Age of Mysticism

Chapter 567 Reform

Since the injection of the "Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song", the demon tyrant felt that his affinity for the fire element had improved several levels. He knew that his current strength was very strong, but he needed to use all his strength when facing a madman, and only then did he realize how strong he was.

Although there is still some distance from the self in the heyday, but in this world where the artifacts are lost, there should not be many who are qualified to be their opponents. Especially in hell filled with fire elements...

The tyrant suddenly felt a sense of invincibility.

No... I'm not invincible in hell.

I just obtained the last potion of "Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song" from Miss Qingkong, but Meteor injected five doses of potions and obtained the full version of "Aria of Huoshaoyunchaoqu".

Fortunately, I have signed a master-slave contract with him.

There's another...Miss Skylight.

Every once in a while, Miss Weathering Sky's strength has been greatly improved. Her strength is unfathomable, and she is definitely the top one in the world.

Fortunately, Miss Clear Sky is my eldest sister.

The demon tyrant stretched out his hand, and the fire cloud gathered in his palm as if encountering a siphon effect, and the concentrated fire element compacted and shaped a thick crimson magic book.

Then he recited the mantra, and the circle of fire clouds around him was rippling with turbulent cloud tides, accompanied by the rumbling sound like ten thousand horses galloping.

The magic book was opened, and the pages inside were flipping, and magic symbols flew out of it, mixing into the fire-colored clouds like a musical score being played.

The lunatic didn't dare to pay any attention to the two succubi who were hiding. He knew that the tyrant was "opening up". Seeing the power of this magic, if he didn't do something, he would die suddenly. Instead of using the fire element to shape a weapon, he directly showed his sharp claws.

The ancient devil language was chanted from the madman's mouth, and the armor he was wearing was deformed by his swollen body. With the release of the demon magic, the fanatic's skin was split open, and the muscles were pushed apart by the internal explosive energy one by one. The hot energy erupted from the cracks, and his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were all outward. Shine brightly.

The lunatic who completed the transformation in the magic spell let out a roar like a wild beast. He rushed towards the tyrant, swung his claws, and the sharp claws scraped sparks in the air, and the scratched space made the sound of scratching glass.

In the face of the madman's magical attack, the tyrant did not move. He ignored the attack and continued to chant spells methodically.

The sharp claws attacked, but hit a layer of fire-colored light film that appeared in front of the tyrant. The claws ran across it and left five nicks, but did not tear the shield.

The surrounding fire tide gradually returned to calm from the rush under the spell, and the restless fire element was subdued again. The spell continued, and the feeling of depression suddenly rose.

The madman really went mad. He kept attacking the tyrant's shield while chanting different ancient demon languages. His body continued to expand, the biggest crack was as wide as a palm, the energy in his body exploded without reservation, as if the whole body was about to explode from within, the increased energy made his horns stretch to one meter.

His attacks were more destructive and devastating, each swing leaving five cracks in the air that took time to heal.

The tyrant's shield began to deform, and there were more and more wounds on it, as if it was about to break.

At this point the tyrant stopped singing, and the last page of the spellbook closed as the last symbol flew out.

"Madman, I use the strongest magic to show my respect for you and the commemoration of my friendship with you. We demons were born from destruction, and we are bound to leave from destruction.

Your territory will be inherited by me, your demon descendants will be inherited by me, and your will will also be inherited by me.

Never see you again! "

The lunatic roared and exerted all his strength to launch a final blow to the tyrant.

"It's you who should be destroyed!"

At this time, the fire wave that filled the entire palace instantly shrank towards the center, wrapping the madman inside, and then continued to compress. The energy inspired by the lunatic's divine art exploded during the squeeze, and the fire ball expanded slightly and rebounded for a while to continue to compress.

The implosion energy and the compressed energy are constantly shrinking, expanding, and shrinking in the confrontation, and the fire wave in the outer ring is gradually crystallized. Ten minutes later, the huge lunatic was crushed into a ball with a diameter of one meter, and five minutes later, he was crushed into a ball with a diameter of half a meter...

Keep pressing!

When the energy of the implosion was exhausted, the compressed energy became a ball with a diameter of ten centimeters before falling into the palm of the tyrant.

The condensed ball presents the texture of amber, and the dense starlight inside seems to contain countless stars. It's just that this beautiful and flawless ball has a crack, and then there are more and more cracks, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and finally the energy can't maintain the solidified form, and it falls apart in the hands of the tyrant.

