Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2666: Wang Jia invited

Under the acceleration of time flow, just seventeen years, Ling Han pushed the immortal king to the eighth floor, but if he wants to go further, the resources needed are an astronomical figure.

Ling Han intends to refine Dan, and then go for a sale.

Just then, he received an invitation from a major force.

Although he had received many invitations before, he only complimented him and then made friends with him. However, this invitation is different, directly explaining the purpose, saying that you can sell the drug for Ling Han.

This made Ling Han interested, because alchemy is only a means for him to acquire resources for cultivation. If he can save the sales, he is quite happy.

He thought about it and decided to go to this appointment.

This great power is called the Wang family. The Wang family ancestors are a three-step Tianzun, from the Huo Xing plane, and the strongest person in the plane. He came here very early and brought many of the family. people.

After so many years, the Wang family has long been rooted here, and the branches are scattered.

In addition to his ancestors, the Wang family also has a quasi-tianzun, named Wang Ande. Now he is fighting against the ancestors of the Wang family in the battlefield outside the field. The person who is the master of the family is Wang Qianyang, a nine-day king.

However, this time the Wang family did not make a special trip to banquets for the cold, but the Wang family had a shackle who had just broken into the king. Therefore, the Wang family invited the world's guests, especially the outstanding students in the martial arts.

This squad is also very famous. It is called Wang Jiayue. It is a beautiful woman, and the martial arts talent is extremely high. After breaking through the king, this will enter the world's first military court.

It is said that the lady of the Wang family has many pursuers, but she has a very high vision and never showed any closeness to any man. There is also another rumor that Wang Jiayue already has a favorite person, so he will not look at other pursuers.

The Wang family is far away, but because the main request is the disciples of the martial arts, the main venue is placed in the martial arts. After all, Wang Jiayue is about to enter the martial arts. This banquet also has to brush her. The meaning of the face.

Ling Han only walked for a while, then he came to the place where the Wang family held a banquet. This is the cave house where the Wang family is a junior. Now it is already the Eight Heavenly Kings. Of course, the strength cannot be underestimated.

This is not the Xianwang Cemetery. Every student is at least the capital of the Emperor.

The face of the Wang family is enormous. After all, there is a three-step ancestor of the ancestors and a power of quasi-tianzun. Therefore, the comers are like clouds, and even many students are proud to receive the invitation from the Wang family.

Ling Han was very low-key. He handed in the invitation and quietly entered the venue. He was drinking and waiting quietly.

After the Wang family received the invitation, he certainly knew that he had arrived, and naturally someone would come out to meet him and discuss the details of the sale of the drug.

Ling Han sat and drank, watching people come and go, many people are greeting each other, communicating with each other, and everyone is practicing, this is a rare opportunity. But there are also many people who, like Ling Han, sit cold and ignore others.

"You, you, you" a voice rang in the ear of Ling Han, angry and ruined.

Ling Han turned around and saw that this person was somewhat familiar, but it seemed that he did not remember it very much. He said, "Who are you?"

Zhuo Kai almost mad, he was extremely miserable by Ling Hankeng, but Ling Han actually did not even remember who he is? He bit his teeth and said, "I am Zhuo Kai!"

Ling Han thought for a moment, then he uttered his voice: "You are Zhuo Kaizi!"

He finally thought about it. This is a second-generation ancestor who had just packed up in the martial arts. He had a ancestors who were quasi-tianzun, so he was very embarrassed.

Zhuo Kai is angry: "I am Zhuo Kai, not Kaizi!"

"There is not much difference anyway." Ling Han smiled, of course, this second ancestor will not be placed in his eyes.

Zhuo Kai snorted and said: "Ling Han, don't think that I can't clean you up! My ancestors will take a break from the battlefield outside the field, and see how arrogant you are!"

Ling Han brow slightly wrinkled: "Do not care about you, because your **** is not in my eyes, but you jumped up and down in front of me, thinking that I dare not pack you?"

He shot directly and pressed Zhu Kai to the past.

Almost 100 million years later, he has become the Seventh Heavenly King, but Zhuo Kai is still in the same place, obviously seeing this palm shot, but he can not dodge.

Hey, a crackling sound, he was heavily slap in the palm of his hand, suddenly half of his face was pumped away, now bleeding chin, stunned and disgusting.

Zhuo Kai was so screaming that he immediately attracted the attention of other people and looked over.

"Hey, isn't that cold?"

"And Zhuo Kai."

"Why did the Kayzi go to trouble again? Hey, this time he really kicked the iron plate. Who is Ling Han, even his natural face is the most powerful person in this class."

"Don't you know, Zhuo Bing adults will take a break from the field battlefield."

"Oh, no wonder this guy dares to be so arrogant! Hey, a quasi-tianzun, and still return from the battlefield outside the field, the combat power is not just a breakthrough in the quasi-tianzun comparable, then the enchanting fairy king can only respect and respect Called an adult."

"So, Ling Han is cool at this time, but if Zhuo Bing adults are angry, then he has no good fruit to eat."

Everyone said a word to me, many people are gloating, after all, Ling Han rises too fast and too sudden, so many people are jealous.

Ling Han didn't care. If Zhuo Bing came back to attack him, he would carry the black scorpion out, and the **** dog would play hot with it. It would not be a problem to invite it out to scare people.

At this moment, I only listened to the ring, and a girl came out from the inner courtyard. She was dressed in a green palace dress. The black hair was like a waterfall. .

When this girl appeared, she suddenly attracted the attention of many people, and she did not become hot.

She is the protagonist of today's banquet, the palm of the king's house, Wang Jiayue.

"Jiayue Fairy!" Many people are shouting, it seems very fanatical.

It was the so picky eye of Ling Han who had to nod and said that she was a beautiful woman. It is obvious that this woman is really beautiful. It is no wonder that it will be called the Wang Jia Mingzhu, attracting countless people to admire.

Wang Jiayue was blessed with the blessings of the people on his face. He had a sweet smile on his pretty face, but he did not care about it. He looked very proud. Her eyes quickly swept to Zhuo Kai, and she frowned, saying: "What is going on?"

On top of her dinner, there was a wounding thing. This is not to give the face of the Wang family, nor to give her the face of Wang Jiayue.

Naturally, someone rushed to flatter and said what happened just now.

Wang Jiayue suddenly showed dissatisfaction, to Ling Handao: "Ling Gongzi, what kind of grudges you have with Zhuo Gongzi can be solved outside, here is the Wang family!"

Ling Han smiled and said: "Well, I will pay attention next time."

In his eyes, Wang Jiayue is just a petite little girl, too lazy to have a general knowledge of her.

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