but even Garland and Tan, who were watching the play, couldn't help but become serious.

The fire element is recognized as the most violent element, and all its forms are full of restlessness, exuding a sense of destruction and destruction.

But the fire elements that make up the clouds are extremely quiet at this time, showing the tranquility and plasticity like the water elements.

Is this still a fire element?

Or did the tyrant make the fire elemental so tame?

The lunatic gathered fire elements from the air to shape a battle axe, and faced the tyrant as if facing an enemy, he put on a fighting posture: "Tyrant, it seems that during the period of being sealed, you experienced adventures that we can't imagine. Such a superb fire Element affinity is to turn hell into your absolute home field.

But demons have strong resistance to fire elements, you..."

The tyrant stretched out his hand and smashed the battle ax in the fanatic's hand into scattered fire elements: "Since you know that my fire element has a high affinity, don't show off fire element spells in front of me. As a demon, you can't use fire elements. How much strength do you have left?"

The lunatic looked at the empty hand dumbfounded.

Demons, or creatures from hell, are naturally proficient in the fire element, and most of their strength is in the fire element spell skills.

Now you don't let me use it, how can I fight?

"You drag out the tyrant and cover my escape, and I will bring all the demons in the city to rescue you!"

The restrained lunatic knew that he was no match for the tyrant, so he wanted to send the demons around him to cover him and escape.

But...but no response was received.

The lunatic looked around and saw the succubus Dalikova and Madobusa stabbing their trusted demon descendants with knives.

Darikova, who realized that she was discovered, looked at the madman pitifully: "Lord...we just want to live. I'm sorry..."

After finishing speaking, Dalikova ignored the stunned lunatics, pulled Madobusa to the corner to prop up a defensive cover for herself, and shouted: "The tyrant lord, our Dalikova family and the Madobusa family Embrace you as our lord..."

The madman cursed: "You two little bastards!"

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