The shattered glass turned into fine sand and spilled from the tyrant's fingers, and the starlight inside scattered and flew away like released fireflies.

A puff of blue smoke floated up.

The tyrant took a deep breath and inhaled all the smoke into his nostrils.

Dalikova, who was hiding in the corner, asked curiously, "Is the madman dead?"

Madobusa stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and murmured: "In a sense, the madman is dead, but in a sense, this is his rebirth. His soul was absorbed by the tyrant, and the fragments of his spirit They will be scattered all over hell, and some demons will be born in the lava river of hell at some point. They will go through a fated fight, and the demons that finally complete the collection of mental fragments will become new ancient demons.

Why would you ask such a common sense question? "

Facing Madobusa's suspicion, Dalikova hastily explained: "Actually, I have been by your brother's side since I was born, and because I am often active in the human world, I don't know much about hell.

Will the new ancient demon zealot seek revenge on the tyrant? "

Madobusa accepted Dalikova's explanation, and she replied: "No! It is difficult to kill the ancient demon by conventional means. The tyrant separates the soul and spirit of the madman, which is equivalent to killing the madman.

The newborn ancient demons are no longer lunatics, and it must be a long, long time. "

After speaking, Madobusa looked at the demon tyrant and said to herself, "Such a strong demon works for him. Who the hell is he?"

Darikova also asked herself: "Yeah... who the hell is he?"

After the tyrant killed the fanatic, the battle in the palace ended.

Those demon descendants who directly belong to the fanatic can fight for him when he is alive, and after the fanatic dies, they will also become spoils of war and belong to the new owner. All the demons bowed down to the demonic tyrant, without a sense of mission to avenge the lunatics, nor did they feel guilty about switching to the new master.

Regardless of whether these demons really belong to them or not, this is the rule of hell.

The tyrant stepped onto the lord's throne and sat down solemnly.

"Notify the patriarchs of all the demon families in Scorched Earth City...I, the demon tyrant, defeated the demon lunatics and became the master of this city and this territory. All demon families who are willing to swear allegiance to me, come here to meet me immediately.

After the sand in the hourglass has flowed out, the demon families who did not come are regarded by me as enemies that must be eradicated. "

A lamp demon floated to the side of the lord's throne, it activated a magic mechanism, and an hourglass as tall as a person rose up. The lamp demon turned the hourglass, and the funnel filled with golden sand turned to it.

Sands flow down and the timer starts.

The lamp demons who were in charge of delivering the orders began to leave the lord's castle and drift towards all directions of the Scorched Earth City at the fastest speed.

The fallen angel Garland sensed that something was wrong, and he flew up to the high platform with the fallen angels, forming a siege to the tyrant.

"Tyrant, it turns out that you have been hiding your strength. You have not only deceived the lunatics, but also deceived us. I thought that after you were sealed for thousands of years, your strength would drop drastically after the artifact was lost. It's time to help you subdue the lunatics, but I didn't expect this to be the result now.

I'm afraid I'm no match for you in a one-on-one duel. "

Facing the approaching fallen angels, the tyrant looked at his demon descendants. Except for the demons brought by him who resolutely stepped forward to block the fallen angels and black feather demons, the newly subdued demons did not show too much desire to fight.

In the palace, the fallen angels became the strong side.

Tan stayed on the suspension bridge, standing with his followers. She doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​helping the tyrant deal with the fallen angels, just to see how the tyrant can solve this trouble.

The tyrant sat firmly on the lord's throne, and the surrounding fire clouds floated shallowly, looking harmless.

"Garland, since you know that you are not my opponent, you must rediscover your position, and don't let our good cooperation be interrupted and make me unhappy."

At this moment, Garland was sure that the tyrant wanted to play tricks.

"You have made us unhappy. After you promised us to successfully occupy the lord's castle, you will hand over the management of this territory to the fallen angels. Now you don't seem to want to fulfill your promise, but I tell you that the fallen angels will not sacrifice in vain!

If you're not going to keep your promise, we'll take it ourselves. "

The fallen angels and the black feather demons all put on an attacking posture, intending to surround and kill the tyrant here before he can secure his position as the lord.

The encirclement shrunk, and the demons directly under the tyrant were forced to retreat.

