Age of Robots 1 Gaiden Biochemical Armor Crossbow

Age of Robots 1 Gaiden Biochemical Armor Crossbow


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After the Anaconda tribe ruled Regulus (Alpha Leo) Planet Seven and established the Anaconda Empire, the people of the Earth Alliance who escaped from Regulus (Alpha Leo) Planet Seven were finally defeated twenty years after their escape. The Human Pythons pursued and defeated the Human Pythons again and again, and established a new regime on Fomalhaut on Planet 4 in the constellation Pisces Australis, which the Human Pythons regarded as a thorn in their side - the Concentric Alliance. Seven years after the rebellion in the Man-Python Empire, the Man-Python tribe discovered "Life Metal" and spent thirty years building a super space battleship named "Biochemical Armor Crossbow" by the Man-Python tribe, preparing to use it. to attack the Concentric Alliance. What should the Tongxin Alliance do to survive the crisis they are about to face... The tense, exciting, and nerve-wracking plot is all in "Age of Robots 1: Biochemical Armor Crossbow".


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