The newly subdued demons were still at a loss.

"You cowardly fellows. When the demon lord you are loyal to is in danger, do you just watch from the side like this?" Madobusa came out from the protective cover, and she grabbed the lamp demon and fell to the ground , and then stepped on the lampshade with his riding boots, and shouted to the dazed demons: "If the fallen angels take over the territory, do you think you can still stay here?

You who have been abandoned by two demon lords in a row, what kind of treatment can you get when you go to other demon territories? "

Dalikova stepped forward: "The tyrant lord defeated the madman lord in a one-on-one duel, and he is now the legal ruler of this territory. The demons showed the courage they had just fought for the madman lord, Fight to not be enslaved by fallen angels!"

Although the slogans that Madobusa and Dalikova shouted were a bit blunt, what the demons who didn't know what to do needed just a signal.

Most of the demons did not see the backstab behavior of the two succubi. They saw the patriarchs of the two demon families who were formerly subordinate to the madman lord, and now they showed determination to fight for the new lord. They began to move forward to confront the fallen angels.

Regardless of whether these demons have the determination to fight for the new lord, but there is momentum.

This time the fallen angels felt the pressure. They didn't know if the demon descendants of the former lunatics would swarm up or scatter if a fight broke out.

The devil tyrant sits firmly in his position. This period of time is extremely critical. He must show strength, both physically and psychologically. Let the demons see that the demons they are loyal to will not panic or even shrink back in the face of the enemy.

The devil asked Mado Busa, who was on the front line of the confrontation: "Are you Mado Busa?"

Madobusa replied: "I am the patriarch of the Madobusa succubus family. The tyrant lord, my mother was assassinated under the auspices of the fanatics, and the once powerful Madobusa family will be annexed at any time." .

Hate is the reason why I betrayed the fanatic.

Now I surrender to you, and hope that the Madobusa family will become stronger again under my leadership. "

The tyrant smiled and said: "The Madobusa family will become stronger. There is a Chihe Fortress in the northeast of my territory. Now the Chihe Fortress and the nearby river bay ten kilometers away belong to your Madobusa family.

This is my reward for you! "

Although Madobusa knew from Luke that she would get a territory belonging to the family, she still couldn't believe it when this moment came. She asked: "My lord...will you really give me the Chihe Fortress and the ten-kilometer river bend?"

"Of course it's for you..." The tyrant looked at the other demons from the corner of his eyes, and continued: "And it was permanently given to the Madobusa family. I am different from the madman. The experience of being sealed for thousands of years made me After thinking about a lot of things, I want to be a different demon lord.

From my first reward just now, as long as my demons make enough contributions, I will give them permanent land. In hell, not only demons can be lords, follow me... Any demon descendant, even the humblest slave demon, can be a lord as long as he has meritorious deeds! "

After the tyrant finished speaking, Madobusa turned around and knelt down, regardless of the danger of showing her back to the fallen angels.

Her body was trembling, and her voice was also trembling: "Great tyrant lord. I swear to you in the name of my mother. The Madobusa family will always be the most convenient weapon in your hands. Your enemy is Ma The mortal enemy of the Dobusa family, even if we have only teeth left in the battle, we will tear up and swallow your enemy!"

After making the oath, Madobusa stood up and faced the fallen angel. Her eyes were spitting fire and her face was ferocious: "Fallen angels from outside! Are you really going to fight against the great tyrant lord?"

What the tyrant said just now deeply shocked all the demons in the palace, especially the patriarchs of the demon families who heard the news. They all heard about the rewards Madobusa had received. The demon lord who had always held the land firmly in his hands actually distributed the land to the demon descendants.

Moreover, the river bay area of ​​Chihe Fortress is a rare and fertile land in hell. There is abundant food in the river bay, and there are more newborn demons. The Madobusa family that acquired that territory will become stronger again in a very short period of time, and even stronger than before.

The hearts of all the patriarchs of the demon families were beating uncontrollably.

Although they didn't know whether the new lord would fulfill his promise, they still couldn't suppress the restlessness in their chests.

"Fallen angels from outside! Are you really going to fight against the great tyrant lord?"

"Fallen angels from outside! Are you really going to fight against the great tyrant lord?"

"Fallen angels from outside! Are you really going to fight against the great tyrant lord?"


More and more demons shouted, and finally a huge echoing sound wave was formed in the palace!

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